Monday, April 30, 2007

Saying On Wedding Programs

CUBA a young nation

For at least thirty years the Cuban people held different episodes of war with the Crown of Spain as colonial power in decline declared clung the maintenance of "the largest of the Antilles." It is known that Spain had in Cuba last chance to maintain its economic and geo-strategic influence in the area, but the reality marked an unstoppable path to Cuban independence both militarily and in terms económico.Desde the sixties of the nineteenth century Cuban independence had managed to organize a "liberating army" increasingly strong and entrenched institutions as the "Assembly of Representatives of the People in Arms" and perhaps most importantly, had created an ideology led by the father of the fatherland "José Martí" feel the foundation for future structure of the nation and political thought with important repercussions in the sectors that embrace this instrument independence without fisuras.El northern Cuban Revolutionary Party and the army as an instrument of war Mambí cause in the last decade of the nineteenth century independence subject to the English crown to a push imparable.En the last years of the Cuban troops are in control orientales.Este provincial real scenario is closely watched by the United States since the sixties a great economic penetration force, so that will replace the English investments in the U.S. capital island especially in regard to farm agriculture and mining.

In this context, the United States deployed its navy in various parts of the perimeter Cuban under the guise of possible unrest in the island and the February 15, 1898 incident caused the battleship Maine, a ship that was anchored in Havana harbor explodes with 268 deaths as a result and various versions of what happened, but what that is indisputable is that with this event, the U.S. had an excuse for war with Spain so they can expand their sphere of influence not only Cuba but also to Puerto Rico and Spain Filipinas.Por its part tried to avoid until the last when this confrontation.

It was just a few weeks that Spain had settled on the island an autonomous regime there were only a few days for Insular Parliament elections trying to stop the rise of the independents, but this measure was designed so tarde.Los U.S. intervención.El plan April 11, 1898 President William McKinley received permission from Congress and the budget required to develop Cuba intensidad.En a powerful speech declared the first days of war, Americans had a quota of 125,000 volunteers later extended to April 21 200.000.Para start blocking major Cuban ports, subjecting them to heavy bombardment , which also occurred in San Juan, Puerto Rico and Manila.La ground invasion began on the eastern Cuba after deal with independence forces who supported the move and consolidated a head playa.Fecha be decisive defeat on July 3, with the naval battle Spain suffered at the hands of the United States in the Bay of Santiago, the English fleet Cuba.La Admiral Pascual Cervera was neutralized and with it the English hopes that after this episode will be confident of its military inferiority and inability to stay in the war.

One thing to consider is the refusal of the U.S. Army to enter the rebel troops in Santiago de Cuba under the guise of avoiding clashes with the English, thereby denying from the outset, the Cubans any degree of initiative in decisions that are started in the country.

The war lasted only as necessary for the English troops accelerate its withdrawal, so that almost immediately began peace talks on August 11 hostilidades.El were suspended on December 10 was signed the "Treaty of Paris under which Spain left in the hands of the United States to Cuba and other English territories coloniales.Esta capitulation to the Americans was a major grievance for Cuban independence had expected this moment for decades. We were still in 1898 and Cuba was changing its design as a people but not the stigma of country colonizado.Historicamente This stage is known as the "first period of American occupation." United States took full control not only militarily but also in the American president will político.El General John R. Brooke, this will establish measures in all the orders of Cuban life, the first of them to clear the institutions from the independence struggle, while you earn the favor of so-called annexation supporters showed that U.S. protection or simply look in this new scenario a situation of economic advantage for its inversiones.Brooke organized a civil government and provides the country with institutions to measure, favors the political dominance of the pro-American and gives wings to the economic penetration of investment from the United States on the island creating a situation almost monoculture focused on sugar and snuff and therefore heavily dependent importadora.Todo this happens in a country that at the end of war offers a census of 1,572,000 inhabitants and has suffered at least 400,000 have died as a result of the war.

