Pablo de la Torriente BRAU
Speaking of volunteers Cuban freedom is essential to place ourselves in providing Pablo de la Torriente in this process by various circunstancias.La first one and most striking was his early death in Spain and how this is produjo.Igualmente we must consider the emotional impact in Cuba, the knowledge of death Torriente in combate.Abiertamente we can say that there was a before and after the movements of solidarity with Republican Spain from Cuba with a turning point in the arrival of the news of the death in battle of Paul to the island, which progressive society convulsed in many cases their involvement varied considerably for the Republic española.Para understand this point it is necessary to delve into the biography of Pablo de la Torriente that offers elements of "revolutionary legend."
born Pablo de la Torriente on December 12, 1901 in San Juan de Puerto Rico, therefore, was not born in Cuba.Hijo of Professor Felix de la Torriente who was born in Hermosa (Santander) and was taken to Cuba with five years where he lived until his teenage years studying law and philosophy and moving to Madrid where he finished his studies and then to Puerto Rico where he arrived with the last job as secretary of the English Governor of the island who died a day after its arrival at they had to rely on recommendations he had sought in Spain, one of which was addressed to Salvador Brau, a renowned Puerto Rican journalist of marked position of the Torriente antinjerencista.Felix married the daughter of Salvador Brau, Graciela and be born of this union five children of which were significant only son was Pablo.Es that involve the names of the Torriente-Brau. His grandfather Vicente De la Torriente was noted for his heroism in the war of independence "in which Spain fought against the invasion napoleónica.Por mother's side, the significant gestures Brau also contributed to the album as" heroes of freedom " family since his great-grandfather was a Catalan who had come to Puerto Rico from Spain were for his liberal ideas which had opposed at the stage of authoritarianism of King Ferdinand VII.Por his part, Louis Brau, Paul's great-uncle ran a satirical weekly newspaper focused on criticizing the occupation of Puerto Rico by Unidos.Este States was the family atmosphere in which grew Paul was the first time in Spain the funeral of his grandfather at the age of three years, staying in Santander just over a year until his father decided to return to America, this time to Cuba, where he planned to move his familia.Tras a brief stay in Cuba back in search of the rest of the family to Puerto Rico and settled in Havana in 1906.Era the time of President Estrada Palma pretending to force a second term led to a wave of protests in Cuba that ended in the second U.S. intervention in Cuba. Felix de la Torriente inspector working as teaching and led the moderate newspaper "El Heraldo de Cuba" was separated from his cargos.Se incidence then a new separation of the family and the mother moved with the children in San Juan de Puerto Rico Felix de la Torriente and found a job as a teacher in Santiago de Cuba and was there in 1909, which brought together once more to his family and where Paul began four years estudios.Desde Paul began reading with the help his grandfather gave him "The Golden Age" of Joseph Martí.Con nine years, wrote his first article in the magazine at his school, it was a anti-imperialist argument made it clear that the trajectory of this young man would be marked by this pensamiento.En 1919 at the age of eighteen years Paul and his family settled in Havana, there should complete their estudios.Comenzó then appear as a restless youth on the demonstrations, it was shown around the world to the University and with sufficient intellectual ability to surround himself with the most talented youth of Pablo generación.Pronto decide not further study, work to help support their first jobs simultaneously familia.Sus journalism and more diverse range of trades supervivencia.Escribió in the newspapers "The Veteran" and "The New World". In 1922 he presented the evidence to be admitted to the "Naval Academy" but after completing the quiz brilliantly replied wryly to a question about the meaning of word "Senator" indicating that the word was synonymous with "bottle" (bribes) which involved not only his disqualification but also a new twist on the legend of rebeldía.1923 would be a crucial year in the life of Paul and that was when it was used as a typist in the firm of Fernando Ortiz, now recognized as the most important historian cubano.Torriente replaced Ruben recent graduate Villena Martinez remained in the office and locked in a close friendship that until the death of one in 1934.Rubén Martinez Villena was the man who held a battered Cuban revolutionary movement after the death of Julio Antonio Mella, founder of the Cuban Communist crackdown and who starred in the stage known as "Machado", took the reins of popular protests practice as legal advisor to the "National Confederation of Workers of Cuba" and was a beacon in the decisions that take the Party forward Martines Villena Cuba.Fue Communist who introduced Paul to the environment of the underground university and who submit a draft deep revolutionary figures like Raul Roa.En 1925 and we find a pablo de la Torriente recognized that without membership is offered as an activist convinced against Martinez Villena dictadura.Juanto to intervene in protests for attaining the release of Nick who was on hunger strike after apresado.Por been so we have a young twenty-four did not finish race one but showed a high level of education, who made his living as a typist and some newspaper articles and that from the standpoint of living material with just, displaying an exuberant personality, sometimes eccentric, a leading player in the Rugby club Atletico Almendares "of the capital and the newly found appointed President Gerardo Machado of Cuba an enemy at the height of your revolutionary needs. Paul did not hold membership in any party until their arrival in Spain where he joined the Communist Party of Spain, but in Cuba was active in the student organization that challenged the dictatorship, the "Student Directory" and then on the most revolutionary of this, the "Left Wing Student". In 1930, Pablo de la Tete Torriente Casuso married a fellow revolutionary in its way just had time to enjoy their marriage because Paul would later by many vicisitudes.El September 30, 1930 organized by young students the newly formed "Student directory" and under the ideological slogans of the veteran professor José Varona,
