Candon was born in Cadiz in 1905 and he and his family emigrated to Cuba in 1908, was only three years and would not return to Spain until 1936, therefore, strongly cubano.Su family belonged to the economic emigrants arrived in Cuba with the first light of the twentieth century and who lives around the process in which Cuba opens independence supervised by the United States and supports continuous humiliation to its sovereignty. Although it was not possible contrast too much data on the juvenile stage of Candon and its formation if it is known that very young is attracted to the anarchist movement in those early years of the century are of particular predicament of the working class cubana.De made his uncle wrote in Acrata publication "Land and Freedom." Policarpo Candon start working young and will be linked to various task forces that work against the dictatorship of Gerardo Machado since this assumes the presidency, and the first months of his mandate directly intervene sabotaje.Tras shares in the fall of Machado and the parenthesis represents the progressive government of Grau and Guiteras
, Policarpo already far from the anarchist theory and increasingly understood that their commitment is focused on anti-imperialism so that links to Marxist organizations that try to revive after the hard blow to the government supposed to progress, then returning to its line político.Estas activist circumstances warrant his departure so that settles in New York in 1935, lives with the fair and is used in what comes out, worked for a time of dishwashers in restaurants and later was employed in the company Ford.Su car time in exile was always marked by his obsession to rid Cuba of Governments subordinate to the United States and linked to action groups from New York who organized armed actions in cuba.com, most Cuban political exiles in New York is a regular Club member Nick and ORCA (Organization of Cuban Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist), share a friendship with Pablo de la Torriente, with Rodolfo Arms and many other Cubans with whom he shared inquietudes.Llevaba few months of exile when he received instructions to join the armed rebellion which was being prepared on the island, which eventually turned out to be a skirmish over fatal consequences for him and the rest of the group since he had to assume command of 130 companions aboard a rickety boat should await orders to land in Gibara and once there to join the action armada.Eran the months in which opposition to the Cuban regime was walking disoriented after the failure of the strike in March 1935, the denunciations were frequent, and opposition groups suffered from coordination and leadership. The expedition was a failure and after a few days at sea waiting for a signal that never came, the lack of fuel supplies and brought back to U.S. shores where they were apresados.Afortunadamente that came in a three-day detention Candon Policarpo after which he returned to Cuba clandestinely to continue his revolutionary activities.
whole process of revolutionary struggle will Candon mature gradually evolving their ideological positions, approaches Marxist organizations and become aware of the need to stop fascism in those years are emerging fuerza.Tras spend a few months in Cuba and once the opposition groups island's government fail to take united action at the summit held in Key Largo (Florida), which staged the division between the different organizations, Policarpo Candon made the biggest decision of his life, going to Spain that had been born but that still did not know, and doing it in a defining moment after the victory of the Popular Front and the threat that hung over this. Policarpo
Candon sailed clandestinely from the port of Havana in mid April 1936 and made landfall in the early English days of mayo.Se installed directly in Madrid where he followed in the footsteps of other Cubans who had preceded him, is the case Moses Raigorodsky and Alberto Sanchez, both exiled in Spain a few months antes.Como already said in the biography of other fighters, Candon went to live in the Calle de la Montera on board "La Cubana" she found an environment must to pursue its claims revolucionarias.Acompañado Raigorodsky Moses entered the MAOC (Antifascist Militias of Workers and Peasants) and linked España.Candón Communist Party was therefore only two and half months before the outbreak of war and at this time continued to live with hardships and often with the help of other companions in exile who helped in what was a capital posible.Madrid not troubled in the opportunities. The main source
localized to approach the figure of Juan Marinello Policarpo Candon will he shared with this a conference to mark the II International Congress of Writers held in Madrid in July 1937.Además interview published in the Cuban weekly noon November 8, 1937, Marinello subsequent written several articles Candón.En the personality of the interview, Policarpo Candon said that the beginning of the war and took it on notice since at least a month before the uprising was initiated with two night guards Cuban Raigorodsky and Jet, compared to traceable places such as sensitive buildings, radio stations etc.Candón knew the war would not take long to start.
As for the majority of Cuban exiles in Madrid, his first act of war was to seize the barracks block Madrid.Los Cubans participated in making the headquarters of the Mountain.
All the barracks located in the periphery and center of Madrid had plans of the rebels to control the capital and headquarters of the Mountain was strategic and potentially the most important of these, situated in the heart of the city between the Paseo de Rosales and Calle Ferraz, the rebels barricaded themselves in the early hours of the morning of July 18 1936.Antes the start of the conflict broke into the barracks cadets at the Academy of Toledo who were at that time in Madrid and next to these, several hundred uniformed and armed Phalangists, but in the confusion not take any action by either party and the day of July 18 passed without incidentes.En the early hours of the morning of July 19 entered General Fanjul barracks that took office following its plan, which was none other than resist until the arrival of the columns you would from the rebel headquarters in the suburbs.
