MOISES Raigorodsky" Rusito "
The history of the Cuban volunteers is full freedom romantic episode, dramatic, heroic and generally people with a personality definida.El present case, it may be a clear example of this mixture that defines Cuban fighters in Spain. Moses
Raigorodsky Suri was born in the Russian city of Odessa a 10 of February 1914.Su father was a typographer Raidgorodsky Germain and her mother, Sonia, was responsible for housework and since the birth of their first child education este.Se was a humble family in which the lack of resources was never an excuse for intellectual improvement of its integrantes.Sonia was Jewish and Hebrew is shown as a practitioner, concerned about passing on traditions familiar to suyos.A Five months after birth Moses, the firstborn of this family, Russia entered the Germain world war and was called to filas.Se Raigorodsky was a peaceful man of character whom the army called him was a painful trauma that had to accept without más.Sonia went home to her parents to try to break Moses forward with limited resources disponían.Al little Germain incorporating the front was given up for dead, something quite common in the confusion of those years in Russia in which mixed the "Great War" with the "Revolution October, however, once the four years after the world war that lasted Germain returned to Odesa.Había remained imprisoned in a concentration camp during that time, in harsh conditions and was quite ill and strongly depressed by expectations of those living in poverty and conflict between the victorious Bolshevik revolution and the so-called "White Russians" who sought to regain the poder.Mientras So Moses had received the first teachings of his mother taught him to read and write in Russian and the Hebrew language, Yiddish and later attended school in Odessa situation lasted for nine years. Germain and Sonia decided to immigrate to the United States where the printer brothers lived for some years and we coasted the 1923 pasajes.En depart for the U.S. adventure but forced destination than a stopover in Havana, the family decided to try his hand at cubana.Se capital established in the heart of the city in the Bethlehem district and the central number 82 Acosta Street, installing a printer at home . Moses was nine years, spoke Russian and Yiddish and had been awake as a student in his school years in September 1924 Odesa.En his parents enrolled him at Public School number thirteen of Havana, where from the moment his companions call him by the nickname "The Rusito" and "Raigor." In those first months Moses showed great spirit to overcome and despite not speaking English is slowly fitting into school dynamics to the point that by the end of that course in English and answered questions from teachers and was certified grado.Como studies showed an excellent quarter for music his parents bought him a violin and enrolled him school of music "Cervantes" where he also became interested in mandolina.Tras the first year of learning and played quite freely.
At the age of thirteen and after four to stay in Cuba and showed a total adaptation to the country and traditions despite their distinctive appearance of blond and very white skin, certainly rare among young Cubans . At this age and after a waiver was able to take the examination for admission to the Secondary School in Havana to receive medio.Transcurría undergraduate in 1927, so the country was in full "Machado" and his arrival coincides with the institute Moses an intense environment with the student claim that he will soon identificarse.Cuando fifteen years has produced the attack that kills the Julio Antonio Mella in Mexico, which convulsed the student environment and Moses makes more radicalized in commitment against dictadura.Solo few months later, on September 30, 1930, and find the "Rusito" participating in one of the student demonstrations has had more impact in the recent history of student action Cuba.Esta giving as a result of aggression and subsequent death of Rafael Trejo, a prominent leader in the Campus Directory to Pablo de la Torriente was seriously injured, had the participation of the elite of the student movement: Torriente, Dearman Vizcaino and other muchos.Por both Moses at a young age and was surrounded by activists orden.Con first seventeen years he joined the Student Left Wing but not neglect his intellectual formation , is studying music and begins to escribir.En 1932 wrote his first book, "Literary Dawn" and begins writing plays that it plays with other compañeros.Todo this occurs in the Hebrew Center in Havana that vincula.Allí Moses founded the magazine "The Hebrew Student" which releases its first written and published in English and in this journal yiddish.A eventually become the mouthpiece of the Communist Youth Hebrew and a center of activity against the dictatorship, which will be worth to be harassed and even attacked the "Circle of Students Hebrews" by members Estado.Finalmente Security of the journal will be removed and the printing of his father will be closed for some tiempo.Moises not give up its activity in Jewish organizations based in Cuba and become a regular at the "Cultural Society Hebrew Union" located on Calle Zulueta. In 1933 Moses
Raigorodsky nineteen years old but behaves like a veteran in the activity against the dictatorship of Gerardo Machado.Como representative of the Anti-Imperialist Youth League is appointed responsible for it in the Secondary School in Havana and displays a intense actividad.Ese same year he entered the Cuban Communist Party Youth, the League JuvenilComunista, becoming part of the cell number five located in the suburb of Bethlehem where actively cooperate in the mobilizations prior to the fall of Machado in the strike March of 1933 that ultimately end with the flight of the dictator.