organized a demonstration against the dictatorship that ended violently with the student leader Rafael Trejo died and Pablo de la Torriente seriously herido.Tras a month convalescence continued his fight in hiding because he was being sought by policía.Detenido in January 1931 was held in the Castillo del Principe ", instead of terrible repression in which Paul wrote," One hundred and five days in prison, "a story of torture and the environment that prevailed at that resistance presidio.Fue released but three months was arrested again and imprisoned on the Isle of Pines where remained for eight días.Fue at this stage of confinement where there were several events related to political and intellectual maturity of Paul, in prison along with other companions began to give classes to other prisoners and elaborate on how should bring actions against dictadura.Pablo was surrounded by a considerable number of political prisoners
many of them high profile within the revolutionary movement but most of the inmates were common criminals, people and stunted
brutalized by the conditions of life Prison. these circumstances he wrote one of his masterpieces "Model Prison" which recounted the life in prison, theorizing about which model should be redemption for this stage presos.En Paul changed his appearance and decided to forgo the barber so that he wore a long hair and a prominent beard, also began using the boina.Muchos have wanted to see in this image that we then offer the "bearded ones" of the revolution fifty nueve.Otras peculiarities of Paul took place in the several moves to Havana to appear before one of these visits tribunales.En got bodyguards I travel on foot through the city under the pretext of walking a picture of a Paul poco.La dressed in prison attire, with impressive beard and hair and shackles, gave rise to many of those who saw him wandering the streets Monte, Infanta and Carlos III thought it was a dreaded criminal who had been captured and still others go out in terror from the roar of Paul as he passed them, of course, a character's behavior eccentric and able to enjoy the moment.
Paul left the prison of the Isle of Pines, but with the threat of being executed at any time so that after a brief period when he lived in conditions of secrecy due to take exilio.En May 1933 embarked on the "Christopher Columbus headed for Spain, but on a stopover in New York changed his mind and landed and while he was detained by U.S. authorities their families achieve their release by Puerto Rican origin, which allowed him to reside in the United States which relate to many Cuban exiles and continued his revolutionary activity, being regular at the "Club Mella" in New York which had been founded in 1931 and worked at a local Harlem.Pablo starred in the development of ORCA (Organisation Cubabos Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist), which in turn led to the founding of the "Club José Martí". In addition to participating in the opposition movement primarily writing in various newspapers, the life of Pablo de la Torriente in exile in New York was extremely tough, living in conditions of austerity and working on tasks varipintas as the most ice cream vendor, dishwasher or "backpack" (running errands). Fortunately for the exiles organized pressure against the dictatorship led to the fall of Machado in 1933 and with it the return of many of estos.El 1 September 1933 with Machado in exile, Paul returned home in full maturity and intellectual revolutionary, was thirty-two años.Comenzó to work in the journal of Revolutionary Orientation "Now" and there he found the ideal conditions to develop their best journalism monent to direct style and cool in the account of the political future of journalistic Cuba.Su main contribution of this stage is an article which offers an interview with a survivor of a student massacre which had been given up for dead and whose testimony was the main evidence against Lieutenant Powell, known repressor batistiana.La police interview was published in "Now" and the matter achieved a high profile media coverage was a significant boost from the work of Paul, his style and commitment revolucionario.En the last time the witness recanted and Paul must hide from the threat of being killed
. Cuba was engaged in a combination revolutionary changes explosive protected by a cumbersome army controlled by Fulgencio Batista that threatened to change the setting to the lowest social freedoms excuse, and so, after a quarter in which revolutionary fervor led to believe the Cubans that it was time for change, now returned the Batista dictatorship in first person and with a new wave of repression organized a general strike marked to March 1935 failed due to lack of ability to afrontarla.Una again Paul had been involved in these movements should have taken into exile to escape by plane to Miami but did not stay there because he found a hostile environment, contains a large exercise Batista information tasks exiloiados.Una again ended in New York where she passed but always related material hardship revolutionary activity and with an eye on his return to Cuba to fight tiranía.Aún and never give up his work and evidence was his articles "This is Fulgencio Batista" and "Guajiro in New York", referred to magazine "Bohemia" in Cuba.Este latter could not be published until 1937 with Paul muerto.Otro important literary legacy of this era are almost one hundred and sixty letters addressed to friends and colaboradores.Pablo had the habit of keeping copies of your letters and attach to these responses, which over the years led to the publication of the book "Letters Crusaders."
