Sunday, March 20, 2011

Companies That Buy Black Walnuts

I jam to speak English

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I am Cuban and about 15 months ago I moved to Miami, USA.

... I am writing to ask for advice.

I have a job as a "Front desk" of a hotel so I have to be constantly communicating with English speakers.
I feel I know a lot, even my accent does not look Hispanic. While I'm at a level above anything happens to me ... I despair.

What happens to me is that I have to think about the conversations in my head, so leave me no problem, Anglo accent, and without any difficulty.

But when I do, that is, think the phrase, place the word in the right way, everything becomes a mess and start to talk nonsense , even the most basic sentences.

The problem starts when I combine the past, which dominated in theory quite well, but when it comes time to make trouble comes prayer.

takes 5 to 10 seconds to think about the sentences, after that time everything goes perfect but I can not tell my party to wait 5 to 10 seconds.

much mess I with the combination, especially when I have to remember the irregular verbs and conjugation of the past participle.

In the latter tend to get involved with the verb "have" that changes to "you" when speaking in third person (he, she, it)

When I say "I have Been working here for a year", so I say good. But if I have to ask "how long has she Been working here?" I do not know whether to say "How long she has-been working here?"

the problem occurs, I tend to change the position of words, the conjugation of the verb "have" to "has" and is a string that leads me to say great foolishness ...

The situation worsens if I automatically jump to the past when talking to an irregular verb. ...

You may say: What you need is to review the times, but believe me I have studied and fairly, but in my opinion the I need to learn to make that knowledge in my head, but needs time and words flow like they do now in my head.

myself annoyed me, because then I think for me, and I say, why not say this so? if you knew.

is something that bothers me and affects me, because not all conversations I have are short, many times clients want to talk and ask a lot of things s sometimes talk too fast.

I guess you do not have much time, but if you reach few minutes to send me some exercise, or trick, to improve my English reception of thought I would be very grateful. Be I have to go on and on, but in practice, I urge, then I need for my future career and my current job.
Lots of happiness for your blog, and the sky falling for English speakers who arrive in anglophone countries.




I am very interested to address the problem of David on the blog because it is very common.

affects not only who is working on an Anglo-Saxon environment, but it will happen to virtually every student who begins to communicate in Anglo-Saxon environment, "he snared the phrases and verb conjugations if not practice as due. "

Learning to analyze and solve problems

attempt to solve the problem of David, and perhaps yours, breakdown of its problems.

is important to carry out this process for several reasons: organize your thoughts, prioritize the problems and see what, or what are the most important in establishing a strategy.

How many problems do you see in the message of David?

I list that I detected:
  • Confusion between verb forms, especially the third person, present perfect continuous and past participles.
  • Feeling of helplessness and perhaps "does" because they can not speak as he would like.
  • fear that their inability to properly express adversely affect their work.
  • Strain for not knowing how to address the problem and fix it: not tell me you you need is to review the time ... I have studied and fairly. I works.
Do you ring these problems?

If you notice, to solve the first "confusion between verb forms ..." all the others are resolved automatically.

So let it.

Imagine a large number of cars converging on the same intersection where the streets have only a limited width.
seems clear that we can unclog a car, we have to pass rules because if not eventually crashing.

say for example

"They can only pass two cars at once in each of the streets that converge at the intersection ."

Now imagine that these cars are phrases in English.

If the width of the street is limited we can pass either two small cars, or a big car.

We can therefore pass: two short sentences and only a long sentence to time to avoid the jam .

Look at a detail that says: "short and long sentences." I did not say "concept statement", "grammatical structure", "not tense."

If you were directing traffic at an intersection Who would pass up? "The level of car design or the car?

the car right? Among other reasons because the planes of the car does not have wheels, and neither do the grammatical structures. However, the phrases "do have wheels," or leave quickly through your mouth or get stuck.

And that car in what state should be so he could move? In good condition right?

manufactured I want "phrases / race car," well designed, in good condition and fast.

tartans do not want! (BTW (by the way) this is English, "a trap" in English is "a lemon"-itself a lemon).

How? With effort clear. Or is it perhaps a race car is made with wooden sticks?