During the progressive government with Antonio Grau tanden Guiteras, Moses will be used fully in the process of agricultural collectivization and the emergence of soviets in different areas of the Cuban interior. Raigorodsky integrate militias created by Guiteras "Pro Law and Justice." One of her most memorable is this period will be participating in the arrival of the ashes of Mella to Havana and the planned demonstration on this occasion on 29 September Maria Luisa Lafita 1933.Su biographer remembered plethora knowing that he had been assigned the task of security outside the building where he watched the ashes of the "athlete of freedom" which is how she met Nick from muerte.El act and the subsequent demonstration was authorized but Antonio Guiteras serving as Secretary of War and Navy Ministry warned of the failure to ensure the call arrivals to threats from within the army which Fulgencio Batista was Chief of Mayor.Estos events took place in a house in Queen Street, headquarters of the Anti-Imperialist League and the Pioneers from where the demonstration was actually toured several streets in the center of the capital until there was the arrival of several police units with the support of the army, which caused a tremendous stampede followed by a real masacre.Fue on this occasion that Moses Raigorodsky cemented his reputation as tough to achieve a pistol disarm several police officers who cornered many of his peers in a dead out.The "Rusito" was cementing his liderazgo.Solo step at four days later there was another incident that threatened the progressive government, a considerable number of Cuban army officers locked in the Hotel Nacional in Havana with the aim of promoting sublevación.Aunque this time were fought from within the army and police, was no less important contribution of the militia "Pro Law and Justice" in which Moses was composed of not missing the appointment of "National" where he was seen at first línea.Solo five weeks later, on 8 November, there was another attempted coup from various environmental headquarters in Havana, the most important of these is Columbia . Moses did not disappoint and took part in the eviction of sublevados.Solo two days later, on November 10 and in a climate of social upheaval the Cuban Communist Party issued a proclamation to further radicalize the political climate: "The whole, being able to the workers and peasants supported by soldiers and sailors. "This was certainly a gamble imbued with the spirit of revolution rusa.Raigorodsky was proposed from the Left Wing Student spread this message among sugar farmers traveling through various stations in which called for the establishment of soviets.El November 16 was one of the country's major central name "Senate" whose owner was an out-standing member of the Cuban oligarchy , there was a new slaughter for holding a meeting at which Raigorodsky was in the use of the word because the army had gathered outside the meeting and introduced several provocadores.El result was dramatic confrontation with the balance of twelve people, many of them bled through the reeds in an attempt to make the flight after receiving gunshot wounds no less than seventy wounded gravedad.Raigorodsky fought gun in hand, but was slightly wounded in the shoulder did break through with his gun after being hidden in a truck could camouflage merchandise and so return to Havana.
