Monday, April 30, 2007

Acupuncturist Salary Scale


The support received by the English Republic from Cuba during the civil war came almost exclusively from leftist organizations, these groups that were gaining political space on the island despite the difficulties of governments dominated by the oligarchy local and under the control of States and organizations primarily Unidos.Estas the Cuban Communist Party have in the English process will speed up your activity
maturity to meet the challenges that were coming and that would lead eventually model "revolutionary" as the organization of the Cuban State.

The Cuban leftists process is marked by the very fact of Independence whose natural leader José Martí, develop an idea that is claimed by various progressive groups that later emerge in Cuba. The bases of thought "Marti" part of a democratic and egalitarian creed between citizens and its uniqueness lies in its distinctly anti-imperialist and panamericanista.Martí died in combat before the country achieved independence but his thought transcended through generations and to party actualidad.El created by the "Cuban Revolutionary Party" can not get past the first screening of the U.S. administration that dissolved under the pretext of having achieved this their objetivos.Sin however, a party founder, Carlos Baliño, have an essential role in the emergence of new organizations revolucionario.A Baliño cutting function is attributed liaison between those first Cuban revolutionaries who fought for independence and the Communists would to organize as a party since 1925, not surprisingly, was a founding member of the Cuban Revolutionary Party "and" Popular Socialist Party "which was the first denomination in Cuba was the Communist Party.
Cuban Independence coincide in time with the gestation of revolutionary ideologies in the world, receiving influences of Marxist theories coming from Russia, from Mexico with his reassertion of nationalism and of course from Spain than it receives two distinct streams of progressive thought , of a part of socialism with Pablo Iglesias as a reference and other anarcho-syndicalism to be widespread in Cuba in the early years of the century will be XX.Tres external manifestations of the left Cuba in the years of ideological definition, labor organizations, political parties and student organizations and intellectuals will be the engine of the revolution underway.

respect of workers' organizations in these two areas differ, the agricultural, dominated by sugar and tobacco workers and organizations of the sector industrial and services públicos.En both show their belligerence since even before independence Cuban although from this when displayed more combative, benefiting from the return of thousands of exiles in many cases influenced by labor organizations of the countries of procedencia.Se created labor organizations, workers' circles, craft organizations etc.Surgió General League of Cuban Workers whose news organization "Alert" became a platform of protest not only in labor but also of the great issues of nación.La massive first strike that is subject to the new Cuban nation 1902.En dates back to November this case it was a protest of the tobacco industry was called the "strike of apprentices" and the special role that had black workers they were particularly discriminated against before, and in 1899 the country experienced a major strike construcción.Durante sector the first decade of the twentieth century the movement Cuban workers attend to a process of internal organization that will be dominated by the anarcho-syndicalist current and generally stay away from other claims that are not themselves working and living conditions of obreros.Un milestone in his career is found in 1914 with the creation of the Cuban Association for the Protection of Labour "to be born of the urge to circles close to President Garcia Menocal who tried to secure support from these groups but made the mistake of allowing free choice of delegates to the congress constituent, comprising 1,400 delegates from around the country and took a turn for the workers' demands as though Most of their proposals failed to materialize poder.Se was a demonstration of the fact that he was at this event where for the first time and in a legal act was mentioned Karl Marx, in which some of the participants showed their simpatías.En this stage were created in Cuba hundreds of unions and workers' organizations, extending its scope to trade until disorganized. Meanwhile

from the agricultural sector, the majority in the country, the trade union organizations had been operating at low intensity from the beginning of the century and its claims arose as a revolt, generally reflects the hard reprimidas.El Revolution October in Russia will lead to some stimulation of their requests.

was established in 1921 Workers Federation in Havana and in 1924 the Brotherhood Railway Cuba.Ambas boost the role of organized labor and appear as organizations capable of destabilize the Cuban government becoming the basis of the first Cuban trade union that will emerge in 1925 at a conference in Camagüey in the presence of 128 organizations around the país.Nace the "Central Obrera Nacional de Cuba" is also to appear as an instrument Solid in defense of workers is offered as an organization willing to join the struggle for political claims of Cubans. Once

