Monday, April 30, 2007

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addition to the Cuban fighters fought in the English trenches to defend the Republic, some Cuban women did not hesitate to contribute to efforts by the same causa.Es the case of Maria Luisa Lafita John who was born in Madrid on the last day of August
e 1910 but that at the age of two years he traveled to Cuba with his parents, he Gustavo Ochoa Lafita agricultural engineer by profession and she Juan Rodele.Ambos Angela were born in Madrid and decided to leave Spain with the intention to settle permanently in Cuba.Gustavo Lafita, was a man deeply committed leftist and Spain had belonged to the Socialist Youth, shared concerns and his wife Angela Soper exile took them to endanger their vidas.Tras a brief stay in Paris came to Cuba in 1912 and settled in Cienfuegos where Maria Luisa received his first lessons attending a school named "Elisa Bowman" belonging to the Protestant Church , where Maria Luisa highlighted as a good student and athlete in tennis and equitación.Sin doubt, in these early years the family lived a comfortable life, per or leftist origins led to Gustavo's undertaking Lafita greatly in the fight against dictatorships that succeeded in Cuba and in particular that of Gerardo Machado.Unos years later the family he moved to Havana with the intention to facilitate studies of Mary Luisa.Adquirieron a nice house in Centro Habana located between the streets of San Nicolas and San Augustine.

very young, Maria Luisa was identified with the commitment to banish their parents to achieve the dictatorship of Cuba and as a teenager and helped in those orders where it is committed util.Por you, your father was a renowned practitioner of the "Olympic shooting" felt it was important that her daughter also dominate the discipline taught so that the handling of weapons and gradually introduced into some of the tasks that occupied clandestine him and his esposa.Uno of these consisted in sending weapons to a rail workers strike Camagüey who maintained that he was being harshly reprimida.Este incident cost him the first stop of his life, spending some days with his madre.Esto arrest occurred in 1927 and Maria Luisa was 17 years. Maria Luisa

opted for musical studies and studied piano at the conservatory "Hubert de Blak" of Havana where he graduated, going to work as a teacher
m usic in a school.
Meanwhile his father had radical political commitment and the family was already under tight marking policial.En 1932, shortly before the fall Gerardo Machado, Gustavo Lafita with other activists planned a bombing at Colon Cemetery in La Habana.El goal was to end the life of Gerardo Machado and Clemente Vazquez was a senior attack failed and Gustavo gobierno.El Lafita could not escape the intense persecution that was the subject, the family home was the subject of continuous records, the fence was shaking and was finally killed in an act of "dirty war" on behalf of Gerardo own Machado.Esto occurred in late 1932 . In those years, Maria Luisa assembled a personality marked by the revolutionary project in Cuba to wake up the left-wing movements and matured in the way they should fight dictadura.Participó the emerging student movement, but along with the other women could not attend the first demonstrations organized by the Student Directory or the Student Left Wing which was certain that these events would end up with violentos.Como she recounted in interviews, "the boys did to protect them and not discriminate as women." This was the case of the demonstration in which Rafael Trejo died in 1930, but the students and young activists are not stopped in its intent and would henceforth be the active participation in any movement that was called against Gobierno.María Luisa attended the general strike of March 1933 that ended Machado.A the fall of this and the progressive government-G Grau
uiteras in power, was appointed comptroller of the Normal School Kindergarten Marianao liability related to the "cleansing" must be subjected to the structures of education in then this new período.Por and was affiliated with the Cuban Communist Party.

The family home became a center of activity in the young revolutionaries and his mother came to be known by them as "Aunt Angelina. In those years he met Pedro Vizcaino, a leading member of the militia" Law and Justice Pro "a man of action in the revolutionary struggle that is often used Maria Luisa's house to hide or conceal from other partners in the late 1933 times contracted duros.A matrimonio.Al bit would be a new change of direction of Cuban policy and the military with Batista as a man of confidence of the United States , ended with the progressive government for four months had undertaken an ambitious program of reform and freedom of partidos.Una led again had to move in a semi-clandestine environment both for its activities from the Communist Youth as those of her husband who was postulates unconditional Antonio Guiteras and followed him first in the TNT and a little later in Cuba.A Young despite having different militancy Maria Luisa and her husband maintained a substantially similar position: the end of the dictatorship, so that during the entire year of 1934 the family returned home to be a reference to the left Havana, which has been witnessed in the biography of l Moses Raigorosky work
to own Maria Luisa Lafita which became one of a family until he could reach the impoverished exile español.Esta situation significantly to the family that almost single-handedly bear the cost of the house, so that the mother of Mary Louise, "Aunt Angelina," was selling appliances and anything of value that could get them out of trouble, the house was mortgaged and the threat of a constante.A eviction was born early 1935 the couple's only son, Robert, and Maria Luisa sought and obtained the Cuban nationality.

In this climate of revolutionary commitment was taken to end the month of March 1935.Tanto Maria Luisa and her husband were meant very much to the general smell convened in March of that year which had disastrous consequences for the organizers who ended up in prison in exile and in many cases the State Security muertos.Desde put a price on the head of Pedro Vizcaíno against that order was decreed an end to his VIDA Maria Luisa and her mother made their charges should be up to eight years of prisión.Ante this marriage status should be separated so as to seek refuge, Maria Luisa wandered with his mother and hijo.Se refuge in several homes but no longer find a safe place so that roamed the city during the day and when night improvised somewhere to sleep. Meanwhile
the family home was searched as much as 47 ocasiones.La situation became so extreme that mediated by Antonio Guiteras passages were attempted to flee to España.Primero marriage should do so with the hope that later
incorporated the mother with her grandson.