No. What you need is a large infrastructure and high technology (your brain) to leave the factory properly.

Remember how the brain has to create "perfect phrases" is repetition.

Extract phrases from the context in which you are

If you look carefully in each context, or place where you are using a certain type of vocabulary and expressions .

In fact, many English courses are based on this idea and I have characters in different situations using different vocabulary and expressions you're in a restaurant, shopping at the airport or work.

What tends to fail in these methods is that since no two situations are identical, so no identical language, and therefore, the sentences of a book will always serve to get you out of trouble. For this you must give the job of detecting them yourself.

The sentences should practice David

I have asked David to send me in English, examples of phrases that get stuck.
These are:
1. Computer / computer shut me down
2. We have not yet taken the money from your account.
3. That's what I've been trying to say from the outset.
4. Tomorrow when you get off, you should ask for the manager and tell him what is wrong. She must find a way to reward you for this problem
5. What do you mean? Need to pick up their truck / car?
6. This is a fee charged by the hotel for breakfast and all the services you can read on this page. He was also retained $ 50 per day for each day you are in the hotel and when you finish your stay here will be automatically returned to your account
7. Have you been before in Miami?
8. Have you enjoyed your stay at the hotel?
9. Please, if you want you can fill this little sheet and give us your suggestions for improving the service.
10. What hotel is the person you're looking for?

I have advanced the work and here I have translations of the phrases of David.

common phrases used in the hotel lobby

1. Computer / computer shut me down.
The computer has shut down on me.

2. We have not yet taken the money from your account.
We Have
charged (the money on) your account yet.

3. That's what I've been trying to say from the outset.
That Was what I've Been Trying to say from the start.

4. Tomorrow when you get off, you should ask for the manager and tell him what is wrong. She must find a way to reward him for this problem.

When you come down tomorrow, Should you ask for the manager and tell her / him your problem. She will find a way to make it up to you.

5. What do you mean? Need to pick up their truck / car?

What Would you like us to do for you? What do we do for you? Do you want us to pick up your car?

Note: The literal translation of the phrase that David sent me sounds rude: "What do you want to say ..." What do you mean ..?

6. This is a fee charged by the hotel for breakfast and all the services you can read on this page. It is also retain $ 50 per day for each day you are in the hotel and when you finish your stay here will be automatically returned to your account.

This is the Amount charged by the hotel for the breakfast and all the services you CAN read on this paper.
Will Be 50 dollars withheld for Each Day You are staying at the hotel. When you leave the hotel, the money will be returned to your bank account automatically option.

7. Have you been before in Miami?
Have you ever been to Miami?

8. Have you enjoyed your stay at the hotel?
Have You Enjoy your stay at the hotel?

9. Please, if you want you can fill this little sheet and give us your suggestions for improving the service.
If you wish, please, fill in this form to Give us your Suggestions to Improve the service.

10. What hotel is the person you're looking for?
Which hotel is the person looking for Are you staying at?

The strategy: divide and conquer

Remember in my previous post the importance of strategy ?

Let's see in detail the steps to be followed:

1) Detects the most common phrases you use in your environment

First, you identify the phrases that you say in your environment and you get stuck.

This is one of the most important.

In everyday use, some of these phrases are not identical (change the subject, verb tense, etc.) but maybe 80% will be.

phrases of David, do not serve you so grab a pen and paper and start targeting the phrases that are common in your environment.

Tip: Even if you're in your own country, you do this exercise. You will make a special English course for you.
Eye! Crumbles. Do not write 'the bible verse. " We need smaller contexts.

2) Draw mind maps with very specific contexts and vocabularies

Each context will create "little mental maps"

will put such phrases as David.

The first context is the computer / the computer in the hotel lobby.

When I say that is necessary to "be specific" I mean I'm not going to associate a list of all words related to the computer (who will not wrong, but that's for later) but those phrases related to situations in which the computer does not work and you're serving a customer at the front desk .

will tend therefore to be phrases that "give a reason why you're doing something you need to do for the customer."

addition, these statements are in many cases, or in "present tense" (which is true at the time of speaking), or in "present perfect" (which just occur).

