Monday, April 30, 2007

What Is Trollandtoad?


English Civil War has always served me with a curiosity that he became fascinated, possibly something has to see the son of a Malaga who fled eight years down the road from Almeria to the entry of Italian troops in Málaga.Algo like I can think of Cuba and its history with Spain, so that when the "red", that everything can be put before me an article in the Granma newspaper which spoke of a tribute to Cuban soldiers who fought in the English Civil War I felt a need to know details of all aquello.Yo had read some references to Cuban civil war but they were always individual cases, but this tribute which resulted in a modest and dignified memorial on Pier Light Havana spoke of a significant contingent of volunteers and what was even better in this event which took place on December 4, 2003, had supervivientes.Ese was the origin of this research has led me to meet and interview these people and rebuild his time in Spain through his testimony to what I went to Cuba and traveled the same scenarios which starred his achievement.
To the knowledge of these facts there are some essential works but all of them published in Cuba where the Cuban presence in the English Civil War is commonly known and disseminated through books, articles and from the mid-nineties with a permanent forum, the center "Pablo de la Torriente Brau, which promotes publications and meetings on this file especialidad.Desgraciadamente the Cuban veterans of the English Civil War have been spoiled for over fifty years through the association of "Cuban Volunteers in the English Civil War" was finally broken off following the death of his last President Mario Morales and his secretary Aneiro Subirat, past members who guarded, and subsequently their families handed them over to historians and journalists who were interested in the subject or simply unaware of their paradero.Esta research is therefore based on testimony and documents that these survivors have provided in the relatives of many of the deceased and all documents that have been localizados.De among these include those contributed by Ramón Nicolau was responsible for the recruitment and presence of the volunteers who departed from Cuba and who later became head of the Institute of History of Cuba, from where he launched a monographic publication on this subject upon the expiration of forty years of the English Civil War, a book of interviews and final accounts for Knowledge of these hechos.En the nineties, historians like Alberto Alfonso Bello, Victor Joaquin Ortega and others helped to keep alive the memory of these events, something that has not happened with specialists in English civil war from Spain and elsewhere the world have deepened the international presence in the English Civil War but have not delved into the number of volunteers cubano.El quota is another unresolved with the added difficulty is to know the number of volunteers who enlisted directly in units of " Popular Army "without keeping any relation with Cuban organizations working in this tarea.Todos work on the subject speak of a figure about thousand fighters.

For a better understanding of the presence of Cuban volunteers in Spain, I have compiled a brief history of Cuba since its independence until the beginning of the war in España.Se is an approach to social and political process which was last English colony that only thirty-eight years later to achieve their independence, defend with their blood to a part of Spain during the war, Spain leal.Otro chapter is devoted to the Cuban revolutionary movement and stage of gestation as the embryo of As the years would become the only Latin American country where Marxism was installed as a reference politician, a crucial chapter to learn about the environment and living conditions of most of the volunteers before leaving for Spain will be framed in the student movement in labor organizations or political groups opposed to the dictatorship that endured fierce Cuba gestures and constant interference from plants of the Cuban Unidos.Los States fighting in Spain belong to different political, but all have something in common, are anti-fascist and anti-imperialists also tells the definitive role of the Communist Party of Cuba after the call the Comintern for Spain sending volunteers to act as a liaison between them and the organizations who took care of his transfer, his time in France and in Spain usually clandestine entry and once there, his enlistment in the International Brigades, but as will be seen later, not only in these units will fight the Cubans.

Another aspect that I wanted to deepen the relationship between the two nations since the war began, the role played by Cuba to adopt a position of "active neutrality" that will pass through different positions as your proposal of arbitration in English English conflict and their Republican swings to diplomats in Cuba or informal representative government in Burgos isla.Se also highlights the activities of the English colony on the island during the war, with Republican organizations and Phalangists cause currents of opinion and media debates that calarán deep into Cuban society had experienced moments of elation only three years before the fall of President Gerardo Machado and the creation of a government trend for a few months left to carry out a reform program in which we can find similarities with those adopted by the government of the Second Republic in España.También is analyzed the role of Cuban diplomacy in Spain during the conflict with an intense humanitarian work translated into political asylum in their headquarters of dozens of people, mainly supporters of the elevations, but at the end of the war also give asylum to supporters República.Se also highlights the work of these diplomats as far as exchange of prisoners between the two sides respect and repatriation of Cubans imprisoned in concentration camps Franco after the war.
aid agencies to reach such a strong Republican Spain during the duration of the conflict that will become the true engine of the Cuban opposition had formed an association for material aid to Spain where he also worked in advertising . There were important food items, medicines, snuff and other supplies, was created a children's colony in Sitges with the name "Casa Cuba" and generally managed to keep the tension on the English war in Cuban society which not only came messages of solidarity to Spain but also from revulsion toward the Cuban government and absence of political freedoms, a circuntastancia that vary significantly in the duration of the war in España.Sin But even as important material and moral support, will determine the contribution of volunteers to fight in Spain, a task that will take place in conditions hiding and persecution by the Cuban authorities and it will be possible thanks to the Cuban Communist Party structure, so young and small English, but with the same nerve and the communists ability organización.Serán those in charge of organizing volunteer groups still being of different political tendencies are absorbed by the structure of the Comintern since his arrival in France, always with communist cadres in front of groups.
Although it has been difficult to choose among these volunteers, I decided to opt for just a few of them and delve into his biography and his time in España.Respecto of survivors, old age has allowed them to recount their memories unevenly, although four of them remain quite alive these facts and only corrected his testimony on those lapses that may have be tested in his previous testimony and documents in their poder.Tambien I respected their expressions and possibly their English cuba.Desgraciadamente Pablo de la Torriente just usually stand out as representative of the "Volunteers of Liberty" Cubans to Through these pages you will find the uniqueness of many others who lost their lives in Spain and had a performance significada.Con the arrival of the Revolution in 1959, many of these veterans became part of the political elite as Ramon Nicolau, Mario Morales , Manuel del Peso and María Luisa Lafita, but most returned to their jobs and their passage through the English fronts was no general rule to than forty years the Cuban government granted the medal survivors distinguishes internationalist fighters and considered them as the pioneers in this work has led to revolutionary Cubans to fight in different continents since the beginning of the socialist revolution Spain were the Cuban island of tremendous intellectual stature as Juan Marinello or Felix Piit class musicians such as Julio Cuevas or sinister gangsters of memory as Rolando Masferrer who volunteered to Spain and was wounded in the leg so that over the years when he became head of the feared mafia gang known as "Masferrer's Tigers" became known as "Masferrer lame."
Finally I did not want to stop telling the torments of the Cuban combatants in refugee camps in the French hastily fitted out to accommodate the English Republicans who were forced to leave the country at the end of the Cubans staged guerra.Los unique initiatives in these camps, including leaks and musical compositions, as that gives this book and ultimately went on to become a symbol of the resistance of these Cubans who spent an average of one hundred days prisoners on the beaches of France.

"Alle, Alle Kicks. "Combatants Cubans in the English civil war, aims to contribute to the knowledge of the exploits of these volunteers whose survivors, seventy years after these events are looking towards Spain, not the country that colonized but as one that allowed them to fight the fascismo.España recognized their right to citizenship in 1996 in a political gesture of circumstances that does not do justice to the slaughter of foreigners who came to Spain to defend the government Constitucional.Prueba of this is the lack of interest in English diplomatic authorities shown to these men who deal with the same indifference as the thousands of Cubans who come to English consular offices and has no more knowledge than spread the Cuban media.
know the feat of these men and women, who were, why they were and as discoursed his time in Spain is definitely the reason for this book.

Saying On Wedding Programs

CUBA a young nation

For at least thirty years the Cuban people held different episodes of war with the Crown of Spain as colonial power in decline declared clung the maintenance of "the largest of the Antilles." It is known that Spain had in Cuba last chance to maintain its economic and geo-strategic influence in the area, but the reality marked an unstoppable path to Cuban independence both militarily and in terms económico.Desde the sixties of the nineteenth century Cuban independence had managed to organize a "liberating army" increasingly strong and entrenched institutions as the "Assembly of Representatives of the People in Arms" and perhaps most importantly, had created an ideology led by the father of the fatherland "José Martí" feel the foundation for future structure of the nation and political thought with important repercussions in the sectors that embrace this instrument independence without fisuras.El northern Cuban Revolutionary Party and the army as an instrument of war Mambí cause in the last decade of the nineteenth century independence subject to the English crown to a push imparable.En the last years of the Cuban troops are in control orientales.Este provincial real scenario is closely watched by the United States since the sixties a great economic penetration force, so that will replace the English investments in the U.S. capital island especially in regard to farm agriculture and mining.

In this context, the United States deployed its navy in various parts of the perimeter Cuban under the guise of possible unrest in the island and the February 15, 1898 incident caused the battleship Maine, a ship that was anchored in Havana harbor explodes with 268 deaths as a result and various versions of what happened, but what that is indisputable is that with this event, the U.S. had an excuse for war with Spain so they can expand their sphere of influence not only Cuba but also to Puerto Rico and Spain Filipinas.Por its part tried to avoid until the last when this confrontation.