At this point Moses Raigorodsky "Raigor" or "Rusito" was well known by the repressive forces who considered him a dangerous element and after the fall of the Government of progress emerged Machado's flight was more than likely that found in all the lists of the military coup policía.El Batista to the head occurred January 15, 1934 which ushered in a new wave of late March detenciones.A Moses put posters referring to a meeting to be held in "Arena Cristal" when he was arrested along with several companions and sent to the dreaded castle Príncipe.Allí fall into the hands of Lt. Moses Mauteutten that separated from other detainees and took him to a gallery prisoners would suffer excruciating common where living conditions and a strict regime of work cutting leña.La Carnesoltas judge intent was not to instruct other than a summary that ended with Raigorodsky family in exile and as the trial came primed with activista.El young Raigorodsky imprisonment was a young ordeal endured with fortitude as well as adjust to life among the common prisoners performed continuous advocacy of revolution among these, however outside large demonstrations were organized by libertad.Raigorodsky was a leader on and off prisión.Tras fourteen days on bread and water took the Governor of Havana, Celestino Baizán, War hero of Cuban independence, was making a tour of the prison called him and asked to speak alone with him and after narrating the abuse he was being subjected to it recluyesen achievement along with the other political prisoners by ceasing the punishment that was being sometido.Mientras both external mobilization escalated, especially with a show that traveled from campus to Central Park, at the gates of the Palacio Presidencial.Finalmente Moses was released but his fingerprints had been on the records of the political police definitely had him in their sights, however a few days later he was back in action , this time at the gates of the Interior Ministry where the Left Wing Student had organized a protest against the detention of two activists who had shown American public solidarity with leftist isla.Aquí a serious incident occurred when a group of demonstrators including Moses, rose to discuss the situation with officials turn up the conversation gubernamentales.Una Moses rose in pitch and punched one of his partners and then pick up a photograph of President Mendieta and throw by balcón.Una again the "Rusito" was shown as being unruly and was at the origin of revuelta.Lo followed was a great shooting that ended without victimas.Pero fortunately things got worse for the revolutionary movement and since the government decided to root our demonstrations estudiantiles.El May 2, 1934 the army occupied the School of Arts and offices to which students responded entrenched in the Institute of Habana.Una again The student protest developed in the same scenario, ie the group of buildings that make up the Capitol, the apple of Gomez in which he was writing the right-wing "Diario de la Marina" and the Presidential Palace is located a few meters from this place.The students were severely attacked with real fire and toxic gases from the arcades of "El Diario de la Marina" and only the mediation of the police commander Neno Hidalgo had lost a brother in the revolt against Machado, the president got
Mendieta give orders to leave and go to estudiantes.Moises the rest of young people got out of this trap but would not stop the acoso.El May 17 there was an official act in the same scenario, the Central Park, where speakers loaded his speeches against communists and Guiteras and justified what happened in the few days instututo antes.Al Raigorodsky end of the ceremony Moses climbed up the statue of Jose Marti and bandaged his eyes saying he did not want the father of his country was contemplating such action injuria.Esta the straw that broke the patience of President Mendieta and from his cabinet gave the order to end the life of Moses on the pretext of being an agent of Moscú.Aunque Moses is aware of the danger does not cease in its efforts and seventeen concentrated in June that she attended a performing-called "Green Shirts" of ABC.Esta concentration was known to the revolutionaries who had infiltrated the army several and the police for further Alberto Sanchez would fight and die in Spain very close to where he did Raigorodsky.Los concentrates were attacked by the group action and sabotage of Joven Cuba, the organization recently created by Antonio Guiteras. Pedro Vizcaino was responsible for the group and with the Rudolph Armas.Cuando the attack concentrated on once again appeared on the scene Raigorodsky Moses leading a youth group Comunista.El attack did not produce the desired results as while they managed the dissolution of the concentrates failed to act against their leaders, though he served for several of these Raigorodsky detected between the response was swift atacantes.La and his family was trapped in her home that was under close vigilancia.La Raigorodsky situation was critical for the party so decided to hide for a time.The site chosen was the home of Maria Luisa Lafita that by that time was a prominent party activist who lived by and for the revolución.Lafita mother lived in the house between the streets of San Miguel and San Nicolás.Su mother, Angelina John was also a woman identified with the struggle against dictatorship, not in vain to husband, socialist ideology was killed in the final stage of Gerardo Machado government for opposing Moses dictadura.A hidden away in a car to the vicinity of the house Lafita.Fue Ladislao González Carvajal, a veteran communist militant who urged that the family Lafita escondiesen.Angelina, mother, put his conditions in that there were other hidden youth which could jeopardize this new incorporación.Una Once those were willing to increase the number of refugees in the house went to Moses and asked if he knew Angelina pull as if trying to storm the house should defend shooting limpio.Sin certainly did not think Moses and joined the shelter in he remained until early agosto.Fue on that date that Laidslao Gonzalez could get a ticket to Spain via Mexico, the party Raigorodsky Moses had ordered, activist of the Cuban Communist Party's Youth into exile English.
