Monday, April 30, 2007

Neutrogena Face Red Mask

Gilberto Acosta Alba has died, one of the Cuban volunteers in the English civil war which was still with vida.La news of his death reached me a few hours ago but occurred on February 7 . His heart could not stand the test of time and is detuvo.Nacio in Santa Clara on November 25, 1916, then had 90 años.Con only 21 sailed to Spain to fight against communist fascismo.Militante from his youth, returned to Cuba after the English war and was active in the triumph of fortune revolución.Por could meet and interview at his home in the Havana municipality of San Miguel de Padrón.Nuestro meeting occurred on November 25, 2005 but it was not easy and that Gilbert spent several weeks in hospital suffering from an neumonía.Fueron these difficult few days in Havana, in the middle of hurricane season was the worst, Tropical Storm Wilma finally was not as destructive to esperaba.Mi time in Cuba was over and my frustration grew as he had known the remaining survivors of the English war and I was the thorn in his family Gilberto.Por finally told me he was at home and salud.Solo reasonably well I can tell you know and hear his story was very emotional and difficult to forget. He spoke calmly but firmly and without regard to the hardships endured in Spain that came at the worst time of war, in February 1938.Soportó defeat on the Ebro, the withdrawal of the International Brigades and penalties Concentration Camp of Argeles Sur Mer in Francia.Gilberto has departed this life but not without leaving in peace huella.Descanse

Milanés Lolo contact
For more information: Http://

* Gilberto Acosta Alba interview conducted on November 1, 2005 at his home in San Miguel de Padrón / Havana

- Where are you?
I was born in the province of Santa Clara in the town of Sagua la Grande, was born on November 25, 1916
- What was your family?
My family were peasants spent a lot of work when a boy, all my life I was living in low-level means low economía.Estudie through sixth grade, but when it worked and dealer in shop ropa.En one point that Machado was elected was beyond Sagua was sagüero, left here and then implanted dictadura.Aquí had two parties, "Liberal Party" and "Conservative" Machado was the Liberal Party and Beyond political Sagua la Grande were conservative, then one day, as Machado
got there because it was part of the previous government in which he was secretary, had a fight there in the Lyceum and they stuck a pescuezón and made him run as two km
then swore when I left, if he was president, would break the village and indeed that's what my village lived hizo.El railways because that is where was the basis of the British railways that were the dominant rail transport throughout the republic and my mom had to move because the four brothers of mine who worked in these companies remained in the calle.Emigró with five children for the little ones up here in Havana for Habana.Aquí went to live in an "accessory", an "accessory" four by four where my mom and the five muchachos.Ahí were "ESP", which means periods had worked in chores and worked on a pile of places until I got a job at a medical clinic but a large, regional clinics were here enormous, were quintas.Se was a clinic covering the entire Republic, had members throughout the country and abroad and then in the clinic to patients when they went to the doctor prescribed them and pharmacy were going to deliver home, that was a contractor working with us and that's where I "straightened" so that according to the distribution for each package I had was a "medium" and always as clear, apart from the environment in places it gave me a tip and then I "straightened" and the other brothers of mine was "straightening" and that was when we rented a house with two rooms and started walking because I had a permanent position as a messenger but after came the strike and everything became complicated.
- When making political consciousness?
turns out that in the center where I was working had a cell of the "Youth" and joined the Young Communists and militant struggle within the ruling was obrero.Siempre movement at the grassroots level, but operational, because my work operation was to work because as I was a messenger all the big things, the guidelines and demonstrations took them through we could do and as I was a messenger had possibilities and effect throughout the movement to be made here against Machado participated as I in the year 1933 that was when I entered the "youth" to participate in all the struggles we had to drop Machado.En the fall of Machado was arrested in the strike because I went to distribute the documentation to begin the strike, I and others, and there caí.Cayó Machado and continue to support the new situation and live the whole struggle was organized against the ABC that it was a match that Batista fascista.Cuando had not caused the movement that came later because he was who led the struggle that led the movement to oust military officers when any sergeants and corporals took command of the troops, then that, had the support of Batista to fight the fascist party was the party of ABC
- Was a man of action?
was a man of action but within the labor movement, with sabotage during the strike, we were agitators and apart from that we fought against strikebreakers. Mantenerlas.Después
We fought for that was when it was Batista's coup against the government of Grau and Guiteras.Todo this motion passed between 1933 and 1934 that was when the coup occurred Batista.Cuando declare that a strike in March 1935, the former was in 1933 when he fell Machado in 1935 but failed and lost the strike and then came the Batista dictatorship and in 1936 came the assault of fascism in Spain.
- passed by prison?
If I was made prisoner in the same strike of 1933 and left the prison when he dropped the lucha.Yo Machado and continued as a minor had an advantage, falling prisoner and ended up putting my age in that I had libertad.Cuando nothing more than seventeen years
"There were great players in this revolution Do you remember any?
José María Pérez, Jesús Menéndez, Blas Roca and was Secretary General of the party, was Marinello and the hospital where I started working there were five militants who were doctors.
- How did you decide to come to fight in Spain?
it happens that I worked at the clinic within the group by passing fellow doctor
reclutarlos.Después recognition of the strike of 1935 I worked in a Clinical Institute was particularly for pensioners and there were doctors militants party and all those who went to Spain had to go through allí.En one point I offered to send me but they would not send me because she was under age and beyond that those who wanted to send military was that they were party members or volunteers to the fight, which they had mlitar.Nosotros were not military training, were base.En me to me to be recruited as head the party to accompany a group to France, and that's where I was there with ten companions who were with me and none of them were party members, because the party was small, and the chief of them was that yo.Aparte could not send all the militants there and the various parties who had contributed to his people here.
- In which group came out? The group
February 1938 via clandestina.Tuvimos to take a British ship whose name I forget and come to a small port in France and from there by train to Paris and from there it passed the border and English.