woven network of Cuban labor movement these face major challenges. Following the financial crisis resulting from crak 1929, Cuba also faced an unprecedented situation with a reduction in exports of sugar and snuff up to 50%, closure of industries and a general decline in wages. Unemployment on the island in 1933 reached the figure of one million parados.Todo this led to a growing labor movement organizations to increase its actions to combat not only in employment but also in politics. The National Confederation of Workers of Cuba, acting under the guidelines of the Communist Party in those years had decisive leadership Ruben Martinez Villena attorney who set the pace of the claims. In 1930 and in the intensity of the actions of the labor organizations of Gerardo Machado government outlawed the CNOC and the Federación Obrera de la Habana. Nevertheless these groups showed their organizational maturity and resulted in continued pressure on the Government to drop Gerardo Machado, where the CNOC acted as a key element of the protests paralyze the country. After the overthrow of Machado labor organizations as a reference to the PCC to take up to 36 sugar mills established soviets in many of them, which gives a dimension actions taking place in Cuba.
With the outbreak of civil war English Cuban labor movement will take a leading role in defending the English Republic acting as a nursery for soldiers to serve on the different groups that go to Spain and also develop an important work of the Committee for Aid to the English Republic as regards social aid Shipping and material.A aid even though they are intellectuals and political cadres who most transcends the actions of the Volunteers of the Cuban Liberty "quantitatively will be members of the labor movement who have more presence in these quotas but should consider that these days the "synergy" between union and party was a plain fact.

But if the workers formed the shock troops of this period were the political organizations and in particular the Cuban Communist Party who dotase of ideology and talk to the workers in these times of cambio.Como already been said, is anti-imperialism north of the different ideological groups that arise in Cuba assuming positions left, so that the political process in Mexico and other isolated movements in the region will have a clear influence on the gestation of these grupos.En any case would be the "Russian Revolution "that set the pace in the development of leadership organizados.El groups in the initial moments lie in the independence process elements from and the figure of Carlos Baliño the leading exponent of two political generations to converge to a rupture with the political process tradicional.Baliño was co-founded with José Martí and the Cuban Revolutionary Party after the demise of this, he promoted the emergence of other groups that turned around the tenets of the Socialist International. 1922 will be a key year in this process, at which point the "Agrupación Socialista de La Habana" took the arguments of the "Third Socialist International" and the following year changed its name to "common pool of Havana", being imitated by various local organizations from the rest of País.Además BB is finally breaking into the political scene of a young student "Julio Antonio Mella" and together with the Jose Miguel Perez, of English origin and with a great reputation in progressive circles of the isla.Juntos give the final impetus for the creation of Cubano.Entre Communist Party on 16 and 17 August 1925 met in Causeway Street Havana neighborhood of El Vedado, a small group of delegates from various groups and identified themselves as comunistas.Eran around twenty members representing approximately one hundred communities across the country that adopted a Marxist-Leninist program and was elected as first secretary general Jose Miguel Perez.Todo the process was supervised by the Communist Party of Mexico that ensured respect for the proposals of the Third Internacional.Habia born PCC initially intended to expand their level of social presence and the working world estudiantil.Su emergence coincided with the arrival Gerardo Machado power deployed unlimited repression against the group to the point of jail and deport Mella José Miguel Pérez, however the initiative was continued by the action of a group of intellectuals and labor leaders
that supported the most difficult years of the Communist movement Ruben Martinez Villena Cubano.El Advocate, writer Juan Marinello, Fabio Grobart, exiled from the struggles against fascism in Europe and many others, managed to get the PCC in society calase cubana.El siege of communist leaders culminated in the arrest of Julio Antonio Mella who was imprisoned and after a hunger strike of 19 days end by a large popular mobilization, the exile in Mexico to organize the armed struggle against Machado but was asesinado.La arrival of his ashes to Cuba was a new test of general comunista.En stroke force characteristics were basically similar PCC to those of other organizations of the Third International leadership Socialista.El Ruben Martinez Villena organic but not real, led the party to upset his strategy in mobilizing workers and student unrest with excellent results that had its peak in March 1933 with the general strike and the overthrow of death by disease Machado.Tras Ruben Martinez Villena Cuban leftist movements lost their natural leader but both trade unions as political show their coming of age assuming the new Rock retos.Blas assume by this time the General Secretariat of the English war broke partido.Al the PCC was illegal, small in terms of membership and even with limited capacity for action, but its contribution to fight against fascism in Spain was a test that was established itself as a real alternative that had been installed in the labor movement and student, his two best weapons to address the pending revolution and will be at this stage of strikes and demonstrations when the Communists gain great prestige to expand its social base with many workers from the syndicalism with special emphasis on the core final azucareros.En the PCC broke their isolation through the CNTC and work was held at the Ruben Martinez Villena last decade in the field of intellectuals and the general student scene. Next to the PCC