Moses came to Spain in mid-1934.Tenía 22 years and without doubt, the thirteen years he had lived in Cuba had profoundly affected his personality and convicciones.Llegó to Spain with no resources and very little contact beyond the own party knew four languages, was a noted violinist, a good athlete and showed excellent conditions for work in the theater or cinema, certainly supported by a distinguished physicist, blond, very tall, with light eyes and ways however refinadas.Sin Raigorodsky had an unsteady start on arrival in Spain and had to accept any occupation for bad life in those difficult years in which the second English Republic was maintaining a huge pulse to break his jacket and jumping over every obstacle was to set in Madrid camino.Moisés and began to frequent the Communist Party circles España.Una their most common occupations was the sale of books, but thanks to his mastery of languages \u200b\u200bgot some progressive editorial was commissioned translations for their publicaciones.En any case of the first seven months Moses in Spain very little is known, however, in April 1935 would come to Spain Maria Luisa Lafita and Pedro Vizcaino, married since late 1933, also in exile, fleeing the siege imposed by the police three days Batista.A arriving in the English capital, Moses had already contacted them, it was a morale booster since he had gone from a situation in which their environment admired as a revolutionary hero now be in an unfamiliar city in which alone make his way, so the arrival of marriage meant to him an important emotional support . A few days after the arrival of their comrades a stroke of luck would have to travel on the Calle de la Montera met Claudio Gutierrez, a veteran communist Spaniard who had lived a long period in Cuba where he was the first chef at the Hotel Nacional and distinguished himself in the fight against Gerardo Machado accurate implying a threat to his life and forced him to return to Spain. Claudio ran a pension
named "La Cubana" I'd end up home and business center of Cuban exile group in Madrid.Otros fellow board were Polycarp Candon, Alberto Sanchez and many others. This group of Cuban
founded the Cuban Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist Association ", whose president was Pedro Vizcaino.Moisés not stop his political activity, had joined the Communist Party of Spain nothing on arrival in September 1934 and made regular events and meetings, pasted posters and not to forget his side to actively participate in several scuffles with members of the Falange and other organizations on the right in Spain more working mothers a great friendship with Alberto Sánchez which he could not know in Cuba.Sin jobs but still had very unstable and poorly paid, which led him to seek a card at the time had given the English actor Ernesto Vilches during a shoot in Cuba.Moisés learned that Vilches was directing the film "Prisoner 113" and went to school but to the action deterrent goalkeeper faced long wanted to give with this and only led to mayhem organized itself borrowed Ernesto Vilches ocurrido.Por find out what fortune not only recognized him but was given a prominent role that reported 25 pesetas a day, a good capital that would allow many of its auxiliary fellow board passing through serious economic difficulties.
But in Spain is played to the limit and the threat of fascism is more than latente.En the first months of 1936 entered the MAOC bassinet (Worker-Peasant Antifascist Militias). It was to have prepared a response to what they could come over, something easy to guess the political climate that led to the triumph of the Popular Front in the February elections occur 1936.Al the military uprising of July 18, 1936, Moses Raigorodsky be one of the first to reach the gates of the headquarters of the Mountain to prevent the departure of tropas.Le accompany Maria Luisa Lafita this trance, Pedro Vizcaino, Alberto Sánchez and Polycarp Candon including cubanos.Candón remember after that was Raigorodsky who sought a gun on that occasion and along with this had at least one month doing night duty on behalf of MAOC to monitor "hot spots" in relation to a possible sublevación.Raigorodsky it was a picture of the MAOC and 29 July is a founding member from the Fifth Regiment along with the other members of the Association of Cuban Anti-imperialist fighters "who joined en masse to the combat unit that was created to stop the fascist movement and with this, without forgetting their cultural concerns was a founder of the "Union of Artists and Writers" with the idea of \u200b\u200bmoving fronts activities guerra.Su first destination on the front will be in the unit Navalperal Colonel Mangada operating in an arc stretching from Cebrecos to Las Navas the Marqués.Raigorodsky be immediately appointed political commissar and comandante.Su first action in the open field occurred in Somosierra, so far were taken urgently available militias in those first moments of the sublevación.Se tried to plug the entrance to the rebel troops through the port of Somosierra.Los