Sunday, February 27, 2011

Paula Dorf Cake Mascara

"A fly in the ointment" the memoirs of Charles Simic, one of the great poets of the world publish

In the wonderful blog Reasons flyer found fragments of A fly in the ointment , the memoir Charles Simic ( (Belgrade, 1938) , one of the most important American poets of today. Here's a sample of the recent literature in English and broken glass Editions:

"All arts have to do with the impasse in which we live. It is their fatal attraction. "Words fail me ', they say the poets. Every poem is an act of desperation or if you prefer, a dice roll. God is the ideal audience, especially if you can not sleep or find yourself in a hole in the Amazon. If necessary, even worse.

The poet sits in front of blank paper with the need to say much in the limited space of the poem. The world is huge, the poet and the poem alone is only a fragment of language, a feather that broke the silence of the night.

may be the case that the poet wants to talk of his life. A handful of images resulting from a fleeting moment of happiness or extreme lucidity. The secret desire of poetry is to stop time. The poet wants to rescue a face, a mood, a cloud in the sky, a tree in the wind and take a kind of mental picture of that moment when the reader recognizes himself. The poems are snapshots of other people whom we recognize ourselves.

Moreover, the poet is driven to tell the truth. "How should speak the truth?" Asked Gwendolyn Brooks. Truth matters. Getting it right matters. The realistic advice is: open your eyes and look. Proponents of the imagination advice: close your eyes to see better. There is a truth that is perceived with the eyes open and another that is accessed with closed eyes, and sometimes these two truths are not recognized when they cross the street.

addition, one would say something about the times in which we live. Every age has its injustices and suffering unconscionable, and ours is far less an exception. We must face up to history of human evil, and every day we find new examples on which to reflect. You can think about it all you want, but understand it is another story. We live in a time when there are hundreds of ways to explain the world. You can believe in anything, in all religions and all varieties of scientism. Perhaps the task of poetry is to recover the remains of authenticity can still be found in the ruins of religious systems, philosophical and political. "

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