As previously stated, the English colony in Cuba was not only important for their number but also by cultural ties, trade and family who joined cubanos.Con English and prior to the proclamation of the Second Republic in Spain, the English social activity on the island revolved around regional houses which in turn was very active in concerning playful organizations or centers beneficente.Estos were fully consolidated in Cuba even before the arrival of the independence of Haiti, being undoubtedly the "Centro Gallego" the most numerous and influential while Catalan, Basque and Asturian enjoyed considerable influence in public life cubana.Con start of war, there was a polarization of English residents in Cuba and these centers were seriously affected by this and by legal constraints imposed on the Cuban authorities to politically active groups in support of the opposing sides in Spain. Although the nature of these centers was apolitical, the war led to quite a few clashes between their miembros.En later, the English Cuba's nuclear local organizations about supporting one side or the other.
Regarding sympathy for the opposing sides, the vast majority favored the English constitutional government showing some support around 95%, however, who supported Franco's side despite being very few enjoyed a considerable influence and that it was families and organizations of great economic capacity and therefore very influential in Cuban politics and the media locales.Para explain this we must evaluate the parallels between the political processes that live both Cuba and Spain. From 1925 until the fall of Gerardo Machado in 1933, Cuba experienced intense popular mobilization which enjoyed a period of euphoria in the fall of the dictator and the proclamation of the progressive government of Grau San Martín.En the case of Spain experienced a similar situation during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and until the proclamation of 1931.Esta second republic in fact led to the civil war began, thousands of English residents in Cuba would feel more identified with the legitimate government of Spain than with the military rebels. Organizations emerged in Cuba
support Republican Spain and to a lesser extent Franco.Respecto supporters of the former, was established under the English Democratic Front ", an organization political character around which coalesced the various political trends support the English Republicans and close to it, the "House of Culture and Social Assistance," whose activity is focused on propaganda and material aid to Spain . The "English Republican Circle" and "English Socialist Circle" were also English organizations in Cuba that were active throughout the race but always with the limitation of not being able to appear publicly as political organizations since early 1937 The Cuban government issued a decree banning such activities while his application was unevenly. Also of the English colony, these entities attracted to political parties and trade unions Cuban and Cuban Revolutionary Party (Authentic), the Communist Party, the Agrarian Party, the Revolutionary Union, the party "Orthodox" and other smaller organizations and organizations of course workers, particularly in the interior of the country where they received strong support from tobacco and sugar.
As pro-Franco organizations, recognized themselves represent no more than 3% of the colony española.Estos created the "English National Committee" but as we shall see this will be minimized with the advent of the side's supporters Falange.Los Franco focused their activity on assistance sought by the recruitment of English workers for causa.Se was essential aid in difficult times through which penetrated these groups reporting a fascist ideology.
As seen in a previous chapter, Cuba created a very strong platform to support the English Republic, the National Association to Aid English Village "and was in the entity created by the Cuban organizations in which they put their effort the English supporters of the republic, accepting from the start of the conflict that the effectiveness of the work platform was unanswerable with the dispatch of substantial material assistance and recruitment of volunteers as meta.Los English Republicans in Cuba, unlike what happened in English soil where supporters of the republican legality disputes remained throughout the conflict, were a solid block just resented the banning of political parties English and political organizations in Cuba and which presented under letters of solidarity organizations which developed after a major activity política.Hay to mean that political parties did not enjoy the English left in Cuba for more organization than those afforded by their local counterparts and that they are not noted in public life until the arrival of the guerra.El "English Republican Circle" and "English Socialist Circle" were organizations in the years before the war maintained a discreet and had low activity implementation and the start of the conflict accepted willingly the empowerment of organizations cubanas.Llama no attention to the English presence in the bodies of the major associations that were created to help Spain English republicana.Los supporters of the republic lived civil war with the anguish of not enjoy full diplomatic authorities empowered, with a very biased information in the local media and with great difficulty to receive or send correspondence their relatives in Spain dividida.Ni to say that this isolation, extensible to other countries like Mexico with a large English colony was even more distressing to the great difficulties in traveling to Spain with the disruption of shipping lines operating to beginning of the war.
A very different case to that of the supporters of the republic was an invasion of the Cuban scene of the English Falange through an international division which they called "Falange Exterior. This organization eventually became the single party English political life and whose leader José Antonio Primo de Rivera had been executed by the Republicans in Alicante prison became a martyr to the rebels, had emerged only a few years earlier and did not enjoy any establishment outside of Spain, much less in Cuba, but the beginning of the war led to its leaders opted by creating bases out of Spain to gather support and eventually to constitute task force nacifascistas militias, whose ideology had assumed.