- How English?
If it was because the party arrived in France already had relations with the English consulate embassy Spain.The was that the passports and we managed and English and from there we went to Españ France and the link was the party that had their connections allí.De here us out with fundraising and stuff but once in Spain, as English-speaking Cubans, passed by the English
"Tell me the arrival in Spain
Figueres We arrived at the Castle and it was there was a English colonel instruction given to us but that did not last long because we arrived just as Spain was split in two parts, Andalusia and Aragon with the resto.En center and then moved us to go to an area attacked by the fascists, it was winter, we were responsible for receiving forces to be withdrawing our forces to protect the retreat and that was when we went to fight Belchite .
"Tell me about the units which fought in Spain
When we organized the battalion belonging to the 15 Brigade who was Cuban and other English-speaking people hispana.Se battalion was a shock and there was organized full company Cubans least
command was English - Step by headquarters of the Brigades in Albacete?

In Albacete was where we received the first statement and that was when we went to a village on the border with France and then to Gandesa Belchite and where there was a retreat to the Ebro grande.Nos stayed on the offensive and then participate in the "defensive" because they took the land and we had to get it back on the counterattack, they that were ready and had everything before us that we had no aircraft nada.Los we could not approach because lying down, had to be filed quietly in and out quickly and yet were overthrown . We had to fight that fight on that basis, to take the offensive and then we lost the territory to regain ground in contraataque.Si not recuperated the time and then we could not recover because the next day the defense was well organized in twenty-four horas.El vast territory we had we lost on that basis, contraataque.Con attack and take it from the Ebro territory immense but soon began to turn back and so Barcelona.Cuando lost the war we were fighting there in Barcelona and there in Barcelona when they took the fascist radio station first thing they said was "now if we are here in power English, so be prepared Catalans who are going to sweep the map, here are all English. "Catalans had us saying" that is what they wanted. "Despite the situation we had we had to laugh and they are angry with us because they put us on those issues ... the Cuban fucker you know it and when you put the hard thing and that, begins with the jodedera.Ahí was when we and the path of retreat, we had a camp right from there we took the trucks to the border
"The order to withdraw the International Brigades How does he live?
We were in Barcelona when that happened as we were Cuban and speak English returned to join again and again we go to the front again
- How was the withdrawal, the border crossing?
They began the retreat with the passage of people and we kept fighting from Barcelona but command ordered a retreat because we missed the frente.Nosotros we withdrew all troops out of Barcelona and came together to get us frontera.Al disarmed, but spent many camiones.Al get to camp we wore a "drag" full of beans and that was what we were getting there comiendo.Al Senegalese soldiers were guarding us, I remember there was a large forest to enter and had to spend reja.Aquello Argeles Sur Mer was a cold and was made permanent because it came from the Pyrenees, we had to warm to leave the concentration and running and they would "sounded." The Senegalese were pretty bad but the problem is that all Cubans were together, we were a big group and we had a camp and Cubans as well as we form a radio station and formed a theater where they made plays and we started with the drums and then the Senegalese embullaban with us and entered the party also
- There were many attempts to escape?
escaped many, but the difficult thing is we had to find where to go, but there came many to combatir.Cuando Germany took France from where he left a pile of people who went to fight out of there Marruecos.Para many enlisted before they entered the final alemanes.Al that the English who were there most organized in the fight
- Which graduation participated in the war?
Well I started doing political work in the party and the military was a sergeant and chief pelotón.Era shooter, special soldier and had to shoot over our own troops who were in front as they retreated and put up the artillery preparation apart before the attack and the battalion of us was shock battalion
- Was it hurt? Never