In July 1936 the first news of the "coup" and becoming the confrontation staged in a war that left-wing fascists and revolutionaries, Paul turned his enthusiasm to the news from Spain and acts of solidarity that were organizando.En August attended a rally for Republican Spain, organized by the Communist Party Unidos.Fué States in Union Square, a sanctuary in the mobilization of leftists neoyorquinos.Allí Paul was kindled the flame that lit up his trip to Spain and its delivery to the ultimate consequences in the war that there were then reproduced libraba.A lines of the book "Fighting with the militants" might have been first published in Mexico as a compilation of letters Paul sent to friends and associates from the time the decision to go to Spain and mainly in their time allí.La letter is written on the sixth and August 1936:
"I had a wonderful idea, I'm going to Spain the English revolution ..... I'm going to Spain to be drawn by the great river of the Rev. see a people struggling to find heroes hear the thunder of cannon and feel the wind and shooting shrapnel fire watch . To be with the great silent swirl of death ..... In Spain I will approach the leaders to know what piensan.Iré where fighting with militants in the mountains and gorges, against traidor.Hablaré army with the "Passion", the head of women's heart acero.Iré to the ships of the squadron
, led by sailors who saved the revolution with his loyalty and value, preventing the passage of Mercenaries Marruecos.Presenciaré the shooting of the fascist leaders .... Maybe there will be, when Mussolini and Hitler, unable to stand again, are released to the war and then come the final battle between the oppressed and oppressors and attend .... anyway the triumph of the revolution. "
This was the dream of a Pablo de la Torriente without waiting for anything or anyone achieving raise money for a ticket on the" Ile de France "which sailed from New York the first of September was the first volunteer 1936.Pablo Cuban sail from across the ocean to fight alongside the Republic and although his work was to be a journalist was clear that the idea of \u200b\u200bfighting was already presente.Para achieved professional accreditation to work in the publication New Masses that reprentaciones leftist organizations of the United States and "The Machete", official organ of the Communist Party press Mexico.Desembarcó in the French port of Le Havre and went Belgium in Brussels to attend the "World Peace Congress" and from there traveled to Paris where he met with Communist leader André Marti then turning to the Pyrenean border that divides France and finally managed to reach España.Al Barcelona participating in a ceremony at the Club Mella "which was created in the city catalana.Desde Barcelona moved to Valencia by train dodging in several air strikes and road testing the action of the fascist aviation bombs in several villages they transitaron.En Valencia was already the Government of the Republic, moved there by the imminent threat to Madrid; Paul made contact with leaders Communist Party of Spain and other intellectual taking refuge in a few days left for Madrid where he arrived on September 25 Madrid was associated with Cuban exiles who were already in the English capital and were now players in the fight against fascism, but did not stay with these except in casual encounters as your work force began continuous desplazamientos.Pablo interact with personalities from politics and the English culture that had decided to stay at Real tough, spreading the creative euphoria that caused this unusual situation, initially their stories were a portrait of that spirit of resistance in a Madrid prevailed continuously bombarded and each Again cercado.Su first foray into the fronts came in Buitrago de Lozoya at a point in front severely punished by the fascists who tried to break the siege of Madrid and also deprived the agua.Será supply capital at this stage when she meets Paco Galán, a former soldier with extensive experience in the war in Morocco, a militant communist who emphasized as head of the militia and that Paul portrayed in the chronicles as a perfect communist revolutionary convictions and his ability militar.Pablo Valentín González befriended the peasant, probably the most charismatic man in those early months of war in which the absence of a professional army was the lead of their bosses that worked the miracle of the resistance, the "Peasant" quickly noticed