It was just a few weeks that Spain had settled on the island an autonomous regime there were only a few days for Insular Parliament elections trying to stop the rise of the independents, but this measure was designed so tarde.Los U.S. intervención.El plan April 11, 1898 President William McKinley received permission from Congress and the budget required to develop Cuba intensidad.En a powerful speech declared the first days of war, Americans had a quota of 125,000 volunteers later extended to April 21 200.000.Para start blocking major Cuban ports, subjecting them to heavy bombardment , which also occurred in San Juan, Puerto Rico and Manila.La ground invasion began on the eastern Cuba after deal with independence forces who supported the move and consolidated a head playa.Fecha be decisive defeat on July 3, with the naval battle Spain suffered at the hands of the United States in the Bay of Santiago, the English fleet Cuba.La Admiral Pascual Cervera was neutralized and with it the English hopes that after this episode will be confident of its military inferiority and inability to stay in the war.

One thing to consider is the refusal of the U.S. Army to enter the rebel troops in Santiago de Cuba under the guise of avoiding clashes with the English, thereby denying from the outset, the Cubans any degree of initiative in decisions that are started in the country.

The war lasted only as necessary for the English troops accelerate its withdrawal, so that almost immediately began peace talks on August 11 hostilidades.El were suspended on December 10 was signed the "Treaty of Paris under which Spain left in the hands of the United States to Cuba and other English territories coloniales.Esta capitulation to the Americans was a major grievance for Cuban independence had expected this moment for decades. We were still in 1898 and Cuba was changing its design as a people but not the stigma of country colonizado.Historicamente This stage is known as the "first period of American occupation." United States took full control not only militarily but also in the American president will político.El General John R. Brooke, this will establish measures in all the orders of Cuban life, the first of them to clear the institutions from the independence struggle, while you earn the favor of so-called annexation supporters showed that U.S. protection or simply look in this new scenario a situation of economic advantage for its inversiones.Brooke organized a civil government and provides the country with institutions to measure, favors the political dominance of the pro-American and gives wings to the economic penetration of investment from the United States on the island creating a situation almost monoculture focused on sugar and snuff and therefore heavily dependent importadora.Todo this happens in a country that at the end of war offers a census of 1,572,000 inhabitants and has suffered at least 400,000 have died as a result of the war.

This new scenario does not go unnoticed for Cubans who wanted full independence, and Maximo Gomez, General in Chief of the liberating army assert a proclamation from Jagüajay "neither free nor independent yet." Other opposition groups begin workerist trend timid attempts to consolidate, will be the case of the Socialist Party of Cuba that emerged in 1899 with the support of exiles returning to the island and former heads of the "Mambisa", but this only takes about meses.Se generally creates a stream of response to the U.S. occupation will also have significance in the United States where many entrepreneurs are threatening tobacco business by tough competition from imports cubanas.En this context the U.S. government gives a twist to its strategy now moving from an absolute military control a careful design of control político.En final steps will be taken to a situation of independence tutelada.A end of 1899 are called municipal elections and the rise of the new century will give approval to the emergence of new political parties in Cuba, will be the case of the Cuban National Party "supported by a nationalist bourgeoisie, the" Cuban Radical Party "supported by the most radical Mambi or the party "Democratic Union" composed mainly of autonomy supporters of American tutelage. In July 1900 municipal elections are held to a very limited suffrage, the same as in September of that year elect the 31 members of the "Constituent Assembly". In these first elections to win the independence of several trends that have as basic task of providing the country a Constitución.En February 1901 approving the text is essentially a nationalist spirit Constitution adopts the "republic" form of government and generally follows the conquests of the French Enlightenment and contains the substance of thought " Marti. "The grand fiasco come just at the end of this process, when the United States impose their condiciónese these came as an amendment filed in the U.S. Congress by Congressman Orville Platt, which is equipped with eight articles, implied an absolute dependence the Cuban nation to the United States on key issues of economy, defense and foreign relations of concrete cubanos.En assumed the right to intervene militarily without consultation, forced Cuba to cede territory to the United States to establish military bases and mining but in turn implied the impossibility of Cuba ceded territory to third countries and sign agreements with these that undermine the nacional.Como defense can be seen, the Platt Amendment was the instrument chosen by the United States to cease its military occupation while maintaining complete control over the island that left room only for managing the affairs "domestic." U.S. Taxation assumed that this amendment will be incorporated into the Cuban Constitution as an appendix to the misma.Tras tense debates and a clear break in the class Cuban policy, the amendment was passed by a margin of four votos.Técnicamente Cuba began its life as free, the reality was manifestly different.

On December 31, 1901 shall be called the first elections presidenciales.A Although there are two candidates, in the end only concur Tomás Estrada Palma is chosen by the administration norteamericana.Procedente the Cuban Revolutionary Party of José Martí, always acted as a liaison man with the Americans during the struggles of independencia.Estrada Palma will be the prototype of President corrupt and bent to the interests of the United States, not in vain resided in that country and returned to Cuba just four months before the election. His campaign was extremely airy fraudulent which provoked protests, but came to strengthen the privileged position of economic sectors profiteers and the United States offered any kind of mandate garantías.Bajo built this country Guantánamo.Junto naval base at this stage was marked by numerous strikes and insurrections that would be violently crushed by the newly formed Rural Guard and the army itself, both with a strong end of its mandate represor.Al Estrada Palma bet for reelection, which led to protests rising tone to create a climate of revolt that resulted in a military reoccupation of the United States.

In September 1906 William Taff, Secretary of War the United States landed in Cuba is now the provisional governorship of the island and conducting an apparent policy of social peace which in reality would be a stagnation in the aspirations of independence Cuba and its activity is focused on ensuring U.S. interests and the ruling oligarchy. This process will culminate in 1909 with the call for new elections in which the liberal will be elected José Miguel Gomez.Se began a phase in which the sequencing of compliant with U.S. presidents and an even greater business insight American
besides cornering agricultural and mining sectors now account for banking and become almost the only creditors of the Cuban debt while controlling public services and political praxis ferrocarril.Como consolidate the practice of corruption . The "bottles" are the name given in Cuba to pay fraudulent fees, which become a constant in the Cuban political and administrative life, thousands of Cuban officials and politicians are paid in exchange succulent interfere with the handling government or simply to look the other way.
Jose Miguel Gomez will remain in power until 1913.Le happen Mario Garcia Menocal who will be in power two mandatos.En 1921 will be elected president Alfredo Zayas.Entre they just are nuances in the style of government but the reality is that the vital signs of the Republic will remain the same: Dependence political, economic and United States military and general corruption in all levels of the nación.Un significant fact at this stage will be the consequences of the First World War that led to the Cuban sugar exports skyrocketed to a devastated Europe which led to some economic boom, however with the recovery of the situation returned to those characteristic of the period deteriorarse.Otra will be the influence of the "October Revolution in Russia, which gave rise to currents of thought and activity on all socialist workerist anarcosindicalista.Ninguna of these reach maturity and are fought with repression during implacable.Durante of these governments will be an electoral fatigue and a discredited political class that will be used in the call for elections in 1925 by Gerardo Machado, also called by many the "tropical Mussolini", a populist candidate who will come to power with a considerable base social constructed of promises and mandate based inter alia on an ambitious plan to invigorate public works the economy but which in turn is a clear interest norteamericanos.Machado server is displayed as a repressor relentless obsession with special on the newly created Cuban Communist Party, not in vain in its mandate jailed founder Julio Antonio Mella thereof, to that after exile to Mexico, pursued in this country until his assassination, as did Carlos Baliño who died a natural death besieged by members of the "State Security". With regard to public works his greatest achievement was the construction of the "central route" giving form to the island from west to east and the "Capitol" Cuban, a building similar to the U.S., which reaffirmed yet further submission to the United States.

