Sunday, March 6, 2011

Poptropica Name Change Hack

The JOIN (Internet University)

I really wanted to give you this news, but so far not been possible.

I have the pleasure to introduce to the UNITE (Internet University)

If you can not see the video click here.

time ago, the UNIR (International University of La Rioja) has contacted me through this blog, and I offered to prepare a number of online English courses.

The JOIN is a English university very new and taught all his teachings on the Internet. In fact, the way they define themselves is that: "The University in Internet."

Since December 2010, Roberto Reboredo (the main contributor to this blog) and I are working flat out in a fascinating project with the JOIN.

courses is English made with modern technologies:

  • Virtual Campus Classes
  • virtual face (you connect with other students and the teacher who teaches the class real-time while you chat with him),
  • Videos
  • audio, text, exercises.

Everything you need to learn the easiest way (which does not mean without effort: if you follow this blog, you know that's impossible) from home and flexibly to be able to reconcile your studio with other activities . Here more information about UNITE.

Later (October 2011), these courses will also have support for English lessons through Skype.

need volunteers and teachers of English native

recorded hundreds of videos and audios and therefore need a lot of people work with us.

Specifically, we need:

  • Volunteers to record video English lessons

must reside Madrid and should have interest in practicing English for free. If you are interested, please complete this form

  • Teachers Native American and British residents in Madrid for recording audio and video .

If you're interested, write to this email and put reference to: Professor native Videos.

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The course and exam B1

The UNITE has launched a B1 first crash course for those who are preparing the Secondary Master and for anyone interested in obtaining this level. The enrollment of this course is always open.

If you're interested inform and register here.

can also follow the blog of B1

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: Roberto Reboredo and I especially thank for their help with the material of Unit 25 to Álvaro Carrasquel, Dan and Adrian M. Darrow


previous classes can be found at this link. horizontal menu blog free course. "

  • Unit 25, level 1 (Beginner - Low-intermediate) )

  • Unit 25, level 2 (Intermediate-Mid-intermediate)

  • Unit 25, level 3 (Upper intermediate-Advanced)


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