militants, with high percentage of MAOC militants including Raigorodsky was, had to go back to fix the front line Buitrago de Lozoya with his back, but managed to stop progress toward Capital.Since was moved here Guadarrama sector where there were fierce battles for control of the Alto de El León and whatever you were stopped also, tried a maneuver enclosure through the mountains of Gredos.Moises fought Pequerinos village had been destroyed August 29 by Moroccan troops but managed to regain with the arrival of the column of Juan Modesto and other boosters organized capital.Sin urgency in doubt, Moses had been used relentlessly in these first forty days of war, which earned him being sent to Madrid suffering from high fever that kept him paralizado.Lo blood sent to the hospital primarily serving the militias of the Fifth Regiment and you will find the love needed to regain strength as many Cuban women and other nationalities serving as volunteer nurses in this hospital sent by the Red Aid international Lafita Luisa Maria herself, Tina Modotti and Matilde Landa will be among the partners to find on arrival and with These Claudio Gutierrez, the Spaniard who ran the board "La Cubana" who had enlisted volunteers to work in the kitchen few days Hospital. Moses will be fit again to return to the frontlines of war where the threat had been increased purse on Madrid but before leaving the hospital showed his intention to write a book about the solidarity work that was carried out in the hospitals of war, this comment did Maria Luisa Lafita to which he added that this would happen if that managed to survive the fierce battle that was librando.Por therefore no doubt that Moses was well aware that the risk of conflict was increasingly high.
Throughout the month of September 1936 Moses fought in the First Brigade Mobile Emergency "that was commander Candon Polycarp that he recognized his military talents very beginning of the conflict armado.Moises Raigorodsky exercise once again post of political commissar and will fight in front with the rank of commander batallón.Como its name implies, this unit was mobile and therefore was intended to plug those parts of the siege of Madrid that will make their presence more necessary, Moses so that you play fight in high-risk places such as Ciudad Universitaria, Navalperal, Usera and Casa de Campo. A first
October enjoyed a short leave that allowed him to visit friends Madrid.Se Cubans moved to the pension "La Cubana" with his girlfriend, a young art student dramático.Allí was Angelina, the mother of Maria Luisa and Lafita everyone called Aunt, confessing to be deeply in love and ready to marry that girl at the end of guerra.Será then dealing with the arrival of Pablo de la Torriente to Madrid just two weeks, but there is no mention in the writings of Paul or documents the currently known that both were to be contacted, otherwise logical thing if we consider the situation of a besieged Madrid which were fronts far apart on the perimeter of the capital.
Back in the front, Raigorodsky experienced perhaps the worst time of the defense of Madrid on the transfer of the Government of the Republic at Valencia on November 6, leaving a límite.Al Madrid next day was the Defense Council with the general Miaja front, the city was divided into four sectors and established new defensive strategies as the advance of rebel troops from the Tagus was causing a mass withdrawal of the militants who had managed to contain the progress so far. The rebels were confident of victory and had set a date for the fall of Madrid in the day on November 7 that and as it had been made known to correspondents extranjeros.Lograron progress establishing a line passing through the hills of Los Angeles
, Carabanchel, Four Winds and stopped at the walls of the House of Campo.Fue then came the heroic cry "They will not." Whichever way you spoke the enemy's operational plan which was carrying a tank who died in combat, learned about the enemy's intention was to download the main attack by the House, Bridge of the French and Universitaria.Aunque city there is no record of the exact date and place of death in combat of Moses Raigorodsky, this should occur between 6 to 8 November, at which time the the attack missed its surprise factor and the locals began to believe they were able to contain that river of fire that came they encima.Según the book version published by the Institute of History of Communist Movement in Cuba that gave rise to the book of evidence "Cuba and defend the English Republic, died at the home of Campo no set date as a result of an enemy grenade that severed part of the conversation Head. by the author of this research Jacinto, younger brother of Moses The family was never sure of the date of his death, being aware of it by party colleagues who could not specify the day of fallecimiento.Madrid resisted until the end of the war two and half years later, helped by his life that 22 year-old who dreamed of returning to Cuba and make a pending revolution.
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