In 1927 the Cuban Congress maneuvered in the direction of extending the powers of Machado until 1935, which resulted in a large opposition movement that will have representatives across the political spectrum of the island from the system itself, through the left and primarily with the pressure of the student movement in this period bursts with fuerza.Esta internal situation coincides with the world economic crisis of 1929, which particularly affects the U.S. economy which it moved to Cuba with heavy tariff increases on sugar and tobacco so is this a good setting for a new hatch that opens popular in the general strike on March 20, 1930, that unlike previous grassroots movements has the cohesion of the groups participating in it and incorporates new sectores.La strike had a total support to farmers, sections of the bourgeoisie who had never before been in these movements and the variant of the armed struggle in the cities as a sabotajes.De manifesting this mobilization around the clock paralyzed the country came the belief in the capacity for action that would forward the left in Cuba.El September 30, 1930 held a demonstration against Machado in which Rafael Trejo died activist who was a member of the so called "Student Directorate, an organ that will be severely punished but with his division" Student Left Wing "will be shown as the real nerve of this situation revueltas.Ante Machado declared a state of war. In this context, emerged in Cuba training of a fascist than Mussolini claimed that such organizations were very popular in the case of "ABC". On the other hand from the left appeared other organizations like the Revolutionary Union "under the leadership of Antonio Guiteras will have a distinctly anti-imperialist and liberating. In 1933 Miami was created in the "Cuban Opposition Board" which brought together all sectors of government opponents Machado and in some cases sought American mediation, which was named ambassador to Benjamin Welles with the task of ensuring the stability of American investments and seek the necessary support ahead of elections which were to celebrate it in 1935 containing the attempts of rebellion popular.Aunque a political amnesty was issued and implemented various populist measures, these did not stop the popular discontent that had its fullest expression in a general strike and the assault on the Presidential Palace which was followed by a great slaughter by the forces orden.Indiscutiblemente the general strike in Cuba since 1933 was a demonstration of the maturity of the opposition movements and their willingness to reach power in the not too lejano.En a situation of general chaos Machado President resigned on August 12 and fled the country.The followed was a great worker and student unrest with the persecution and in many cases, execution of elements of Machado who had held power in previous years, a new amnesty, return of exiles and essentially the breakdown of the repressive apparatus of Gobierno.A Machado Carlos Manuel Cespedes replaced him at the head of a government which brought together all the conservative forces of the country, only lasted three weeks in the poder.La governance of the country was at stake was in this scenario that broke an atypical movement, was the military of the lower echelons who under the guise of a burdensome situation in the lives of the soldiers and noncommissioned officers, staged a coup of his hand by seizing the tried poder.Se known as the "Revolution of the Sergeants' between those who appeared as a previously unknown Fulgencio Batista skillfully maneuvered in the early stages of this situación.Estos military created the" Revolutionary Military Union "and Batista climbed without intermediate from sergeant to colonel and became the confidant of the United States administration and being elevated to the position of Jeje ejercito.El of Staff of the next act in this process was the appointment as president Ramón Grau San Martín on 10 September 1933.Grau clearly formed a nationalist government that brought together all tendencias.Por first time since independence Cuba a leader of the left was sitting on the bench of the government, this is the case of Antonio Guiteras to promote progressive policies that clash with the interests of the right more rancia.El Batista himself will occupy a leading place in the cabinet Grau showing from the start his credentials as a man to serve the United States. any case this will be a vibrant period in which Cuba is the subject of a series of social reforms never before seen in the country and will climax in the dissolution of the radical right parties tradicional.El Grau government will be a team to enter into continuing contradictions due to its composition, which resulted in clashes constant within it, in addition to the opposition of the Cuban oligarchy, the party "ABC" right-wing groups "Student Directory", the army now led by Batista, and of course interest Unidos.Demasiados States against that led to the January 15, 1934 will attend a new coup led by Batista, the government called the "hundred days" had shown the capabilities of the Cuban left but also its weaknesses. This new survey

placed in power Carlos Mendieta, an ultra-reactionary supporter of American meddling in a few days abolish the social gains of the period anterior.Ante this situation, who had held power until then was reorganized from the opposition. Grau San Martin created the "Partido Revolucionario Cubano / Authentic" cut-imperialist and Antonio Guiteras Young founded Cuba in which coalesce intellectuals, students and middle class in general this trend izquierdista.A the Communist Party held its second congress showing as training maintaining close relationships with farmers and promoting movements along with the National Central of Workers of Cuba a climate of social protest. And so we come to the point that in 1934 President Roosevelt signed norteamericamo a new reciprocity treaty with Cuba that will eventually repeal the Platt Amendment, mostrandese those now less interventionist in its relations with Cuba while the frame was completely woven interests Island in 1935 from the University sponsored a general strike despite not having the approval of large segments of their organizations be left considerably weakened after the latest moves come from government repression Mendieta, this is scheduled for March, and finally made a clear fracaso.La further accentuate repression and exile was the only outlet for hundreds of repressive events cubanos.Los peaked with the murder of Antonio Guiteras while trying to flee the country by the beach Morrillo of Matanzas.
This is because the political climate and social situation in Cuba at the beginning of the English civil war, which as we shall see was a turning point in the opposition movements since the war in Spain will mean for many the struggle against the advance of fascism in the world while it is a catalyst for the movement of opposition to the government cubano.Al English war began the exile and fled the country were being mass by the prevailing repressive state, but during the course of the contest will result in the government tactical moves that radically change the panorama.Las elections are convened in January 1936 and since May ruling in Cuba Miguel Mariano Gomez is leading a coalition of "Republican Action Liberal Party and National Union", all short-term political groups to the new political scene and who really pulls the strings of power and maintain a direct line to the United States will Fulgencio Batista.A being from this new phase of government remains repressive state power but displayed certain symptoms a shift in the way of gobierno.Esta will result in protectionist measures Mussolini style as creating a "national welfare corporation" that included issues such as health, education and charity starts pública.Iguialmente a three-year public works plan and carry out initiatives such as creating unique schools in remote rural areas in which govern a militarized regime in which teachers will regular.A army sergeants Miguel Mariano Gomez was dismissed by the loss of trust towards the other characters showed Batista and the Cuban oligarchy replaced him Federico Laredo Bru, the president who will govern Cuba while the war is in España.Laredo Bru print an exciting style of governance aimed at normalizing institucional.En democratic and 1938 he produced a political gesture of great significance, is decreed an amnesty that paved the way for a new political landscape . Before there will be more news as it will be the authorization of the public demonstration to mark the first of May 1937.Los progress in labor are evident but also emerges the new style of government to legalize betting organizations to manage within the sistema.En 1938, legalizing all political parties including the Cuban Communist Party in late 1939 and steps are taken to normalize the situation of the institutions cubanas.Se convened Constituent Assembly elections held in November 1939 and results in a very heterogeneous camera in which all sides are represented and which will build the power group Fulgencio Batista to read as no democratic process to ensure sustainability clave.La positions left opposition won five members, a figure that showed little language electoral system was not designed to ellos.La Constituent Assembly drafted a new constitution for Cuba which was adopted in 1940. Thus we see
regarding the English Civil War and the involvement of volunteers Cuban, the situation was quite different in the game the same as the return of these, when left-wing organizations were legalized and demanding his return from French concentration camps.

Acupuncturist Salary Scale


The support received by the English Republic from Cuba during the civil war came almost exclusively from leftist organizations, these groups that were gaining political space on the island despite the difficulties of governments dominated by the oligarchy local and under the control of States and organizations primarily Unidos.Estas the Cuban Communist Party have in the English process will speed up your activity
maturity to meet the challenges that were coming and that would lead eventually model "revolutionary" as the organization of the Cuban State.

The Cuban leftists process is marked by the very fact of Independence whose natural leader José Martí, develop an idea that is claimed by various progressive groups that later emerge in Cuba. The bases of thought "Marti" part of a democratic and egalitarian creed between citizens and its uniqueness lies in its distinctly anti-imperialist and panamericanista.Martí died in combat before the country achieved independence but his thought transcended through generations and to party actualidad.El created by the "Cuban Revolutionary Party" can not get past the first screening of the U.S. administration that dissolved under the pretext of having achieved this their objetivos.Sin however, a party founder, Carlos Baliño, have an essential role in the emergence of new organizations revolucionario.A Baliño cutting function is attributed liaison between those first Cuban revolutionaries who fought for independence and the Communists would to organize as a party since 1925, not surprisingly, was a founding member of the Cuban Revolutionary Party "and" Popular Socialist Party "which was the first denomination in Cuba was the Communist Party.
Cuban Independence coincide in time with the gestation of revolutionary ideologies in the world, receiving influences of Marxist theories coming from Russia, from Mexico with his reassertion of nationalism and of course from Spain than it receives two distinct streams of progressive thought , of a part of socialism with Pablo Iglesias as a reference and other anarcho-syndicalism to be widespread in Cuba in the early years of the century will be XX.Tres external manifestations of the left Cuba in the years of ideological definition, labor organizations, political parties and student organizations and intellectuals will be the engine of the revolution underway.

respect of workers' organizations in these two areas differ, the agricultural, dominated by sugar and tobacco workers and organizations of the sector industrial and services públicos.En both show their belligerence since even before independence Cuban although from this when displayed more combative, benefiting from the return of thousands of exiles in many cases influenced by labor organizations of the countries of procedencia.Se created labor organizations, workers' circles, craft organizations etc.Surgió General League of Cuban Workers whose news organization "Alert" became a platform of protest not only in labor but also of the great issues of nación.La massive first strike that is subject to the new Cuban nation 1902.En dates back to November this case it was a protest of the tobacco industry was called the "strike of apprentices" and the special role that had black workers they were particularly discriminated against before, and in 1899 the country experienced a major strike construcción.Durante sector the first decade of the twentieth century the movement Cuban workers attend to a process of internal organization that will be dominated by the anarcho-syndicalist current and generally stay away from other claims that are not themselves working and living conditions of obreros.Un milestone in his career is found in 1914 with the creation of the Cuban Association for the Protection of Labour "to be born of the urge to circles close to President Garcia Menocal who tried to secure support from these groups but made the mistake of allowing free choice of delegates to the congress constituent, comprising 1,400 delegates from around the country and took a turn for the workers' demands as though Most of their proposals failed to materialize poder.Se was a demonstration of the fact that he was at this event where for the first time and in a legal act was mentioned Karl Marx, in which some of the participants showed their simpatías.En this stage were created in Cuba hundreds of unions and workers' organizations, extending its scope to trade until disorganized. Meanwhile

from the agricultural sector, the majority in the country, the trade union organizations had been operating at low intensity from the beginning of the century and its claims arose as a revolt, generally reflects the hard reprimidas.El Revolution October in Russia will lead to some stimulation of their requests.