In the month of May 1935, without documentation and with the connivance of the captain of the steamer "Orbita", managed to elude the police control who tried to board until the time they depart the barco.Habían managed to flee Cuba, but Spain were expecting another tough battle.

Once in Spain were fortunate to contact Claudio Gutiérrez than as stated above, was a militant communist Cuba Spaniard who fled after taking part in revolutionary activities against Machado and now ran a board named "La Cubana" in the street Montera.A few days of their arrival they were joined at this address Moses Raigorodsky, P
olicarpo Candon, Alberto Sanchez and fellow Cubans and Puerto Ricans who made that place of business of the Latin American left and a few months the family was reunited with the arrival of her son and her mother had been overcome obstacles to leave Cuba.Allí founded the Cuban Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist Committee and began to give formal lectures on Marxism in which Maria Luisa participated activamente.Para survive began teaching particulares.En Madrid contacted Vittorio Vidale and Tina Modotti both were responsible for the "International Red Aid, an organization that was linked to Luisa misma.María she kept in close touch with the leaders of the Communist Party of Spain and participated in meetings and rallies in defense of the Republic and the Front Popular.Se linked to the "Movement helps to Abyssinia," which had been invaded by Italy and in short in everything that will provide revolutionary maintain the pulse.

Upon military uprising against the English Republic, Maria Luisa went with his friends to the local pension Comunista.De Party "The Cuban" 18 classmates came ready to fight the fascist threat, Maria Luisa received a pistol with which he participated in making the headquarters of the Mountain, his group was under the command of Maximilian Alvarez Asturian miner.
His next destination via the International Red Cross was Maudes hospital, a new and well equipped it was run by nuns to which expelled when he refused to attend religious guerra.Las wounded before being expelled closed and locked all the rooms and so Mary Louise and the rest of volunteers dedicated to opening the cerraduras.Aun mimas shooting without health knowledge immediately set to work alongside other Cuban activists and Matilda or Mary Landa Valero, was there met for a casual incident of Tina's love affair Julio Antonio Mella Modotti as Tina dropped his wallet which he left a picture of communist leader killed in Italian Mexico.La kept their relationship a secret but Maria Luisa confessed his love for the "athlete of freedom." In Spain tried to go unnoticed and used the name of Mary, was the second head of the International Red Cross and lived with the ghosts of Nick's who had fallen in love in a relationship that lasted just under four meses.Este secretly united both deeply until the death of Tina on January 5, 1942 as a cause of or
n infarction that occurred in Mexico when he returned in 1938.
The hospital work was intense due to the continual arrival of wounded soldiers from the various fronts of the siege of Madrid
. When there was a need out in ambulances or private vehicles to search for the wounded at the front which might have cost her life and who once endured enemy fire as it happened in a raid on the front line set at Buitrago de Lozoya where the return they were attacked from both sides of the road out miraculously ilesos.Quizás the episode that has transcended his work as a nurse came to inico August 1936 when she and Tina Modotti were called by stealth by Dr. Juan Planelles who ran the hospital, informing them that there was Dolores Ibarruri entered "The Passion" affected by a serious crisis Planelles hepática.El doctor told them that this was a situation that should be kept in the utmost secrecy and that there was a real threat on the life of the leader comunista.Preguntó the doctor if had to bring his gun and he replied that of course and that the patient would be attended only by el.María Luisa felt a tremendous admiration for "The Passion" and considered a great honor that request
, after recalling the deep impression that led him to see this woman sick yet offered a Superb picture all dressed in black with the bun of hair that was característico.Pasionaria after a few days and Maria Luisa continued devoted to her work that often was related to the safety of hospital.Recuerda that in late August 1936, several deaths by poisoning, the cause was the ingestion of cyanide and the deceased were all volunteers and staff health hospital.Poco was later discovered the cause of this sabotage, a nurse who was sentenced to death and executed. Maria Luisa

was separated from her husband since the early days of the war and that this was a fight in the siege of Madrid, in the field of Buitrago,
however, was wounded in the leg and for other work in Madrid so he could share with the rest of his time in Madrid España.Permaneció throughout the war, at all times tending to her work at the hospital but Maudes end of 1938 there were two circumstances that would cause his return to Cuba.La first one that the English capital was doomed to succumb, and with it the English Republic and the second is that in Cuba the situation was changing, there was a broad amnesty and were preparing the conditions for the legalization of political forces at that time the family returned to Cuba clandestinidad.La early 1939.Aún should have many situations of personal and professional marginalization during the intervening years until the fall of Fulgencio Batista and the triumph of the revolution, but never abandoned his political commitment, first fighting against Batista and later working for the consistent and lived Revolución.Fue with humility, which I personally visiting his home on the street Perseverance in the capital district Habana.Falleció Center at the age of 93 years on December 22, 2004 and until the end of his life he recalled his time in Spain one of the most intense moments of his life.


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