Republic was clear that the army did not have any and that their fighting force were volunteers from labor and political organizations, Assault Guards, Civil Guards who remained loyal and loyal soldiers were able to circumvent the quartering most of which were subdued by the available weapons sublevados.Las controls were only a few hundred rifles, but were supported by Rodrigo Gil Lieutenant Colonel who commanded the artillery barracks Pacific which put its arsenal at the disposal of the Communist Party which distributed effectively during the early hours of 18 to 19 Julio.Moisés Raigorodsky through MAOC managed to steal a weapon for him and gave one to Polycarp Candon so that at dawn both 19, were already at the gates of the headquarters of the Mountain, armed and willing to combate.La first task was entrusted to Candon was the construction of parapets for fire protection that would lead them quite sure from the barracks and employment in this work all day on either the Republican Madrid 19.Si flocked to the siege of the headquarters of the capital and among the assailants were people of all stripes, the weight the siege to the headquarters of the Mount fell to members of the MAOC, the more likely for a combat action, and men like Polycarp Candon highlighted at the time as men disciplined yet with great leadership and organición of So the day of 19 July the building went well parapets and trenches, checking the buildings on the perimeter, taking preventive measures and organizing a crowd that mostly fought without weapons.
At 4:30 am on July 20 there was a strong signal detonación.Se was agreed by the insurgents, a rocket fired from the camp barracks that marked the beginning of hostilities from the perimeter Madrid and from there go to the center of the city.The that followed marked the final outcome of this episode as the suburban barracks fell one after another, on one hand because the outer fence prevented the departure of soldiers and another because inside the barracks were being produced tensions over control of command between officers and soldiers loyal to the Republic and those who were willing to take Madrid in the name of making the barracks sublevación.La Camp endowed the fencer artillery, which facilitated the control of other military buildings that collapsed one after the Barracks otro.Quedaba Montana.Although 5 in the morning, only half an hour after the shooting started the republican authorities telephoned Fanjul ordering him to surrender but this is negó.Una hour later the operation was repeated, this time by threatening to open fire immediately if they did not to surrender and that's what that occurred, but the initiative was taken by the walled fired mortars and fired their machine guns, this caused a considerable number of casualties, but at that hour of the morning at the gates of the headquarters of the Mountain and had thousands of volunteers received the support of the Assault Guards of the capital and a column of Airmen who joined the four guns came from cerco.Tambiem Headquarters of the Pacific, which balanced the situation early in the morning some white flags appeared in windows but it was a trap as a group to come to parley opened fire causing new bajas.Sin certainly within the fortress interna.A was waging a battle early hours of the morning of day 20, a group of officers tried to escape through a side door but were driven back and enter back into the barracks led to the input of a first group of militants that quickly invaded ground floor and a little later cornered the resistance at one end of the first planta.Allí officers and cadets were and had been Phalangists two days were in the mid-morning interior.A July 20, 1936 the headquarters of the Mountain and the rest of Madrid headquarters was under control of the government of the Republic. Policarpo
Candon had accomplished its first two days of action but aware that this was only the first assault occurred in the premises of the MAOC and asked to go voluntarily to the mountains of Madrid from where lurked new peligros.Esa same time left with nine other men in a truck that would transfer to the north of the capital, to Somosierra, where they had knowledge of the presence of a group of Phalangists had barricaded himself in the existing fortifications there facilitate the arrival of the columns from the sur.Por the way it brought together a dozen other men and once contacted the enemy resisted everything that was possible until now they finally had retirarse.En Candon as the other combatants fought with a great deal of personal initiative with more insight and value to its withdrawal estrategia.En new volunteers joined this column that reached Buitrago de Lozoya and was assigned to the sector commanded by Paco Galan, the militia commander who won a solid reputation in the early months of the war with militants organizing the defense of the "Fifth Regiment unprepared still very capable military units formed for combate.Estando in this sector, their capabilities were not lost on Valentine González "El Campesino" who was in charge of operations in that area, and was appointed Commissioner of Organización.Durante the first three months of the war fought in various sectors, always with the mission of setting the enemy advance; Roblegordo, Buitrago de Lozoya or Gascones were some of the scenarios in which enemigo.El faced the Republican government was reacting slowly but effectively so began the transformation of that volunteer force in a real ejercito.A Candon had by now promoted to the rank of captain and was given command of a battle group three compañías.El