was established in 1921 Workers Federation in Havana and in 1924 the Brotherhood Railway Cuba.Ambas boost the role of organized labor and appear as organizations capable of destabilize the Cuban government becoming the basis of the first Cuban trade union that will emerge in 1925 at a conference in Camagüey in the presence of 128 organizations around the país.Nace the "Central Obrera Nacional de Cuba" is also to appear as an instrument Solid in defense of workers is offered as an organization willing to join the struggle for political claims of Cubans. Once

woven network of Cuban labor movement these face major challenges. Following the financial crisis resulting from crak 1929, Cuba also faced an unprecedented situation with a reduction in exports of sugar and snuff up to 50%, closure of industries and a general decline in wages. Unemployment on the island in 1933 reached the figure of one million parados.Todo this led to a growing labor movement organizations to increase its actions to combat not only in employment but also in politics. The National Confederation of Workers of Cuba, acting under the guidelines of the Communist Party in those years had decisive leadership Ruben Martinez Villena attorney who set the pace of the claims. In 1930 and in the intensity of the actions of the labor organizations of Gerardo Machado government outlawed the CNOC and the Federación Obrera de la Habana. Nevertheless these groups showed their organizational maturity and resulted in continued pressure on the Government to drop Gerardo Machado, where the CNOC acted as a key element of the protests paralyze the country. After the overthrow of Machado labor organizations as a reference to the PCC to take up to 36 sugar mills established soviets in many of them, which gives a dimension actions taking place in Cuba.
With the outbreak of civil war English Cuban labor movement will take a leading role in defending the English Republic acting as a nursery for soldiers to serve on the different groups that go to Spain and also develop an important work of the Committee for Aid to the English Republic as regards social aid Shipping and material.A aid even though they are intellectuals and political cadres who most transcends the actions of the Volunteers of the Cuban Liberty "quantitatively will be members of the labor movement who have more presence in these quotas but should consider that these days the "synergy" between union and party was a plain fact.

But if the workers formed the shock troops of this period were the political organizations and in particular the Cuban Communist Party who dotase of ideology and talk to the workers in these times of cambio.Como already been said, is anti-imperialism north of the different ideological groups that arise in Cuba assuming positions left, so that the political process in Mexico and other isolated movements in the region will have a clear influence on the gestation of these grupos.En any case would be the "Russian Revolution "that set the pace in the development of leadership organizados.El groups in the initial moments lie in the independence process elements from and the figure of Carlos Baliño the leading exponent of two political generations to converge to a rupture with the political process tradicional.Baliño was co-founded with José Martí and the Cuban Revolutionary Party after the demise of this, he promoted the emergence of other groups that turned around the tenets of the Socialist International. 1922 will be a key year in this process, at which point the "Agrupación Socialista de La Habana" took the arguments of the "Third Socialist International" and the following year changed its name to "common pool of Havana", being imitated by various local organizations from the rest of País.Además BB is finally breaking into the political scene of a young student "Julio Antonio Mella" and together with the Jose Miguel Perez, of English origin and with a great reputation in progressive circles of the isla.Juntos give the final impetus for the creation of Cubano.Entre Communist Party on 16 and 17 August 1925 met in Causeway Street Havana neighborhood of El Vedado, a small group of delegates from various groups and identified themselves as comunistas.Eran around twenty members representing approximately one hundred communities across the country that adopted a Marxist-Leninist program and was elected as first secretary general Jose Miguel Perez.Todo the process was supervised by the Communist Party of Mexico that ensured respect for the proposals of the Third Internacional.Habia born PCC initially intended to expand their level of social presence and the working world estudiantil.Su emergence coincided with the arrival Gerardo Machado power deployed unlimited repression against the group to the point of jail and deport Mella José Miguel Pérez, however the initiative was continued by the action of a group of intellectuals and labor leaders
that supported the most difficult years of the Communist movement Ruben Martinez Villena Cubano.El Advocate, writer Juan Marinello, Fabio Grobart, exiled from the struggles against fascism in Europe and many others, managed to get the PCC in society calase cubana.El siege of communist leaders culminated in the arrest of Julio Antonio Mella who was imprisoned and after a hunger strike of 19 days end by a large popular mobilization, the exile in Mexico to organize the armed struggle against Machado but was asesinado.La arrival of his ashes to Cuba was a new test of general comunista.En stroke force characteristics were basically similar PCC to those of other organizations of the Third International leadership Socialista.El Ruben Martinez Villena organic but not real, led the party to upset his strategy in mobilizing workers and student unrest with excellent results that had its peak in March 1933 with the general strike and the overthrow of death by disease Machado.Tras Ruben Martinez Villena Cuban leftist movements lost their natural leader but both trade unions as political show their coming of age assuming the new Rock retos.Blas assume by this time the General Secretariat of the English war broke partido.Al the PCC was illegal, small in terms of membership and even with limited capacity for action, but its contribution to fight against fascism in Spain was a test that was established itself as a real alternative that had been installed in the labor movement and student, his two best weapons to address the pending revolution and will be at this stage of strikes and demonstrations when the Communists gain great prestige to expand its social base with many workers from the syndicalism with special emphasis on the core final azucareros.En the PCC broke their isolation through the CNTC and work was held at the Ruben Martinez Villena last decade in the field of intellectuals and the general student scene. Next to the PCC

other leftist organizations coexisted but overall its presence is small relative the responsiveness of PCC alone with the exception of the work done by Antonio Guiteras, progressive leader who assumed postulates and left most positions but distanced from PCC.Guiteras socialist organizations will change their name but kept the same ideology and social base, TNT, Youth Revolutionary Union and Cuba operate under his leadership until his muerte.Otras political organizations engaged in opposition to the Government will be the Cuban Revolutionary Party "Authentic" which will have an important human base but will appear as a dubious organization at key moments of the Cuban revolutionary process, offering years later as an alternative power once they had adopted a political program that essentially did not alter the government's traditional policy cubana.Otras important organizations on the left Cuba at the time are the National Agrarian Party, the Organization's Anti-Imperialist Cubana " Authentic "
sector broke away from the Cuban Revolutionary Party and will be headed by Carlos Prio Socarras and" Revolutionary Union "that responds to the new strategy of the Cuban communists have satellite organizations that fall within the law.
left in Cuba staged The first government action in the cabinet emerged after the overthrow of Machado, Antonio Guiteras where did the Ministry of Interior, a key responsibility in the control of the army and the forces of seguridad.Se was a brief experience as it only lasted one hundred days and it was at all times with the difficulties of a government which coexisted reacccionarias and leftist forces, however this time a glimpse of the past capacity to undertake a major renovation in the structures of society cubana.La Antonio Guiteras work was often misunderstood revolutionary as was clearly demonstrated by the measures social measures and its attempt to give the Cuban society in a series of rights and freedoms hitherto Unfortunately for the left desconocidos.Para this situation was as ephemeral as turbulent as Fulgencio Batista serving as Chief of Staff of the Army, staged a series of violent incidents that shorting the new measures gobierno.Por his part, President of the country , Ramón Grau San Martín, the trend "National Reform" at all times was unable to lead a government which did not identify ideologically.

After the experience of government that emerged with the fall of Machado, the left were subjected to a terrible represión.El January 15, 1934 Batista star in a new "coup" in this case will result in a government national concentration under the presidency of Carlos Mendieta.Los leftist parties underground pass and there will be adjustments in the model oposición.La political formation led by Antonio Guiteras TNT, give rise to "Young Cuba" will be particularly active and together these will produce a revival of the student movement with the emergence of "Revolutionary Left Wing." Just be these that in 1935 promote a general strike call to be challenged by the PCC and Guiteras supporters given the difficulties that is involved in a context of total repression had greatly weakened the capacity for action opositoras.A organizations although ultimately all opposition groups supported the strike, it was a profound failure, leaving the left debilitated, and that there were large numbers of arrests and deportations, not to mention the executions epitomized Antonio himself was Guiteras.El student movement is part of the soul of the Cuban Revolution and begins to take shape from early twenties to Julio Antonio Mella as leader but with other actors to be definitive in the history of Cuba as the actual Antonio Guiteras , Juan Marinello, Ruben Martinez Villena, all ideologues of building a new country will be equally important work of the student world in terms of political agitation and propaganda, with final names in the revolutionary process such as Pedro Vizcaino, Moses Raigorodski, Maria Luisa Lafita, Rodolfo de Armas.Todos they would fight in Spain after having led the student uprising in Cuba. It has received a benchmark organization, the Student Directory, however notice that soon after the fall of Machado whose excess had joined various trends, the student movement breaks off into two groups, right and create the last izquierdas.Estos " Student Left Wing, an organization with a lot of nerve and great capacity for sacrifice but as we shall see in the general strike of 1935, lacking organizational maturity.

