Saturday, February 12, 2011

Leapers Are Good Scope?

unemployment to learn the passive voice (The Passive Voice)

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This week in the free English course, study the passive voice.

seems a difficult subject, but you'll see that it is not.

I have prepared some images for help to retain in memory the concept, but prior to show it, I want to read the basic definition of the passive voice.

This is:


Things (not people), therefore, become the protagonist in passive sentences.


Basically for two reasons:

  • do not know who performed the action . Example: The book WAS hidden. The book was hidden. Who did it? We do not know.

  • Because we give more importance to the object. Example: Those Are gorgeous dresses . These dresses are beautiful. Clearly in this sentence dresses are the protagonists.

What are the steps to follow to convert an active sentence into passive?

1. We analyzed the active sentence to find your subject, verb and object:

I hid the book . I hid the book. The subject is "I" and the verb is "hid" (past tense "hide" to hide) and the object is "the book"

2. Become the object in subject.

The book

3. Transformed by adding the verb "to be" in past tense and past participle by putting the "hide" that is "hidden." (See verb conversion table below). The book

WAS hidden. ("Was "---> v. past tense" to be "- hidden" past participle "hide") Note: I'm sorry, but you have to saberte participles of all verbs.

4 Optional: I can add who hid . The book is

hidden by me.

tablita now use this magical conversion of active verbs to passive.

Consider the process with some pictures.

Now that we have any clearer we use more images.

We get ideas from this lesson Here we say that the passive voice is used to post messages on sites public.

What watch this video passive ways to discover the signs? A picture is worth a thousand words.

Always pay attention to the subject and uses the magic table above for the conversion of the verb.

Remember that sometimes signals the verb disappears.

For example: Help wanted should be "Help is wanted", but is missing "is". " employees are needed."

leave some examples of signals which use the passive voice.

There are some questions that can not be answered by Google . Image Source

Subject: Some questions-Some questions Word into passive: can not be answered-Can not Be Answered Agent: by Google, for Google
Note: In this example we use the "modal verb" can in the passive.

No pets allowed. All animals must be on a leash . Image Source

Subject: Pets-Pets passive verb: allowed-are (deleted) allowed. Subject: All Pets-All pets passive verb: should be "Must be. Again a "modal verb" passive. Note: Notice how he refuses to "no" (and not to "not") before the noun "pets" (pets).

toilet Parking for Aston Martin (luxury car brand) All others will be crushed .

Subject: All other cars-All others passive verb in future will: be triturados/machacados- Will Be crushed. Source image

not happen. Will fire those who violate this prohibition. Will trigger again to those who survive. Image Source

Subject: Those who break the law, even if people do not know who they are, Violators Word will stand in future: they fire- Will Be Shot. Subject: Survivors, survivors passive verb: as above.

Note: Note how the passive sentence in English must be translated into English as "fires". More examples with the passive voice in all time



THANKS : Roberto Reboredo and I especially thank for their help with the material of Unit 22 to Álvaro Carrasquel, Alberto and Adrian M. Lamela


previous classes can be found at this link. horizontal menu blog free course. "

  • Unit 22, Level 1 (Beginner - Low-intermediate) )
  • Unit 22, level 2 (Intermediate-Mid-intermediate)
  • Unit 22, level 3 (Upper Intermediate-Advanced)

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