the qualities Paul, in his determination and his faith in victory final.Desde Pablo Madrid began to send their stories blend of revolutionary war story and argument in his direct style siempre.Durante October, the most prolific in his work war reporter, wrote his story "Controversy with the enemy" fruit of his experience in Paco Galán column with which it remained for several days in what is known as "Rock of German", a place located near Madrid in the Guadarrama front where the August 4 German volunteer Paul stated in his reports that some remembered the name of Hans, showed signs of bravery until he fell severely wounded, Nippur gave to the militants that should give rise to the name "Rock of the German." Actually, this German was none other than the fascist Max Solomon, a voluntary anonymous caught with their courage to their peers in the defense and enabled determinate position and that from this elevation is dominated populations Buitrago, Gandullas.Desde Gascones and the first moments of war tip against established here under intense crossfire of artillery that claimed many lives on both sides against this elevation and no more than five hundred yards was the "parapet of death" controlled by the rebels, Falangists Moroccan troops and the two enclaves were organized fundamentalmente.Entre unique discussions, where Paul being invoked its distilled speech, rivaling the fascists that gave reply in an attempt to undermine the morale of the enemy and raise the propia.Las discussions were initiated to nightfall, when megaphone in hand, or simple propaganda commissars People's Army soldiers took the palabra.Fue then when Paul started to become popular among the troops and the Cuban threw fascistas.El speeches to the first of these speeches occurred on October 4 and should cause great excitement in Paul repeated three times in the same noche.Su opponent was a priest who knew Calvo was called by the soldiers who had gone over to the side "Popular." Paul shouted things like ...
"Partners fascist, I am a journalist and América.Vengo come from Cuba, United States, Belgium and I can give Francia.Y reports from Canada and Latin Latina.El whole world is against ustedes.Los workers of New York anti-fascist committee collected many thousands of dollars for their English colleagues ....... With you is Italian and German mercenaries paid by their governments, sent by Hitler and Mussolini, the two triggers cool Europe's political cabaret "
Paul was one of the most brilliant orators in this kind of war propaganda and test it was the level of their opponents and that whenever he spoke "the Cubans" have sought to give reply skilled opponents as they used to open discussions lead content issues or international relations grounds ideológicos.Generalmente after Paul used interventions replica of the enemy have no machine-gun fire as they were almost always.
Paul also wrote about the role of women whose courage were contributing to the defense of Madrid, fighting at the front of the saw and the fence itself capital.En this stage in his Buitrago de Lozoya met Rosario Sánchez Mora, who joined the militia with only seventeen years and lost a hand with a stick of dynamite trying arrojar.Rosario Miguel Hernandez was immortalized in the poem "Rosario dynamite" and was one of the people closest to Torriente during his short but intense presence in the English war.
Other writings of Paul spoke of Alberto Sanchez, a Cuban exile in Spain and that only twenty years had been appointed captain of the Fifth Regiment "after his courageous participation in the decision of the Headquarters of the Montaña.Pablo also made some his radio after winning the trust of the head of the press section of the defense of Madrid "Hidalgo."
There is documentation of the moment in which Paul joined the PCE or when he was appointed Commissioner of war and that these documents were lost after his death to try them out of Spain to get them to Cuba but what is clear is that in early November 1937 Pablo de La Torriente decided it was time to cross the grate to take up arms and although you still have time to send some of these were chronic and less frecuentes.El November 15 he wrote "For now my position as Commissioner of War perhaps it is a mistake from the point of view to justify periodistico.Pero fully understand that now had to abandon any position other than the more strictly revolutionary According to the anguish and the revolutionary needs of the moment ".