In this context, called new elections in December 1935 recondujeron the country towards the path of the governments formed by coalitions of parties tradicionales.El president emerged from these elections was Miguel Mariano Gomez who took office in May 1936 but was dismissed in December by Federico Laredo Bru, who will have an expectation margins for democracy in Cuba, legalizing political parties and unions and generally pace normalizing Constitutional Cuba.En all cases the figure of Fulgencio Batista floated over these with the explicit support Unidos.Este States is therefore the context of the Cuban left the civil war began in España.La opposition groups fighting for the restoration of democracy in Cuba will be identified since the fight against fascism to the legitimate government of the English Republic was fighting against the military rebels who had the support of europeos.La fascism organizing material aid to Spain and the emergence of groups of volunteers to fight in English soil were at this stage the engine of the demonstrations staged by opposition parties and organizations in a context of repression and secrecy that made very difficult task.

When there was still a year to conclude the English Civil War, the was a change of strategy in the areas of power led to a large Cuban amnesty in May legalized 1938.Se all parties including the Communist ahead of the elections would be convened shortly with the aim to "normalize" the political situation Cuba.En in reality it will be a supervised open from power, but the Cuban fighters who left the country clandestinely returned now in a situation diametrically distinta.Muchos of returning fighters took over the leadership of these movements and moved their combat experiences in Cuba with the intention of creating a genuine armed opposition. Definitely left organizations Cuban lived through the English war as their own.

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As previously stated, the English colony in Cuba was not only important for their number but also by cultural ties, trade and family who joined cubanos.Con English and prior to the proclamation of the Second Republic in Spain, the English social activity on the island revolved around regional houses which in turn was very active in concerning playful organizations or centers beneficente.Estos were fully consolidated in Cuba even before the arrival of the independence of Haiti, being undoubtedly the "Centro Gallego" the most numerous and influential while Catalan, Basque and Asturian enjoyed considerable influence in public life cubana.Con start of war, there was a polarization of English residents in Cuba and these centers were seriously affected by this and by legal constraints imposed on the Cuban authorities to politically active groups in support of the opposing sides in Spain. Although the nature of these centers was apolitical, the war led to quite a few clashes between their miembros.En later, the English Cuba's nuclear local organizations about supporting one side or the other.

Regarding sympathy for the opposing sides, the vast majority favored the English constitutional government showing some support around 95%, however, who supported Franco's side despite being very few enjoyed a considerable influence and that it was families and organizations of great economic capacity and therefore very influential in Cuban politics and the media locales.Para explain this we must evaluate the parallels between the political processes that live both Cuba and Spain. From 1925 until the fall of Gerardo Machado in 1933, Cuba experienced intense popular mobilization which enjoyed a period of euphoria in the fall of the dictator and the proclamation of the progressive government of Grau San Martín.En the case of Spain experienced a similar situation during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and until the proclamation of 1931.Esta second republic in fact led to the civil war began, thousands of English residents in Cuba would feel more identified with the legitimate government of Spain than with the military rebels. Organizations emerged in Cuba
support Republican Spain and to a lesser extent Franco.Respecto supporters of the former, was established under the English Democratic Front ", an organization political character around which coalesced the various political trends support the English Republicans and close to it, the "House of Culture and Social Assistance," whose activity is focused on propaganda and material aid to Spain . The "English Republican Circle" and "English Socialist Circle" were also English organizations in Cuba that were active throughout the race but always with the limitation of not being able to appear publicly as political organizations since early 1937 The Cuban government issued a decree banning such activities while his application was unevenly. Also of the English colony, these entities attracted to political parties and trade unions Cuban and Cuban Revolutionary Party (Authentic), the Communist Party, the Agrarian Party, the Revolutionary Union, the party "Orthodox" and other smaller organizations and organizations of course workers, particularly in the interior of the country where they received strong support from tobacco and sugar.
As pro-Franco organizations, recognized themselves represent no more than 3% of the colony española.Estos created the "English National Committee" but as we shall see this will be minimized with the advent of the side's supporters Falange.Los Franco focused their activity on assistance sought by the recruitment of English workers for causa.Se was essential aid in difficult times through which penetrated these groups reporting a fascist ideology.
As seen in a previous chapter, Cuba created a very strong platform to support the English Republic, the National Association to Aid English Village "and was in the entity created by the Cuban organizations in which they put their effort the English supporters of the republic, accepting from the start of the conflict that the effectiveness of the work platform was unanswerable with the dispatch of substantial material assistance and recruitment of volunteers as meta.Los English Republicans in Cuba, unlike what happened in English soil where supporters of the republican legality disputes remained throughout the conflict, were a solid block just resented the banning of political parties English and political organizations in Cuba and which presented under letters of solidarity organizations which developed after a major activity política.Hay to mean that political parties did not enjoy the English left in Cuba for more organization than those afforded by their local counterparts and that they are not noted in public life until the arrival of the guerra.El "English Republican Circle" and "English Socialist Circle" were organizations in the years before the war maintained a discreet and had low activity implementation and the start of the conflict accepted willingly the empowerment of organizations cubanas.Llama no attention to the English presence in the bodies of the major associations that were created to help Spain English republicana.Los supporters of the republic lived civil war with the anguish of not enjoy full diplomatic authorities empowered, with a very biased information in the local media and with great difficulty to receive or send correspondence their relatives in Spain dividida.Ni to say that this isolation, extensible to other countries like Mexico with a large English colony was even more distressing to the great difficulties in traveling to Spain with the disruption of shipping lines operating to beginning of the war.