The emergence of English Falange in Cuba took place just before the start of the war in Spain and went through constant ups and downs both in their relationship with the Cuban authorities as supporters of the rebels in Spain that since the "English National Committee" remained tense relations with grupo.Desde Spain, English Falange was consolidated as the political arm of the "New Spain" and in that sense a vocation development "imperialist" necessarily going to vindicate the "English "America on the basis of past greatness of Spain in this continente.Este speech made by the Falange had come in groups of intellectuals on the right, nostalgic, since the twenties encouraged the leadership of Spain in America as" spiritual guide policy "was one of the main obstacles encountered in its implementation americana.La Falange creation Falange from the direction of a foreign division was an encouraging even by militaressublevados, mainly by the brother of Franco, Serrano Suner, an avid imperialista.Se dream was to emulate the model of European fascism, for "Phase Italiani "created by Italian Fascism and" Ausland Organisation ", launched by the Nazi party from Germany, these organizations, unlike Falange occupied since its creation in the setting up of networks of information and propaganda in a subtle way but very effective. Phalanx would have a hard yet ballast for implementation in Latin America, not so much by their totalitarian ideology as their aspirations for a "Spain Grande" that recalled the past.
The first news of the presence of English Falange in Cuba are in June 1936.Para that moment has not yet started the war in Spain, José Antonio Primo de Rivera's Falange is in prison and is subject to internal tensions for control of power, however, two well known activists of the English right, Antonio Serrano
Alfonso Avendaño and receive the custom of putting up a base in Cuba.Una Falangist After starting the conflict and as mentioned above, will Falange to monopolize the role of English nationalist supporters in Cuba which resulted in open confrontations with some of the mentors of the "English National Committee" causing a split in the same way that the most radical of the "Committee" joined the Falange, fostering a climate strained since the two organizations that would continue even after the war ended. But over the months was observed as the American penetration project designed by English Falange threw disastrous results, with very little or no implementation in the countries considered strategic in the Caribbean and Mexico or Venezuela.Desde Spain, principal mentor of the Falange, Serrano Suner not make things easier since being a fan American implementation of these operations, he insisted again and again to those responsible Phalangists in the maintenance of the speech of Spain's role as guide the nations of America. "Of all the attempts to implement in America, was deployed in Cuba only one who seemed to have possibilities of success.right that way from the direction of the Falange Exterior in Spain decided to bet heavily in Cuba in February 1937 sent to Gregory Prendergast, a Falangist Oviedo found the hostility of the heavyweights of the organization local, mainly from the local branches of Chestnut and was replaced shortly by Alejandro Villanueva has been doing its work in Delegation of Press and Propaganda in Burgos.Villanueva who was commissioned to consolidate the organization focused its efforts to appease the internal relations of the Falange Cuban attract nationalist groups on the island and to normalize relations with the authorities doubt cubanas.Sin , began a growth spurt that enabled early 1938 the Cuban Falange have 3,000 members, of which 150 were formed action group but not get to keep more activity than the monitoring of their seats and escorted from their leaders. In terms of the spread, the mouthpiece of "Top Spain" reached a circulation of 5,000 copies and had excellent relations with Pepin Rivero, magnate of the Cuban press ultraconservative ideology, whose newspaper "Diario de la Marina", "Forward" and "Warning" were initially supporters of Franco's side and offered a positive vision of the work of the Falange in social assistance to Cuba.La English immigrants in Cuba was the mode of penetration found Falange to win converts on the island this sense, Alejandro Villanueva focused its work of converting to different local organizations "Social Aid" in a unique and powerful organization was like " English Foreign Brotherhood ", a project that failed to finish while significantly improved coordination of local groups and their work propagandística.Es admitted that this work enabled many English aid in those moments of uncertainty suffered many hardships of living but always under the model that included a notable Falangist lecturing load. For
Falangists contributions to the development of the war in Spain, an initiative, called "Plate One" practiced by some of the supporters of both sides, was the greater role social.Se was trying to raise money acts in which a single plate were distributed in exchange for contributions that usually came from the ruling class cubana.El result of this effort was more successful in propaganda that its convening power and collection as seen in the "single plate" convened in May 1938 in Havana,
planned for 5,000 people and yet failed to compromise over 270.Sin assistance but on other occasions, these events if they enjoyed great success and allowed the money raised is used to send supplies to the fighting Franco in Spain but officially these alms were intended to "Social Assistance" as the 1937 decree expressly prohibited purposes guerra.Está collections found that in August 1938 Falange allowed the shipment from the port of Havana cigars of 80,000, 140,000 packs of cigarettes and 5,000 kilos of snuff bite fighters bound for Franco. Falange
managed to weave a network of centers across Cuba to reach the figure of 32 offices who in turn funneled the aid of the "Social Assistance", operate as distribution centers for food and medicine, remained open job listings and acted as sites exchange of correspondence with Spain franquista.En were generally effective in carrying out their work enabled them society.The line growth in affiliates amounted to 23,000 at the end of the war, however, Falange would remain a minority organization in relation to the activity of constitutional government supporters español.Junto this, we should mention the bad relations that Falangist organization had with government representatives of Burgos in Cuba and in particular with Miguel Espelius first official representative of the new gobierno.Temerosos this reaction from the Cuban government that tolerated but not accepted, to distance whenever Falangists I was posible.Aunque improved relations with the successor of Espeliús, Miguel Espino, Falange was always a strain for normalization of relations between Cuba and Spain that would ultimately prove victorious.