Paul had become a member of staff of Valentín González" El Campesino "with various office responsibilities including literacy militia and processing prensa.El bodies November 23 Paul met a young English poet Miguel Hernandez from a battalion of sappers defined it as one of the most important poets of Spain and he named his chief of culture unidad.La the relationship between Paul and Miguel Hernández Torriente was as fleeting as intensa.Pablo met him at the headquarters of the Alliance of Antifascist Intellectuals in Madrid, located in a palace seized in the street Marques de Duero number seven in the capital while waiting for Maria Teresa Hernández León.La this led to delay in determining a long conversation between a joke and really that would eventually bring into being a strong mutual admiration the addition of Miguel Hernández in the 10th Mobile Brigade, in particular the Commissioner of Culture. From the "Battalion of Talent," and Pablo Hernandez held intensive working sessions planned cultural tasks should develop in the creation trincheras.Decidieron the newspaper "The Attack" with Antonio Aparicio who became an active collaborator with Torriente.El distribution of correspondence, the literacy of the troops and the programming of cultural activities focused the work of these men engaged in a war out of control in the middle of the mountains madrileña.También Rosario Sánchez Mora came to be at the direct orders of Chief Torriente.El of this unit, the 10 th Mobile Brigade Shock was another Cuban, Policarpo Candon and the head of these was Valentín González "El Campesino" in command of the 46 Division certainly a different unit than many would have to improvise in Republican Spain .
Commissioner in his work alternated his presence at the front with visits to nearby villages to pick up a militia to lucha.En of these visits was to Mejorada del Campo, where Johnny met a boy of thirteen Spaniard who had been orphaned and roamed the streets of the town; Paul incorporated as a link, this happened on December 13, they both was just one week of life.The December 13 Paul signed his last letter recounted exactly as he had found Pepito and had adopted as enlace.Durante this past week in the life of Pablo, Madrid was under siege by several points, the situation was critical and Paul as a leading member of the Paco Galán column spared no effort on defense, giving an example with his continued presence at the forefront.
In a Madrid
intensely bombarded with very limited supplies of the harassment he was subjected Valencia Road, the only route of entry of food, ammunition and men primarily to defend the city, Pablo de la Torriente will be used as political commissar of the First Battalion mobile sector shock Romanillos.Eran early December, and Paul worked tirelessly to line frente.El Paul died December 18 in that first line, the story of his death comes through from various sources in general are referred to the testimony of Justin Frutos, commander of the militia and a member of a unit adjacent to that of Paul at the time of his death, as well as the testimony of Polycarp Candon, Paul superior in this action guerra.Ambos witnesses agree in almost all details of suceso.Lo that then follows is the story of Justin fruits in an interview with the magazine "Republican Spain" published on November 20, 1977:
On December 18, 1936, approximately twelve to fourteen hours, our battalion lost one of its most beloved men, our Commissioner, we used to call Paul as we (I say he died from twelve to fourteen hours a day because before we had seen several times and this time did the withdrawal of our forces.) That day from five to six o'clock, the fascists launched large artillery preparation against our commander posiciones.El Candon, head of our battalion command post was in the same village of Romanillo, ie very near the front line of advance
determined that it would be a very tough battle, went through the whole first line giving instructions to the captains of second compañía.Rapidamente after artillery preparation, tanks and armored vehicles appeared the enemy behind which advancing the fascists, the vast majority moros.Fue a terrible battle, all was dust and flames pumps and the first hours proyectiles.En our forces resisted the attacks of superior forces of the Torriente enemigo.Pablo was, as always, the most dangerous sites, giving encouragement to positions not midmorning perdieran.A that day our forces made attempts to withdraw from positions occupied mainly by both sides. Because of the efforts of Paul is organized counterattacks and positions were recovered from many Moors were collected nuevo.Allí muertos.Pablo called me and said I'd need divide the front dos.Así did: he'd target the left half of the front and chose the other half, ie the right part to the village that was our límite.Despues having high resistance to the enemy and having the enemy counterattacked repeatedly broke the front on both flanks, mainly from the front of another unit that is defending our left along the edge of a forest coming to near Majadahonda, tanks and armored enemy infantry was put by the road from Majadahonda to Romanillo and attacked us from behind. Our forces retreated
two and a half to three miles and established the line in a lomas.Al dusk, twilight, Candon comrade came to my company and asked if I had seen Paul that if he knew where estaba.Le I said I did not know anything about him, that from morning comrade had not visto.El Candon, very worried, telephoned top drive, asking
Pablo.Nadie had heard, no one knew anything. Candon had great friendship with me said