A very different case to that of the supporters of the republic was an invasion of the Cuban scene of the English Falange through an international division which they called "Falange Exterior. This organization eventually became the single party English political life and whose leader José Antonio Primo de Rivera had been executed by the Republicans in Alicante prison became a martyr to the rebels, had emerged only a few years earlier and did not enjoy any establishment outside of Spain, much less in Cuba, but the beginning of the war led to its leaders opted by creating bases out of Spain to gather support and eventually to constitute task force nacifascistas militias, whose ideology had assumed.
The emergence of English Falange in Cuba took place just before the start of the war in Spain and went through constant ups and downs both in their relationship with the Cuban authorities as supporters of the rebels in Spain that since the "English National Committee" remained tense relations with grupo.Desde Spain, English Falange was consolidated as the political arm of the "New Spain" and in that sense a vocation development "imperialist" necessarily going to vindicate the "English "America on the basis of past greatness of Spain in this continente.Este speech made by the Falange had come in groups of intellectuals on the right, nostalgic, since the twenties encouraged the leadership of Spain in America as" spiritual guide policy "was one of the main obstacles encountered in its implementation americana.La Falange creation Falange from the direction of a foreign division was an encouraging even by militaressublevados, mainly by the brother of Franco, Serrano Suner, an avid imperialista.Se dream was to emulate the model of European fascism, for "Phase Italiani "created by Italian Fascism and" Ausland Organisation ", launched by the Nazi party from Germany, these organizations, unlike Falange occupied since its creation in the setting up of networks of information and propaganda in a subtle way but very effective. Phalanx would have a hard yet ballast for implementation in Latin America, not so much by their totalitarian ideology as their aspirations for a "Spain Grande" that recalled the past.
The first news of the presence of English Falange in Cuba are in June 1936.Para that moment has not yet started the war in Spain, José Antonio Primo de Rivera's Falange is in prison and is subject to internal tensions for control of power, however, two well known activists of the English right, Antonio Serrano
Alfonso Avendaño and receive the custom of putting up a base in Cuba.Una Falangist After starting the conflict and as mentioned above, will Falange to monopolize the role of English nationalist supporters in Cuba which resulted in open confrontations with some of the mentors of the "English National Committee" causing a split in the same way that the most radical of the "Committee" joined the Falange, fostering a climate strained since the two organizations that would continue even after the war ended. But over the months was observed as the American penetration project designed by English Falange threw disastrous results, with very little or no implementation in the countries considered strategic in the Caribbean and Mexico or Venezuela.Desde Spain, principal mentor of the Falange, Serrano Suner not make things easier since being a fan American implementation of these operations, he insisted again and again to those responsible Phalangists in the maintenance of the speech of Spain's role as guide the nations of America. "Of all the attempts to implement in America, was deployed in Cuba only one who seemed to have possibilities of success.right that way from the direction of the Falange Exterior in Spain decided to bet heavily in Cuba in February 1937 sent to Gregory Prendergast, a Falangist Oviedo found the hostility of the heavyweights of the organization local, mainly from the local branches of Chestnut and was replaced shortly by Alejandro Villanueva has been doing its work in Delegation of Press and Propaganda in Burgos.Villanueva who was commissioned to consolidate the organization focused its efforts to appease the internal relations of the Falange Cuban attract nationalist groups on the island and to normalize relations with the authorities doubt cubanas.Sin , began a growth spurt that enabled early 1938 the Cuban Falange have 3,000 members, of which 150 were formed action group but not get to keep more activity than the monitoring of their seats and escorted from their leaders. In terms of the spread, the mouthpiece of "Top Spain" reached a circulation of 5,000 copies and had excellent relations with Pepin Rivero, magnate of the Cuban press ultraconservative ideology, whose newspaper "Diario de la Marina", "Forward" and "Warning" were initially supporters of Franco's side and offered a positive vision of the work of the Falange in social assistance to Cuba.La English immigrants in Cuba was the mode of penetration found Falange to win converts on the island this sense, Alejandro Villanueva focused its work of converting to different local organizations "Social Aid" in a unique and powerful organization was like " English Foreign Brotherhood ", a project that failed to finish while significantly improved coordination of local groups and their work propagandística.Es admitted that this work enabled many English aid in those moments of uncertainty suffered many hardships of living but always under the model that included a notable Falangist lecturing load. For
Falangists contributions to the development of the war in Spain, an initiative, called "Plate One" practiced by some of the supporters of both sides, was the greater role social.Se was trying to raise money acts in which a single plate were distributed in exchange for contributions that usually came from the ruling class cubana.El result of this effort was more successful in propaganda that its convening power and collection as seen in the "single plate" convened in May 1938 in Havana,
planned for 5,000 people and yet failed to compromise over 270.Sin assistance but on other occasions, these events if they enjoyed great success and allowed the money raised is used to send supplies to the fighting Franco in Spain but officially these alms were intended to "Social Assistance" as the 1937 decree expressly prohibited purposes guerra.Está collections found that in August 1938 Falange allowed the shipment from the port of Havana cigars of 80,000, 140,000 packs of cigarettes and 5,000 kilos of snuff bite fighters bound for Franco. Falange
managed to weave a network of centers across Cuba to reach the figure of 32 offices who in turn funneled the aid of the "Social Assistance", operate as distribution centers for food and medicine, remained open job listings and acted as sites exchange of correspondence with Spain franquista.En were generally effective in carrying out their work enabled them society.The line growth in affiliates amounted to 23,000 at the end of the war, however, Falange would remain a minority organization in relation to the activity of constitutional government supporters español.Junto this, we should mention the bad relations that Falangist organization had with government representatives of Burgos in Cuba and in particular with Miguel Espelius first official representative of the new gobierno.Temerosos this reaction from the Cuban government that tolerated but not accepted, to distance whenever Falangists I was posible.Aunque improved relations with the successor of Espeliús, Miguel Espino, Falange was always a strain for normalization of relations between Cuba and Spain that would ultimately prove victorious.
The relationship with the supporters of the "National Committee", in spite of abating in the first moments ended up being a problem for expansion falangista.A Despite good relations between Alejandro Villanueva and the chairman of this committee, Elicio Argüelles, many members of this organization felt overshadowed by the machine and caused airy disputas.Sin Falangist But all these circumstances would be minimized compared to the hostility of the States States that considered essential to immobilize the Cuban Falange which candidate considered to facilitate the expansion of fascism was born in America, especially at the end of the civil war that left a glimpse of the emergence of these in Europe with the onset of World War . Alejandro Villanueva was released from his post in the last year of the war, considering a promotion this decision since he was appointed inspector general for America, an award for his work in Cuba.Su successor, Manuel Gil, a Falangist who had been mayor of Salamanca for a few months found a well-structured Falange but great bit of his appointment retos.Al tensions began with the Cuban government under pressure from the United States began to harass the Falange, this meant a change of direction of Cuban policy from Spain where despite their supposed neutrality had allowed the representatives of the rebel side in Cuba and negotiated the normalization of trade relations with Spain franquista.Desde early 1938 the government representatives did not return Burgos to be received by the authorities Cuban, putting in a weak position Falange was equally tolerated but had very poor legal support in the Cuban adventure disguised as a social organization for a screen that worked only because the Cuban government's tolerance and its double game "active neutrality". On a visit to Mexico, Batista, the Cuban government strongman who presided Laredo Bru, decided to align itself with Mexico and proclaim their support for the legitimate government of España.Cuba played the trick of satisfying the requirements of the U.S. government together and did it under the pretext of the colonial aspirations of Franco's Spain and the danger of "fifth" of European fascism that Americans saw falange.Muy members soon, Cuban newspapers that were shown Franco supporters switched sides claiming the Cuban nationalism speech against those who wanted to commemorate the monarquica.En Spain Spain, Cuban diplomats were instructed in the sense of attending the situation of Cuban prisoners of Franco's side and generally created a climate of hostility to Franco's supporters in Cuba.
in Cuba under English Falange in intensity of action in the last months of the English war, fearful of proclamations ilegalización.Las arrivals from the United States and broadcast on Cuban radio reporters and spoke constantly of threat of "fifth" of the Falange cubanos.Apenas the war ended, a study carried out by the Cuban Interior Ministry detenciones.Estas led the first occurred on 16 April 1939.Lo followed was a slow process of decomposition Falangist organization that they were harassed by the Cuban government, by the English exile and the propaganda of U.S. agents accused of spying Phalangist Berlin.
From April 1939, with the banning of the Falange, the organization covered up their activities after the "Social Assistance", however, recognition of Franco's rule by Cuba June 6, 1939 marked the end for the Phalangists that became a problem for the normalization of relations between both countries in early 1941 from Madrid was decided a tactical withdrawal of the Falange Exterior so in July 1941 when Francisco Alvarez Garcia , the Falange secreatrio Cuba was expelled, it was decided that still held his post from Spain.

Cuba was an internal climate of democratic normalization euphoria that existed after the convening of elections for the first time that the party would participate Comunista.La passed Franco Spain as a country fully recognized by Cuba and in turn, is accepted its role as refuge thousands of English nationals who fled to this country.

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Cuban independence from Spain in 1898 created a new framework for relations between the two countries but in no case led to animosity towards the English isla.Era in the depth of this culture and the English economy in the recent history of Cuba that produced the onset of civil war in Spain saw a process of polarization in sympathy with the warring parties that developed in a climate of supposed neutrality the Cuban government.

first note as the English emigration to Cuba continued a process of growth in the first years of the century so that between 1902 and 1928 the English arrived to Cuba amounted to an average of 45,000 for what was achieved a number of emigrants around 1,200,000 people but not all were permanent emigrants and many of these performed a migration estacional.La economic crisis of 1929 involved such serious consequences for Cuba's sugar exports had an immediate impact on the employment opportunities, which led to a sharp fall in emigration that between 1928 and 1933 barely exceeded the 20,000 españoles.Esta situation worsened in 1933 with the advent of progressive government that succeeded Machado in which protective measures have been imposed on the labor front, the law known as "50%" implied that at least half the workforce of firms cubana.En 1936 was the English colony resident in Cuba represented about 225,000 people.

Although the decline is overwhelming need to analyze this situation considering that thousands of English chose the Cuban nationality and that thousands of families were formed by individuals from both sides of Atlántico.Al started the war in Spain, the English colony of Cuba enjoyed a significant volume of business, especially the small and medium business and involved one of the engines of development and somehow Cuban, a means to counter the economic penetration of the United States Cuba.Igualmente should be considered a temporary factor since the proclamation of the Republic in Spain occurred in 1931 and fall of Machado and progressive government came Grau San Martin in 1933.Quiere this mean that from the mid-twenties and the early thirties, both Cuba and Spain were immersed in processes of popular unrest erupts paralelos.Cuando civil war in Cuban society overwhelmingly opted for the English Republic with its spearhead in the leftist movements and most of intellectuals from the island as a rebellious side braces, these were very rare and came from industry groups and professionals who were close to right-wing political circles as the "Democratic Republican Party, chaired by General Menocal . This can be explained in that the oligarchy focused their attention on the United States as we shall see later showed a slightly favorable to neutral government of the Republic, but always showed his reservations about the role of communists in the conflict last español.Por , a factor as was the Catholic Church in Cuba had a relative and therefore implementation not acted as a favorable factor for the side support revolt.
The street was breathing unevenly on the English war and mass mobilizations against the left in favor of Republicans, supports the flat side came mainly from the ultra conservative "Diario de la Marina" but afterwards, as no it was a linear behavior because during the English conflict significantly change their discourse.
The attitude of the government of Cuba was formally marked by neutrality throughout the conflict, but along the same varied in their support to one or other bando.Al outbreak of the English war was the Cuban President Miguel Mariano Gomez though man reference of the Government and Fulgencio Batista.Este was finally pressured the Cuban government at the beginning of the English conflict so that even with a neutral screen is favored to some extent the attitude franquista.Esta side may respond to their ideological closeness with elevations and pressures from influential economic sectors with interests in Spain, but in fact, Batista will range in their support for the warring parties on the basis of different arguments as the U.S. position, internal pressures, the position of countries environment and Cuban business interests in Spain.
At the beginning of the war look like since September 1936 the Cuban government blocked the shipment of combatants and aid to the Republic were closed española.Igualmente some Republican and professional associations as most significant incident was immobilized in the port of Havana to the English vessel "Manuel Arnús" in which captain clashed with officers in front of a "Revolutionary Committee" composed of sailors, sparking a dispute over the ownership of neutrality barco.Esta biased culminated with the arrival of Miguel Espeliús, sent by the government Burgos to Cuba with the idea of \u200b\u200bmoving to Spain's diplomatic authorities republicana.Esta situation led to major protests in the media and prompted the Ambassador of Spain legitimate temporarily abandon Cuba to the Cuban Government's position despite not recognize this new English authorities allowed no more.