The relationship with the supporters of the "National Committee", in spite of abating in the first moments ended up being a problem for expansion falangista.A Despite good relations between Alejandro Villanueva and the chairman of this committee, Elicio Argüelles, many members of this organization felt overshadowed by the machine and caused airy disputas.Sin Falangist But all these circumstances would be minimized compared to the hostility of the States States that considered essential to immobilize the Cuban Falange which candidate considered to facilitate the expansion of fascism was born in America, especially at the end of the civil war that left a glimpse of the emergence of these in Europe with the onset of World War . Alejandro Villanueva was released from his post in the last year of the war, considering a promotion this decision since he was appointed inspector general for America, an award for his work in Cuba.Su successor, Manuel Gil, a Falangist who had been mayor of Salamanca for a few months found a well-structured Falange but great bit of his appointment retos.Al tensions began with the Cuban government under pressure from the United States began to harass the Falange, this meant a change of direction of Cuban policy from Spain where despite their supposed neutrality had allowed the representatives of the rebel side in Cuba and negotiated the normalization of trade relations with Spain franquista.Desde early 1938 the government representatives did not return Burgos to be received by the authorities Cuban, putting in a weak position Falange was equally tolerated but had very poor legal support in the Cuban adventure disguised as a social organization for a screen that worked only because the Cuban government's tolerance and its double game "active neutrality". On a visit to Mexico, Batista, the Cuban government strongman who presided Laredo Bru, decided to align itself with Mexico and proclaim their support for the legitimate government of España.Cuba played the trick of satisfying the requirements of the U.S. government together and did it under the pretext of the colonial aspirations of Franco's Spain and the danger of "fifth" of European fascism that Americans saw falange.Muy members soon, Cuban newspapers that were shown Franco supporters switched sides claiming the Cuban nationalism speech against those who wanted to commemorate the monarquica.En Spain Spain, Cuban diplomats were instructed in the sense of attending the situation of Cuban prisoners of Franco's side and generally created a climate of hostility to Franco's supporters in Cuba.
in Cuba under English Falange in intensity of action in the last months of the English war, fearful of proclamations ilegalización.Las arrivals from the United States and broadcast on Cuban radio reporters and spoke constantly of threat of "fifth" of the Falange cubanos.Apenas the war ended, a study carried out by the Cuban Interior Ministry detenciones.Estas led the first occurred on 16 April 1939.Lo followed was a slow process of decomposition Falangist organization that they were harassed by the Cuban government, by the English exile and the propaganda of U.S. agents accused of spying Phalangist Berlin.
From April 1939, with the banning of the Falange, the organization covered up their activities after the "Social Assistance", however, recognition of Franco's rule by Cuba June 6, 1939 marked the end for the Phalangists that became a problem for the normalization of relations between both countries in early 1941 from Madrid was decided a tactical withdrawal of the Falange Exterior so in July 1941 when Francisco Alvarez Garcia , the Falange secreatrio Cuba was expelled, it was decided that still held his post from Spain.
Cuba was an internal climate of democratic normalization euphoria that existed after the convening of elections for the first time that the party would participate Comunista.La passed Franco Spain as a country fully recognized by Cuba and in turn, is accepted its role as refuge thousands of English nationals who fled to this country.
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