October 22 under the command of his men carried out a heroic defense of the dimension of "The Hill", supporting at least two thousand rounds of cannon and finally setting the enemy on their posiciones.Fue promoted to commander . His next destination was a return to Madrid at the helm of one of the battalions, "Passion" with those who fought on the perimeter of Madrid and the surrounding villages such as Pinto, Useras.Posteriormente Marañosa or fought in the University City a time when this sector stand enemigo.Se fierce attack was suffering from high fever and his health was essential to his relief, but he refused and continued to lead the suyos.Candón was increasingly more respected for their courage and their ability to handle situations remained límite.Su next destination in the Fifth Regiment, this time on the direct orders of Henry in his new role Lister.Fue when contacted his friend Pablo de la Torriente who had parked his journalistic work for batallón.Torriente Commissioner accompanied him Romanillos sector where Paul would find muerte.Candón had been appointed head of that sector and lived the death of Pablo de la Torriente in closer than any compatriots who were fighting in España.Policarpo Candon had become a charismatic leader for his own and do not hesitate to face targets that were assigned by dangerous these fueran.1937 was a strong year for Candon, fought in the terrible battle of Jarama attacking the enemy from the rear to protect the Madrid-Valencia road, fought in Guadalajara and in making Brihuega and before his campaign bore excellent results in increasingly tough mission as taking the Cerro del Águila exito.Peleó culminating in Brunete and Quijorna was shot in the chest and this time if he had to be evacuated for life-saving.
After his convalescence, Candon Polycarp was appointed commander of the First Brigade Mobile Emergency ", reaching the highest military rank of the combatants Cubans who participated in the war española.Su headquarters were located in Alcalá de Henares and had the name "Pablo de la Torriente Brau" and under his command were distinguished as Basil Cueira Cuban fighters, Julio Cueva, Ernesto Grenet and Oscar Hernandez.
Policarpo late 1937 Candon in control of your Emergency First Mobile Brigade, had an impressive battle palm, not for nothing that belonged to the 46 Division of "The Farmer" that is always looking for situations límite.Uno Teruel.A moment came in late 1937 the army rebelled and controlled northern Spain and was preparing to launch the final offensive on Madrid.Al should have knowledge of the concentration forces in Guadalajara, the Republican command a diversion designed to lure Franco's troops. The point chosen was Teruel, a city that was a projection of the territory won by the nationals of little strategic value in this time of war and accessible from the military point of view as the Popular Army was garrisoned by ten thousand defenders. Initially
Candon unit commander was left out of these operations were carried out with difficulty but with eficacia.El December 15, 1937 the People's Army ordered the offensive carrying the weight of eleven divisions under the command of Enrique Lister who first won the heights overlooking the city, The Fleece and Height and not stop Celadas reached the gates of Teruel.Solo four days later, General Vicente Rojo and Defense Minister Prieto Indalecio appeared in Teruel accompanied by a delegation of journalists, among whom were Robert Cappa and Hernest Hemingway. Although the city is taken, in some buildings the besieged resistían.Aún well, pictures of tanks entering Teruel Republicans will return to mundo.Se was the first provincial capital recaptured and had made a Popular Army demonstrated ability to maneuver and sacrifice and that winter was terrific with temperatures reaching 20 degrees below cero.Lo that followed is summarized in a defense agony of the besieged and the reaction of the army who came to the lure Franco Republican momentarily forgetting the attack on Madrid.La fight in the streets of Teruel continued at least until January 7, when the besieged surrendered, but the rebel army had mobilized an extraordinary both land and air force, so reconquista.Sería started in the first week of January 1938, when they occur the mobilization of the 46th Division of the Candon Policarpo Campesino.A touched once again be in the high-risk area and had to withstand a frontal attack from General Franco Dávila on the Alto de Celada since as mentioned, is dominated Alfambra river valley and therefore was one of the keys Teruel.Aunque this position was taken by the rebels, the Emergency First Mobile Brigade were active in the vicinity trying to fix the enemy at any precio.El 25 January 1938 was a dreadful day with a relentless rain of bombs dropped from airplanes and not less Italian Fiat was the action of at least 500 guns surrounding the new Teruel.Mucho defenders has been written about relationships Valentín González "El Campesino" with the Communist Party and the Republican control and much has been speculated about the neglect of his men were subjected to moments of this battle, be deprived of reinforcements and ammunition and having to fight in a situation desesperada.Policarpo Candon, the brave commander of the Mobile Brigade died Shock in the foothills of Teruel in the last day of January 25, Farmer 1938.El only escaped the national purse in paddling Teruel removed by a minimal gap left by the Turia riverbed through which advanced to the base of hand pumps and leave half of his men in battle
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