This new scenario does not go unnoticed for Cubans who wanted full independence, and Maximo Gomez, General in Chief of the liberating army assert a proclamation from Jagüajay "neither free nor independent yet." Other opposition groups begin workerist trend timid attempts to consolidate, will be the case of the Socialist Party of Cuba that emerged in 1899 with the support of exiles returning to the island and former heads of the "Mambisa", but this only takes about meses.Se generally creates a stream of response to the U.S. occupation will also have significance in the United States where many entrepreneurs are threatening tobacco business by tough competition from imports cubanas.En this context the U.S. government gives a twist to its strategy now moving from an absolute military control a careful design of control político.En final steps will be taken to a situation of independence tutelada.A end of 1899 are called municipal elections and the rise of the new century will give approval to the emergence of new political parties in Cuba, will be the case of the Cuban National Party "supported by a nationalist bourgeoisie, the" Cuban Radical Party "supported by the most radical Mambi or the party "Democratic Union" composed mainly of autonomy supporters of American tutelage. In July 1900 municipal elections are held to a very limited suffrage, the same as in September of that year elect the 31 members of the "Constituent Assembly". In these first elections to win the independence of several trends that have as basic task of providing the country a Constitución.En February 1901 approving the text is essentially a nationalist spirit Constitution adopts the "republic" form of government and generally follows the conquests of the French Enlightenment and contains the substance of thought " Marti. "The grand fiasco come just at the end of this process, when the United States impose their condiciónese these came as an amendment filed in the U.S. Congress by Congressman Orville Platt, which is equipped with eight articles, implied an absolute dependence the Cuban nation to the United States on key issues of economy, defense and foreign relations of concrete cubanos.En assumed the right to intervene militarily without consultation, forced Cuba to cede territory to the United States to establish military bases and mining but in turn implied the impossibility of Cuba ceded territory to third countries and sign agreements with these that undermine the nacional.Como defense can be seen, the Platt Amendment was the instrument chosen by the United States to cease its military occupation while maintaining complete control over the island that left room only for managing the affairs "domestic." U.S. Taxation assumed that this amendment will be incorporated into the Cuban Constitution as an appendix to the misma.Tras tense debates and a clear break in the class Cuban policy, the amendment was passed by a margin of four votos.Técnicamente Cuba began its life as free, the reality was manifestly different.

On December 31, 1901 shall be called the first elections presidenciales.A Although there are two candidates, in the end only concur Tomás Estrada Palma is chosen by the administration norteamericana.Procedente the Cuban Revolutionary Party of José Martí, always acted as a liaison man with the Americans during the struggles of independencia.Estrada Palma will be the prototype of President corrupt and bent to the interests of the United States, not in vain resided in that country and returned to Cuba just four months before the election. His campaign was extremely airy fraudulent which provoked protests, but came to strengthen the privileged position of economic sectors profiteers and the United States offered any kind of mandate garantías.Bajo built this country Guantánamo.Junto naval base at this stage was marked by numerous strikes and insurrections that would be violently crushed by the newly formed Rural Guard and the army itself, both with a strong end of its mandate represor.Al Estrada Palma bet for reelection, which led to protests rising tone to create a climate of revolt that resulted in a military reoccupation of the United States.

In September 1906 William Taff, Secretary of War the United States landed in Cuba is now the provisional governorship of the island and conducting an apparent policy of social peace which in reality would be a stagnation in the aspirations of independence Cuba and its activity is focused on ensuring U.S. interests and the ruling oligarchy. This process will culminate in 1909 with the call for new elections in which the liberal will be elected José Miguel Gomez.Se began a phase in which the sequencing of compliant with U.S. presidents and an even greater business insight American
besides cornering agricultural and mining sectors now account for banking and become almost the only creditors of the Cuban debt while controlling public services and political praxis ferrocarril.Como consolidate the practice of corruption . The "bottles" are the name given in Cuba to pay fraudulent fees, which become a constant in the Cuban political and administrative life, thousands of Cuban officials and politicians are paid in exchange succulent interfere with the handling government or simply to look the other way.
Jose Miguel Gomez will remain in power until 1913.Le happen Mario Garcia Menocal who will be in power two mandatos.En 1921 will be elected president Alfredo Zayas.Entre they just are nuances in the style of government but the reality is that the vital signs of the Republic will remain the same: Dependence political, economic and United States military and general corruption in all levels of the nación.Un significant fact at this stage will be the consequences of the First World War that led to the Cuban sugar exports skyrocketed to a devastated Europe which led to some economic boom, however with the recovery of the situation returned to those characteristic of the period deteriorarse.Otra will be the influence of the "October Revolution in Russia, which gave rise to currents of thought and activity on all socialist workerist anarcosindicalista.Ninguna of these reach maturity and are fought with repression during implacable.Durante of these governments will be an electoral fatigue and a discredited political class that will be used in the call for elections in 1925 by Gerardo Machado, also called by many the "tropical Mussolini", a populist candidate who will come to power with a considerable base social constructed of promises and mandate based inter alia on an ambitious plan to invigorate public works the economy but which in turn is a clear interest norteamericanos.Machado server is displayed as a repressor relentless obsession with special on the newly created Cuban Communist Party, not in vain in its mandate jailed founder Julio Antonio Mella thereof, to that after exile to Mexico, pursued in this country until his assassination, as did Carlos Baliño who died a natural death besieged by members of the "State Security". With regard to public works his greatest achievement was the construction of the "central route" giving form to the island from west to east and the "Capitol" Cuban, a building similar to the U.S., which reaffirmed yet further submission to the United States.