However, the English problem was part of the daily agenda of the Cuban government by internal destabilization posed by mid-1937 and observed as they took practical steps to change direction from official neutrality now favor the Republican Spain . In October 1937 in a Latin American Cuban representatives unearthed a document that could technically be defined as a proposal arbitration of the countries of Latin America in the conflict español.Mexico joined with reservations to this idea and later both countries will be the most solid core of support available to the Government of Madrid in the area along with Peru, Uruguay and Haiti. Perhaps this change of attitude of Cuba had little to do with U.S. pressure not favoring the Francoist side on the other hand could eventually be a competitor of U.S. interests in the Caribe.Mexico he never had doubts their support to the government of Madrid, with reservations accepted the Cuban proposal as a way to counter the international isolation which was undergoing the English Republic under the excuse of being sovietizada.Tras is making positions, Burgos government agents would never be received in any instance oficial.El Madrid government appointed a new ambassador and its representation in Cuba was fully restituida.Otros external signs of change orientation of the Cuban government was the state grant to the Republican cause 5% of the taxes levied on trade in sugar and snuff and the banning of political organizations that as the Phalanx came to campaign for Franco and his Generales.Este change of attitude was significant political gains for Batista, whose support was extended to nationalist groups who saw in their approach to Mexico anti gesture toward norteamericanos.Esta meddling policy was endorsed again in December 1938 at the Pan American Conference held in Lima.

thus witnessing a complex game of high politics in Cuba with Batista at the head, which from a position of official neutrality policy is developed contradictory facts, first with the tolerance camp and later rebelled repudiation these and the adoption of a mediating position that finds support in Mexico and tolerance in the United States encouraged the positions against the rise of fascism.
But Cuba will play a double game and will not lost the battle for 1926 comercial.En had signed a trade agreement between Cuba and Spain and with the advent of the war, mainly the business sector of the Cuban snuff began to fidget, first by breaking up with half of its customers in Spain and secondly by blockade of the pending bills were blocked by the authorities franquistas.Será in this context that, despite the neutrality favorable to Republicans, are taking the necessary steps to probe the government of Burgos on the possibility that those admitted on send a representative cubano.Finalmente Burgos access and Havana choose a heavyweight foreign policy for unlocking cargo.Además outstanding debt and the normalization trade relations of the Cuban companies in Spain, this designation paves the Cuban double game under the guise of a trade negotiation submitted by Carlos Armesto Cardenas, Cuban delegate to the League of Nations and former Ambassador to deploy all Roma.Armestos negotiating potential but are unable to get the Government of Burgos to rise above their anger after the expulsion of its envoy to Havana Miguel Espeliús.España remained one of the best Cuban snuff customers represented 85% of purchases to Cuba English , however at the start of trade war with the Republican zone was interrupted and the government had blocked the loans Burgos of Cuban tobacco in Spain, using to their advantage in the absence of foreign currency liquidity guerra.El involving the volume of debt that Spain had with Cuban traders amounted to the end of the war to an amount just over one million of dólares.Puede seen therefore as the door remains open to diplomatic normalization
, building bridges to both sides in conflict fructifiquen.Una although these are not always good evidence of this ambiguity is the speech held by the new Cuban representative to the League Nations in Geneva, John Angus, who will spin fine to show their revulsion to war, the English-American arbitration offers proposed by Cuba, but ultimately, it will not track the real position of the Cuban Government
While all this was happening, the Cuban government kept open its diplomatic representation in Madrid since the start of the conflict was headed by Charge d'Affaires Manuel Serafin Pichardo . It is known that the complex situation throughout the war live embassies were kept in a fenced Madrid lived time of real tension with the foreign representations in many cases accused of harboring members of the "Fifth Column" of the rebels, which resulted in his assault, sometimes so uncontrolled by militia groups and others, under its own responsibility of the republican government, that was the case of the delegations of Finland, Peru and Turquía.En this context, the Cuban Embassy conducted intense humanitarian hosting dozens of asylum seekers, a figure that the Cuban authorities as respected shows the delivery of the Cuban State Department in September 1936 who spoke on the right to asylum, citing the agreement that both nations had signed in the diplomatic asylum Habana.El reached unprecedented numbers during the English Civil War with a number higher than 10,000 refugees in at least thirty embassies.

The performance of the Cuban authorities in Madrid was marked at all times by a humanitarian character so that in the first months of the war began harboring dozens of people in their buildings, most of them members or supporters of the rebels but also received requests for asylum by the Republicans meanings the worst moments of the siege of Madrid.La work of these diplomats came in first place for the evacuation of Cubans living in Spain, a situation that precipitated after the decision of the republican authorities Madrid. the evacuation of the first months of war expeditions organized four Cuban citizens who were transported to the ports of Valencia and Alicante and from there moved Marsella.Sin French port, however, this work will be borne in the first stage of the war, the inmates being the main concern of the Cuban legation Madrid.Inicialmente the matter was brought to the republican authorities discretion and did not exert too much pressure on the activities of Cuban diplomats, however an incident at the port of Havana tried situación.Se complicated this case the ship "Manuel Arnús" a ship that at the beginning of the war had been confiscated by the authorities Generalitat de Cataluña Barcelona ship departed toward Mexico and the few hours of sailing attended the contest among a group of sailors against the captain and ship's officers to seize control of mismo.Los sailors formed a "Revolutionary Committee" and took control of barco.En a stopover in Havana, the captain requested the intervention of Cuban authorities following an inspection of the ship decided immobilization ocurido.Lo this to clarify what is certain is that this incident became a fierce battle between Cuban authorities and English with great impact on the Cuban press and the polarization of English colony on the final destination of barco.Esta situation served as leverage to the Cuban legation in Madrid and the future of refugees in it.The incident "Manuel Arnús" war lasted half, no less than seventeen months, whichever finally deliver the boat to the English consul in La Habana.En this decision weighed especially the fate of refugees in the embassy in Madrid.
Meanwhile the situation in the Cuban embassies in Madrid went through moments of tension at the continuing influx of refugees and the lack of conditions for atenderlos.Este picture was considerably alleviated by the exchange of prisoners in Cuban diplomats speaking the which allowed the output of many refugees.
Since March 1937, following the death of Serafin Manuel Pichardo, will Ramón Estalella, who is at the head of Cuban diplomacy Madrid.Estalella part of this representation since 1918 and enjoyed excellent relations with both the rest of the diplomatic corps and with the republican authorities and as we shall see later with the senior ranks of the rebels , which together with its humanitarian spirit and his tireless diplomatic activity made this key person for three long years of siege of Madrid. For volunteers
Cuban nationals imprisoned in the shift in policy that allowed Cuban from Havana would be interested in the situation of mismos.Con dated July 11, 1938, the Cuban Ministry of highly satisfied with the work performed Ramón Estalella regarding exchanges, urged his diplomat to negotiate a swap operation in which they were including forty Cubans imprisoned in the concentration camp that the Franco camp held in San Pedro de Cardena Burgos. Estalella had meetings with the authorities on both sides, went to Barcelona by engaging leaders of the Republican government, primarily Giral, and did so in Irun, whose military commander Sanz Aguero Estalella had been benefited by the exchange of a direct family , and after many difficulties reached a compromise to swap to 40 Cubans and 13 prisoners suizos.Aunque operation was made in installments and there were several incidents in the process, Estalella got Cubans imprisoned in the rebel zone were repatriados.La first difficulty encountered was the government's refusal to Barcelona on these foreign exchanges included only because sought the release of senior figures in Republican Spain, both military and civilians who were prisoners in the franquista.Para This operation was supported by British diplomats offered a boat as a means to transport the exchanged from one port North, however as we are told José María Fernández Souto, one of the survivors when the research study this book in October and November 2005, that was really dramático.Souto was in the concentration camp of San Pedro Franco Cardenas in Burgos where he had been admitted after the fall of the Spaniard in front where he spent half the guerra.Recuerda Souto decided after lengthy negotiations to swap a group of foreign fighters, most of them Cubans in total fifteen, for which they were conducted with a strong escort to the border point at the height of Biarritz, but finally the operation fracasó.No explain Fernández Souto knew what was the cause of this reverse, however, attempt the operation again a few weeks later, this time successfully and it was finally delivered at the border to members of the International Red Cross in turn crossed to the other side with no italianos.Souto prisoners went straight to France since among Cuban diplomacy agreements was impossible to save the reef of the border with the commitment of the Francoist authorities that could be exchanged from one port out of Spain was occupied as well as a few weeks before the end of the war, Fernández Souto next fourteen more Cuban Bilbao was placed on the "Marques de Comillas" in which yes, they had to travel in shackles and in appalling conditions under the control of Italian soldiers that custodiaban.Es just mention the role that this process met Dolores Agüero, Cuban delegate to the International Red Cross who enjoyed considerable prestige and helped to unlock these complex negotiations
's dismissal as president of the Republic of Cuba Miguel Mariano Gomez collided with the interests of Batista and his lobbying led to its being named Federico Laredo Bru, his vice president, who took office on Christmas Day 1936.El Laredo Bru cabinet, gave a new twist to the treatment of Cuban combatants were in Spain so that the Cuban Secretary of State issued instructions to its diplomats in Madrid to intercede in fate of prisoners, many of them subject to severe criminal convictions including the capital, that was the case of Antonio Ricord, a prisoner in jail Bañeza and Herminia Moreno awaiting trial in prison Ceuta.Uno elements pressure for the release of these Cuban citizens was recognized by Cuba's government in June 1939 Franco which somehow facilitated the departure of Cuban troops from prisons and concentration camps English although some cases were particularly complex in resolución.Tal Pelayo is the Lamb, fighter after the war he went to the Cuban Embassy in Madrid and at his own testimony was not atendido.Su withstand subsequent arrest him two years' deprivation of liberty from jail to jail until he finally was paroled in 1945 and this time with the mediation of the Cuban authorities made it out of España.Otro peculiar case in the performance of Cuban diplomats Spain was the fighter who was bagging Benjamin Lafarga in Alicante in the final days of the war until seeing fence came the Cuban consul in that city, Alfonso Fernández Sarrasi, who informed him unable to attend because he was a fighter republicano.Lafarga Consul informed him he would try to threaten the life of Franco that May 3 was scheduled to participate in a military parade in Valencia, this involved a suicide attack with serious consequences as the consul was able to dissuade the grounds that this would lead to tremendous dangers for Cubans imprisoned in franquistas.Finalmente Lafarga was able to leave Spain with a passport issued by the Cuban Consulate in Madrid.Otro case not less difficult for Cuban diplomats was that of Paul Porras Gener was arrested in the port of Alicante in the last minute of the war, remaining year and a half in prison until late , 1940 and was granted probation on condition that he remain inside the Cuban Embassy diplomats cubana.Los with the certainty that his life was in serious danger Portugal organized his escape route.
activity Cuban diplomats did not cease until the release of all imprisoned Cuban Charge d'Affaires in Spain.The Estalella visited several times the area of \u200b\u200bSan Pedro de Cardena and Belchite labor camp, gave small amounts of money prisoners and handed them letters from their families while informing them of the extensive campaign remained in Cuba for the same consolidated retorno.Así an outlet for groups gradually gained freedom, proceeding to the first evacuation via Bilbao railway to where shipped in Marques de Comillas "which many Cubans returned home.
Recognition of the new English government from Havana came he finished the guerra.Previamente, April 18, just two weeks later to end the conflict, the Cuban State Department publicly presented a document entitled " Grey Book "in which an exhibition was credited Cuba's neutrality during the English war. The decisive factor in the normalization of relations came from the pressures of the export sector and evidence that the victors had consolidated their poder.Precisamente this was one of the conditions imposed by the Secretary of the Cuban State Juan Remos to representative government in Havana Miguel Burgos Espeliús he returned to Havana to negotiate the normalization between the two naciones.Fue precisely the normalization of trade, negotiating a payment schedule for outstanding debt to the Cuban companies and Ultimately, the release of Cuban prisoners in saw earlier that case was solved, more complicated was the payment of debts pendientes.Sin But once accepted a compromise by both parties, 25 May 1939 decided to maintain full relations and both nations give diplomatic acreditado.España and Cuba began the path of normalization on June 12, 1939, however the advent of World War II complicated to list them again, mainly by activity in Cuba of the "Falange Exterior."