and that I was in enemy territory about three times because it happened that as we covered the retreating enemy and then we went beyond I was within the territory of ellos.Todo that I spent and I was never herido.De the eight companions who accompanied me all died in the unit, even the head, heh, heh ... Captain nuestro.En a counterattack in the we catch up, we hit a hill and came to rest two squadrons of bombers and saw when they came to bomb, we knew they were going to download and tried to protect the pumps and give us on that trip surprised us and nuestro.Estaba group bombed the captain, another companion who was Cuban and I, three at level to drop the bomb and the shrapnel went over mine and the captain who was later caught him fragment and it broke, the sergeant also killed, was a sergeant major and I saw salvé.Otra time we had an ammunition dump tank and every day they had taken levels and every day we shot with mortar and when the first shot fell and knew more or less where they would go the other and tried to protect us in those I was lying under a hill and I stopped beside a mortar and it did nothing and I thought "the one that comes up down of the canvas "and effectively stopped up and so sucesivamente.En fronts when it came, looked at the conditions and knew more or less like the thing was going, were defense tactics and try to attack and not knowing where we were hiding
-The International Brigades were in many places very mixed Were? There was
Brigade was Abraham Lincoln, there were all the American volunteers and that we belonged Brigade, the battalion 79 of Abraham Lincoln Brigade after brigade was a German, an Italian brigade, one French and other paises.Todo was organized by the International Brigades Comunista.En was common and uncommon, were progressive people, who fought against fascism, most were not communists but what happens is that the communists were the ones who were running in that mayoría.Los Communists were not were most of the soldiers even had leaders who were not Communists tampoco.Todo was organized, the passports of us were left in France and we already belonged to the International Brigades were commanded by the English army and we lost our passports since we arrived . The only thing I had was the military card
- Why the war was lost Spain?
..... Why ... because I was lost Spain alone blocked by all countries, England, France and all countries capitalistas.Francia a socialist government that was not declared war, declared "non-intervention and the weapons they had Spain bought stayed there stuck and not delivered, handed when Franco won the war and was Portugal, so that the two countries that border with Spain were made against the government and said that the movement was a communist and that was civil war and communism and not the government also agreed with the "League of Nations" about the "no action". The Communists did not do anything there because foreigners who went to fight there were progressive and anti-fascist people
"Tell me nothing the return to Cuba
I left because it is in my workplace colecta.Fue sister made a mine that was commissioned to do that among all workers there and then the fighters who were in France and were in the workplace were three but we were two because one had died, and took up a collection and took us to the freedom it gave dos.Nos money deposited for tickets and got us out.
-On behalf of the Cuban authorities were there any complications?
No, it was complicado.La mine was out and I found out more nada.Cuando pulled the large thickness was the Cuban dictatorship that facilitated the transfer of all who were there and all Cubans who were left together
- How was that Batista's government gave facilities?
Because it was the first dictatorship of Batista was distinta.Cuando came the problem of war between Spain and Cuba were the biggest demonstrations have been made in Cuba against fascismo.Cuando that, the United States was against fascism, but were not supporting the English people were enemies of the English people but we take advantage of that situation mobilize the population.In forces were illegal even though we were legalized for the return
"When he returned to Cuba" to be spent? Well
turned all the struggles that have taken place here, always within the movements that had aquí.Luche against dictatorship and after the revolution, I was in Girón, chambray and fight is against "bandits"
- How were you as relations with Spain in the coming years?
With Franco relations remained even after the triumph of the revolución.España and we had a lot to ver.Además Spain has always maintained open relations
- What do you think of the current image? Well
King does not paint nada.Por least there remains a good situación.Es a problem in the economy and what is bien.Así could be us if there is no blockade by the U.S. "And the future

The future is the look that we want because there we have the example of Venezuela where the economy is the future reparte.Ese Latin America


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