In 1927 the Cuban Congress maneuvered in the direction of extending the powers of Machado until 1935, which resulted in a large opposition movement that will have representatives across the political spectrum of the island from the system itself, through the left and primarily with the pressure of the student movement in this period bursts with fuerza.Esta internal situation coincides with the world economic crisis of 1929, which particularly affects the U.S. economy which it moved to Cuba with heavy tariff increases on sugar and tobacco so is this a good setting for a new hatch that opens popular in the general strike on March 20, 1930, that unlike previous grassroots movements has the cohesion of the groups participating in it and incorporates new sectores.La strike had a total support to farmers, sections of the bourgeoisie who had never before been in these movements and the variant of the armed struggle in the cities as a sabotajes.De manifesting this mobilization around the clock paralyzed the country came the belief in the capacity for action that would forward the left in Cuba.El September 30, 1930 held a demonstration against Machado in which Rafael Trejo died activist who was a member of the so called "Student Directorate, an organ that will be severely punished but with his division" Student Left Wing "will be shown as the real nerve of this situation revueltas.Ante Machado declared a state of war. In this context, emerged in Cuba training of a fascist than Mussolini claimed that such organizations were very popular in the case of "ABC". On the other hand from the left appeared other organizations like the Revolutionary Union "under the leadership of Antonio Guiteras will have a distinctly anti-imperialist and liberating. In 1933 Miami was created in the "Cuban Opposition Board" which brought together all sectors of government opponents Machado and in some cases sought American mediation, which was named ambassador to Benjamin Welles with the task of ensuring the stability of American investments and seek the necessary support ahead of elections which were to celebrate it in 1935 containing the attempts of rebellion popular.Aunque a political amnesty was issued and implemented various populist measures, these did not stop the popular discontent that had its fullest expression in a general strike and the assault on the Presidential Palace which was followed by a great slaughter by the forces orden.Indiscutiblemente the general strike in Cuba since 1933 was a demonstration of the maturity of the opposition movements and their willingness to reach power in the not too lejano.En a situation of general chaos Machado President resigned on August 12 and fled the country.The followed was a great worker and student unrest with the persecution and in many cases, execution of elements of Machado who had held power in previous years, a new amnesty, return of exiles and essentially the breakdown of the repressive apparatus of Gobierno.A Machado Carlos Manuel Cespedes replaced him at the head of a government which brought together all the conservative forces of the country, only lasted three weeks in the poder.La governance of the country was at stake was in this scenario that broke an atypical movement, was the military of the lower echelons who under the guise of a burdensome situation in the lives of the soldiers and noncommissioned officers, staged a coup of his hand by seizing the tried poder.Se known as the "Revolution of the Sergeants' between those who appeared as a previously unknown Fulgencio Batista skillfully maneuvered in the early stages of this situación.Estos military created the" Revolutionary Military Union "and Batista climbed without intermediate from sergeant to colonel and became the confidant of the United States administration and being elevated to the position of Jeje ejercito.El of Staff of the next act in this process was the appointment as president Ramón Grau San Martín on 10 September 1933.Grau clearly formed a nationalist government that brought together all tendencias.Por first time since independence Cuba a leader of the left was sitting on the bench of the government, this is the case of Antonio Guiteras to promote progressive policies that clash with the interests of the right more rancia.El Batista himself will occupy a leading place in the cabinet Grau showing from the start his credentials as a man to serve the United States. any case this will be a vibrant period in which Cuba is the subject of a series of social reforms never before seen in the country and will climax in the dissolution of the radical right parties tradicional.El Grau government will be a team to enter into continuing contradictions due to its composition, which resulted in clashes constant within it, in addition to the opposition of the Cuban oligarchy, the party "ABC" right-wing groups "Student Directory", the army now led by Batista, and of course interest Unidos.Demasiados States against that led to the January 15, 1934 will attend a new coup led by Batista, the government called the "hundred days" had shown the capabilities of the Cuban left but also its weaknesses. This new survey