Labor Cost To Install Ceramic Tile


In August 1936 he was created in Paris the "International Committee for Aid to the English Republic." From this moment on Cuba appeared numerous partnerships and initiatives to bring material support to the "Republic". The Cuban Communist Party developed a working group to support English Republic in each of its cells and local committees and with this the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba, other organizations like the Revolutionary Association, the Brotherhood of Young Cubans, the Association of Young People, the National Agrarian Party or the Regional Committee Workers formed the fabric of this initiative, which joined the English organizations present in Cuba who supported the "Republic" such as the Casa de la Cultura, English Republican Circle and the Social Circle Español.Todos these groups were integrated into a front and showed no apparent cracks in the organizational model. The National Association of English Village Aid " born in October 1936 and had its headquarters in the street Virtues of The Habana.Su composition as that was very diverse and in addition to the above training, trade organizations, industry supporters of republican government and a wide field of intelligentsia and academia Cuban iniciativa.Entre joined the prominent leader José López Rodríguez were being elected president of the company, Sarah Pascual, Ramiro Valdes and sugar leader Jesus Menendez.Esta organization made its work to the "Committee English Village Aid "based in Barcelona from where they coordinated aid from various parts of world.

Other organizations operating in parallel and often in coordination were the Association of Child Help English ", the" University Committee Assistance English Village "or the" Committee of Friends of Cuban combatants and Mutilated in Republican Spain ".
Association's work was divided into two sides, on one hand the collection of material aid consisting primarily of medicines, food and clothing and other propaganda work to publicize the events in España.Esta facet resulted in a heavy schedule of meetings and conferences around the country and the development of propaganda work escrita.El Street became increasingly evident paying off to find that their calls were turned into massive across the country and their presence in the press and radio stations became increasingly frecuente.En public events regarding the most massive held in Havana on the grounds that had then brewers "Tropical" and "Polar" at that time the most important of the country.In September 1937 held a public ceremony in the stadium "The Polar" which included the presence of at least sixty thousand personas.Ese same month in the park Hatuey (today Maceo) was held commemorating the sixth anniversary of the English republic counting this with no less than twenty thousand asistentes.En 1938 there were three acts again crowded into the stadium of "Polar" and they all present was masiva.El last act of this kind took place in December 1938.En these acts was attended by top level speakers from both the political and intellectual level with the participation of no less important artists of the time attending to these appointments so we can highlight voluntaria.Entre the first of the English Fernando rivers or Juan Marinello by Cuban artists and between Rita Montaner and Esther Borjas and others.
These public events are multiplied throughout the país.Hay be noted that These initiatives fall within the law since its organizers always operated under the umbrella of legal organizations but in all cases the presence of party members "underground" were present and staged many of estos.Esto usually resulted in two situations, a party to these calls turn into acts of reaffirmation of the Left parties and one that in most cases the police and repressive forces carried out a tight control of these events where often involved with some excuse.

masivas.El Donations made sugar and snuff were two essential products for the English race and were just donation from Cuba as the most substantial character of virtually "monoculture" of these organizations produciones.Las poured sugar and tobacco, which soon led to the local Association Virtues street is too small, passing since then collect food at the Embassy of the donation España.Quizá best known for its amount was carried out by the Confederation of Workers of the sugar industry of Las Villas in January 1939, which contributed no less than twenty thousand bags of sugar of 385 pounds each one, a colossal amount certainly have been achieved with the contribution of workers azucareros.Poco in August 1938 before the Association Child Help National English "starred in a shipment of five tonnes of milk polvo.No only organizations provided material assistance to the Republic because from workplaces and groups of various kinds is created a flow of contributions remained throughout the guerra.De any way is fair to the individual role of the working class and the supporters of the Republic in general those with modest contributions kept alive this spirit of solidarity, all consignments are always channeled through the National Association English Village Aid "which coordinated with the English embassy transport and arrival in Republican Spain.

Together consignments of foodstuffs, we must emphasize that made a considerable contribution in clothing and medicines, and finally a rather significant financial contribution from the proceeds in charity events such as the "single plate" or buying "credits" issued in favor of the "Republic." famous collections were made public were carried out by the traditional system of currency and coin collection boxes that had to face difficulties for this task provided the Cuban authorities banned bound collections Spain.


At the beginning of civil war Spain and among the many relief efforts that were put in place was created the "Office of Child Support English" París.Desde based aid here and initiatives organized to serve a huge population of children in Spain suffered the rigors of guerra.Esta response initiative found in Cuba with the creation of the Child Support Committee of the English Village. "This organization was located in the Manzana de Gómez in Havana, was elected President Ramiro Valdés Dausá.Comenzó operations in the last days of 1936.Su objective was to alleviate the situation of children in both English and in mainland the exilio.Además of the assistance from the island to the English children in general, the greatest achievement of this Committee was the launching of a "school-house" built in the Catalan resort of Sitges which included the address Cuban pedagogue Rosa Pastora Lecrere.A this center was named "People of Cuba" and gave assistance to an average occupancy of one hundred children.The center also served to channel aid to children led to other places España.Se was a center with a progressive pedagogical orientation in which Lecrere Pastora Rosa started working programs very much in the republican authorities, but mainly it was a place which serve children at uprooting familiar.Todos maintenance costs including the construction of the building were met by contributions Cuba.Las donations arrived from an ambulance, a truck and other material goods are proof of the scope of this initiative .