" Hey old man, ay to look for Paul. I kind of knew where in the address he had been, immediately replied: "If you let me choose an infantry platoon in Andalusians I enter into the enemy's rear and try to find him." Candon said I could do it and they introduced hice.Me in the area occupied by the soldiers' section
Andalusian and told them we had the task of find Paul in the enemy's rear, and if we found him dead or alive is to bring our combat morale líneas.Con large section
accepted. During the night we prepare everything carefully
. Candon and I studied the way in which should be introduced in the enemy rear would be three in the morning, everything was ready, the soldiers knew how and where we should ir.Se established some points of safety and the other fellow told them to follow me in line next to where india.Al had been the line of fire the previous day, had a small box on top of a search loma.No Paul could not recognize that casucha.Lo first thing we did when we got to this place was, with hand grenades and bayonets ready, enter a Moor casucha.Había mirarndo out the window with his rifle ready, just as you would in the parapeto.No could throw or bombs or bullets, had to decide quickly and it was done: when the Moor saw it and wanted to turn to us, a bayonet and had passed through to search cuerpo.Había Paul knew exactly rápidamente.Yo he passed the line of fire, I set up surveillance and started looking for Pablo.Lo found: lying on the floor face up, and his body was still caliente.Le called "Paul", but not contestó.Rapidamente I undid his belt, removed his jacket and shirt and saw that a bullet had entered and exited the very heart of the espalda.Cuando pick it up I saw that beneath it hinted at a role blanco.Lo took, was a document was half-buried, were scratching their fingers on the suelo.Inmedíatamente I realized that the agony of death
, wanted to bury your documents and carefully began to look to their alrededor.A about two or three steps vi freshly ground scratched, dug and pulled the little hollow portfolio, which was full of documents that had enterrado.Lo caught four comrades and took him to our líneas.Yo personally Candon commander's surrender and so did the documentos.El December 19, 1936, in the early morning Comrade Candon took over our unforgettable and loved Paul and his documentación.Posteriormente Candon asked and I said the body of Pablo de la Torriente Brau had been given the command superior.Más later told me he had been buried in Barcelona. "
This story was neither qualified nor denied by anyone's version of Paul's death has been accepted by the different sen historians have come to these events.
For documentation, José López Sánchez in his book "Paul, image and legend" narrated as being in Spain as representative of the student movement as a delegate of the Cuban Communist Party of Cuba to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Spain, also joined in Madrid after a bizarre journey after dodging the fronts and collect documentation of Pablo de la Torriente with the mission to take it to Cuba, he began traveling to Barcelona and from there across the frontera.Lo truth is that the February 1, 1938 the train had to leave abruptly because it carried a bombardeo.En that train was his suitcase and there all the records of Paul who never reappeared. For
the remains of Pablo de la Torriente, in interview with Paul's younger sister, Ruth de la Torriente in October 2005, it said that the family knew about the fate of their remains.
"My brother was buried on December 23, 1936 in the cemetery of Madrid Chamartín.Poco later his remains were moved to Barcelona and buried in the cemetery niche Monjuit in 3372.A number burial was attended by various authorities and peers and "The Farmer" spoke a palabras.La idea was to bring his body to Cuba but the circumstances of war prevented it. "
The truth is that in the seventies of the Torriente Zoe, sister of Paul, he moved to Spain and met the fact that Paul no longer occupied the niche that was buried, which was confirmed years later by Ruth de la Torriente to that indicated in the cemetery that her brother was found in a mass grave just a few meters along with eleven other cadaveres.Cabría think that the techniques currently available, locate the remains of Paul and move to Cuba is not a chimera.
Miguel Hernandez, deeply affected by the death of Paul wrote a beautiful poem in his memory I'll stay in Spain
mate told me to act in love and purpose without your building
warrior thundering on the grass in Spain you have been .. ..
The newspaper "The Attack", organ Brigade release of "The Farmer" forced the first issue even appeared hardly medios.Este January 9, 1937 to cover monograph dedicated to the memory of Pablo de la Torriente and signed by former collaborator Antonio Aparicio.
In summary we can say that Pablo de la Torriente, a revolutionary consistent and generous enthusiasm fought against fascism and helped build an ethic of resistance that allowed the locals endure three long hard years of guerra.Torriente exceeded all obstacles on its way to fight the militants and to offer a version of war journalism full of humanidad.Por fortune, Pablo de la Torriente has a notable recognition in Cuba where he is a hero nacional.Otra thing is Spain, where in addition to the center bearing his name in Majadahonda and fortunately takes care of his memory, no institution or entity has noted the need to do justice to this "voluntary freedom "
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