Sunday, March 13, 2011

How To Make A Homemade Rc Boat

Alexander the Great, good resources and better strategy

Last month I was visiting an interesting exhibition on Alexander ( information on Alexander the Great in English ) in Madrid.

While looking maps, sculptures, videos and hundreds of decorative objects, I kept wondering how a man so young had achieved so much in so little time. He conquered the Persian Empire and died shortly before the age of 33 years.

When I got to the room where he showed a picture of his army began to understand one of the reasons for its success.

Source photo

Their infantry (called the Macedonian phalanx) was a compact unit of soldiers armed with long spears, a kind of huge and awesome porcupine ready to attack from any side and very effective too on defense.

With this army and a successful strategy Alexander managed to defeat much larger armies than his own, like Darius of Persia (47,000 soldiers of Alexander from 100,000 to 240,000 of Darius). Source: Wikipedia.

I go to the metaphor:
When you're strong and have the right strategy you are practically invincible, even when the challenges and obstacles appear before your eyes than you.

not get me wrong, I'm not talking about a real war.

I'm talking figuratively of "battles" that we face in our daily lives and, in particular, in your life as a student of English.

Having clarified the context, I want you to notice what I said:

"When you are strong and accounts with the right strategy ".

Yes, because you have "an army" as good as that of Alexander and, however, achieve little, or nothing, not knowing how to use it.

success in virtually any field, is achieved by combining these two elements: "good resources" and "good strategy."

Moreover, a regular income may become "excellent" if used properly.

There is no doubt that the Internet now allows to reach English language resources that were previously unthinkable.

But what strategy to use them correctly?
is where through this blog we strive to help you remember the importance of listening English at all hours and trying to talk to an exchange, or teacher , every week.

Without these two elements, "listening and conversation practice, any remedy, however rich it may be, is useless.

A tip: when your forces decay, see the image of the army of Alexander and recalls that defeated armies far superior to yours because their strategy was correct.

And if you live in a country and are fighting the Anglo-Saxon language, may also encourage you to read what we wrote Juliana:

"I live in Sydney Australia for two years and three months and been through everything you write in your messages I receive each week has helped me incredibly. At first everything was weird for me, but most of the language and I never thought finding a job much less get out of my house to go shopping.
Thanks to you, and took a year working in a laboratory and I realized that the only way to learn English is to understand that English is a process that demands lots of practice, lots and lots.
I know my English still is not good, but I have no fear of talking on the street and helps me to talk to people.
I'm not sure if you will read my mail, but wanted to say thank you for helping and be part of this process.
A hug
luck Juliana
This kind of thinking is very positive to move forward.

And remember: Who fights can lose, who does not fight, and lost. Who lose dog fights, Who Does not have Already lost fight. Bertolt Brecht

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: Roberto Reboredo and I especially thank for their help with the material of Unit 26 to Adrian M.


previous classes can be found at this link. horizontal menu blog free course. "

  • Unit 26, Level 1 (Beginner - Low-intermediate) )

  • Unit 26, level 2 (Intermediate-Mid-intermediate)

  • Unit 26, level 3 (Upper Intermediate-Advanced)


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