placed in power Carlos Mendieta, an ultra-reactionary supporter of American meddling in a few days abolish the social gains of the period anterior.Ante this situation, who had held power until then was reorganized from the opposition. Grau San Martin created the "Partido Revolucionario Cubano / Authentic" cut-imperialist and Antonio Guiteras Young founded Cuba in which coalesce intellectuals, students and middle class in general this trend izquierdista.A the Communist Party held its second congress showing as training maintaining close relationships with farmers and promoting movements along with the National Central of Workers of Cuba a climate of social protest. And so we come to the point that in 1934 President Roosevelt signed norteamericamo a new reciprocity treaty with Cuba that will eventually repeal the Platt Amendment, mostrandese those now less interventionist in its relations with Cuba while the frame was completely woven interests Island in 1935 from the University sponsored a general strike despite not having the approval of large segments of their organizations be left considerably weakened after the latest moves come from government repression Mendieta, this is scheduled for March, and finally made a clear fracaso.La further accentuate repression and exile was the only outlet for hundreds of repressive events cubanos.Los peaked with the murder of Antonio Guiteras while trying to flee the country by the beach Morrillo of Matanzas.
This is because the political climate and social situation in Cuba at the beginning of the English civil war, which as we shall see was a turning point in the opposition movements since the war in Spain will mean for many the struggle against the advance of fascism in the world while it is a catalyst for the movement of opposition to the government cubano.Al English war began the exile and fled the country were being mass by the prevailing repressive state, but during the course of the contest will result in the government tactical moves that radically change the panorama.Las elections are convened in January 1936 and since May ruling in Cuba Miguel Mariano Gomez is leading a coalition of "Republican Action Liberal Party and National Union", all short-term political groups to the new political scene and who really pulls the strings of power and maintain a direct line to the United States will Fulgencio Batista.A being from this new phase of government remains repressive state power but displayed certain symptoms a shift in the way of gobierno.Esta will result in protectionist measures Mussolini style as creating a "national welfare corporation" that included issues such as health, education and charity starts pública.Iguialmente a three-year public works plan and carry out initiatives such as creating unique schools in remote rural areas in which govern a militarized regime in which teachers will regular.A army sergeants Miguel Mariano Gomez was dismissed by the loss of trust towards the other characters showed Batista and the Cuban oligarchy replaced him Federico Laredo Bru, the president who will govern Cuba while the war is in España.Laredo Bru print an exciting style of governance aimed at normalizing institucional.En democratic and 1938 he produced a political gesture of great significance, is decreed an amnesty that paved the way for a new political landscape . Before there will be more news as it will be the authorization of the public demonstration to mark the first of May 1937.Los progress in labor are evident but also emerges the new style of government to legalize betting organizations to manage within the sistema.En 1938, legalizing all political parties including the Cuban Communist Party in late 1939 and steps are taken to normalize the situation of the institutions cubanas.Se convened Constituent Assembly elections held in November 1939 and results in a very heterogeneous camera in which all sides are represented and which will build the power group Fulgencio Batista to read as no democratic process to ensure sustainability clave.La positions left opposition won five members, a figure that showed little language electoral system was not designed to ellos.La Constituent Assembly drafted a new constitution for Cuba which was adopted in 1940. Thus we see
regarding the English Civil War and the involvement of volunteers Cuban, the situation was quite different in the game the same as the return of these, when left-wing organizations were legalized and demanding his return from French concentration camps.


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