So we :

As you can see from the example, we are being very specific in order to assimilate the correct information.

3) Find the phrases in internet

It is best to give us a hand someone who knows more English to find the words, but if we do not have the support we need to go to WordReference and search, for example, "turn off" option in English and English. Meeting these meanings .

Note: I have not used the Google translator translations because they can go completely wrong, as this "I Have Been off the computer." Although you can use it and then ask for help a native speaker so you can correct them. How do I know that this sentence is not correct if you're not a native speaker to correct you? If you do an internet search you will probably see that nothing appears semejante.No must appear the same sentence, but similar phrases native sites.

Then, I see I have these translations: \u0026lt; light / TV / motor > to turn off , switch off .

I do a search with the words "turn off + vocabulary + computer" and give to this page. I served at all, but it is a first aid.

Making a new search came to this forum native . I'm closer.

find this expression:
"When I'm using my computer Normally, it just Shuts Down by Itself ."

I do another search with the words more "computer + shut down by itself "and I with this page . It is a more advanced vocabulary page, but some phrases I used.

Of course, if you have help from a native or a person with advanced knowledge of English, this process will be much faster and safer, but simply work hard and look for words, phrases and sounds learn more.

Now I place the phrase "present perfect" using my knowledge of grammar.
"The computer has shut down by itself. "

But is this a correct English sentence?

I do a search on "the computer has shut down by itself" and on this page meeting:
"My computer has Been randomly shutting down on me now. "

4) try to see if your sentences are correct to a native

Although the example I found is in "present perfect continuous", my statement seems to be correct, of course to be completely sure that it is best native consulting.

Note: also learn how to say: "I've been turning off the computer at random."

5) Listen to hundreds of phrases times

You can use a program like vozme or google translator to hear the sentences.

6) Repeat the phrases even vomit

Repeat until vomit means hundreds of times.

In the exercise of repetition is important to be shortened.

For example, these paragraphs the need to dissect to learn.

This is the Amount charged by the hotel for the breakfast and all the services you CAN read on this paper.

only repeat first: This is the Amount charged (with emphasis on the ending "charged" / charchd)

Facing problems: confusing "he" for "she" and vice versa

Finally, as part of the strategy, I'd suggest a way to solve a specific problem that David mentioned and that is very common among English speakers.

consists in saying: "I" to "she" and vice versa, to say "have" instead of "you."

The same applies to "do" and "does", the vast majority of people forget "does."
To address this problem we will play.

"We'll take a picture of a boy and a girl how are you. Print them and cut them out.

-Write several sentences with he, she and you.

For example:
  • You she been there? Have you been there?
  • I've Been Working. Has been working.
  • She Called You? Have you called?
  • I've done everything. He has done everything.
-Ask a friend to show you the pictures, altering them and ask the prayers you have written is English for you say them in English.

important thing is that the same phrase can mean "she" or "he", not wrong image. Please note that you are wrong because for you "she" or "I" mean nothing, are just strange sounds. But give him a sense of repetition.

If you have someone to help you try to do it alone. This is to associate the pronoun and verb conjugation in the right image. Each time you must go faster and increased the complexity of the sentences. Repeat this exercise hundreds of times until you can not ever go wrong.

Note: when I say "hundreds" I'm not exaggerating. In fact, in your own language phrases have repeated thousands of times before they succeeded.

To achieve the goal we asked David " I need to learn to make that knowledge in my head, but needs time, and the words flow like now do it in my head ". You see, I can not really give any tricks.

What I am giving you are "resources" and "strategy", which, of course, requires hard work.

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  • By + Reflexive pronouns , Andrew Irribarra


    : Roberto Reboredo and I especially thank Alberto Alvaro Carrasquel Lamela and assistance with the material of the Unit 27

    Pronouns UNIT 27

    previous classes can be found at this link. horizontal menu blog free course. "

  • Unit 27, Level 1 (Beginner - Low-intermediate) )

  • Unit 27, level 2 (Intermediate-Mid-intermediate)

  • Unit 27, level 3 (Upper Intermediate-Advanced)


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