other leftist organizations coexisted but overall its presence is small relative the responsiveness of PCC alone with the exception of the work done by Antonio Guiteras, progressive leader who assumed postulates and left most positions but distanced from PCC.Guiteras socialist organizations will change their name but kept the same ideology and social base, TNT, Youth Revolutionary Union and Cuba operate under his leadership until his muerte.Otras political organizations engaged in opposition to the Government will be the Cuban Revolutionary Party "Authentic" which will have an important human base but will appear as a dubious organization at key moments of the Cuban revolutionary process, offering years later as an alternative power once they had adopted a political program that essentially did not alter the government's traditional policy cubana.Otras important organizations on the left Cuba at the time are the National Agrarian Party, the Organization's Anti-Imperialist Cubana " Authentic "
sector broke away from the Cuban Revolutionary Party and will be headed by Carlos Prio Socarras and" Revolutionary Union "that responds to the new strategy of the Cuban communists have satellite organizations that fall within the law.
left in Cuba staged The first government action in the cabinet emerged after the overthrow of Machado, Antonio Guiteras where did the Ministry of Interior, a key responsibility in the control of the army and the forces of seguridad.Se was a brief experience as it only lasted one hundred days and it was at all times with the difficulties of a government which coexisted reacccionarias and leftist forces, however this time a glimpse of the past capacity to undertake a major renovation in the structures of society cubana.La Antonio Guiteras work was often misunderstood revolutionary as was clearly demonstrated by the measures social measures and its attempt to give the Cuban society in a series of rights and freedoms hitherto Unfortunately for the left desconocidos.Para this situation was as ephemeral as turbulent as Fulgencio Batista serving as Chief of Staff of the Army, staged a series of violent incidents that shorting the new measures gobierno.Por his part, President of the country , Ramón Grau San Martín, the trend "National Reform" at all times was unable to lead a government which did not identify ideologically.

After the experience of government that emerged with the fall of Machado, the left were subjected to a terrible represión.El January 15, 1934 Batista star in a new "coup" in this case will result in a government national concentration under the presidency of Carlos Mendieta.Los leftist parties underground pass and there will be adjustments in the model oposición.La political formation led by Antonio Guiteras TNT, give rise to "Young Cuba" will be particularly active and together these will produce a revival of the student movement with the emergence of "Revolutionary Left Wing." Just be these that in 1935 promote a general strike call to be challenged by the PCC and Guiteras supporters given the difficulties that is involved in a context of total repression had greatly weakened the capacity for action opositoras.A organizations although ultimately all opposition groups supported the strike, it was a profound failure, leaving the left debilitated, and that there were large numbers of arrests and deportations, not to mention the executions epitomized Antonio himself was Guiteras.El student movement is part of the soul of the Cuban Revolution and begins to take shape from early twenties to Julio Antonio Mella as leader but with other actors to be definitive in the history of Cuba as the actual Antonio Guiteras , Juan Marinello, Ruben Martinez Villena, all ideologues of building a new country will be equally important work of the student world in terms of political agitation and propaganda, with final names in the revolutionary process such as Pedro Vizcaino, Moses Raigorodski, Maria Luisa Lafita, Rodolfo de Armas.Todos they would fight in Spain after having led the student uprising in Cuba. It has received a benchmark organization, the Student Directory, however notice that soon after the fall of Machado whose excess had joined various trends, the student movement breaks off into two groups, right and create the last izquierdas.Estos " Student Left Wing, an organization with a lot of nerve and great capacity for sacrifice but as we shall see in the general strike of 1935, lacking organizational maturity.

In this context, called new elections in December 1935 recondujeron the country towards the path of the governments formed by coalitions of parties tradicionales.El president emerged from these elections was Miguel Mariano Gomez who took office in May 1936 but was dismissed in December by Federico Laredo Bru, who will have an expectation margins for democracy in Cuba, legalizing political parties and unions and generally pace normalizing Constitutional Cuba.En all cases the figure of Fulgencio Batista floated over these with the explicit support Unidos.Este States is therefore the context of the Cuban left the civil war began in España.La opposition groups fighting for the restoration of democracy in Cuba will be identified since the fight against fascism to the legitimate government of the English Republic was fighting against the military rebels who had the support of europeos.La fascism organizing material aid to Spain and the emergence of groups of volunteers to fight in English soil were at this stage the engine of the demonstrations staged by opposition parties and organizations in a context of repression and secrecy that made very difficult task.

When there was still a year to conclude the English Civil War, the was a change of strategy in the areas of power led to a large Cuban amnesty in May legalized 1938.Se all parties including the Communist ahead of the elections would be convened shortly with the aim to "normalize" the political situation Cuba.En in reality it will be a supervised open from power, but the Cuban fighters who left the country clandestinely returned now in a situation diametrically distinta.Muchos of returning fighters took over the leadership of these movements and moved their combat experiences in Cuba with the intention of creating a genuine armed opposition. Definitely left organizations Cuban lived through the English war as their own.


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