Sunday, February 6, 2011

Kohler K-3386 Seat Post

Do you serve the Cambridge exams to find work?


"Hello Monica:

I am a girl of 20 years to find a job that always ask me English, I have school and a higher level of computing there who always ask me English.

My question is Where I can study?

Cambridge exams do any good to me when looking for work?

is that if I have no title that I prove that I reject the English curriculum.

Thanks in advance.

Sandra "

*********** Answer:
questions are relatively easy to answer.

Sandra I can tell that the Cambridge exams are prestigious and that will serve to demonstrate their English skills to any employer. I can add that FCE can be prepared in any school classroom, or attend our academy classes Skype (EBPAI) because we are very professional.

addition, I can tell that the blog is a lot of information to prepare FCE and other information that may be useful to achieve their ends, for example, how to leverage your language school.

But this information does not help much to Sandra . Do you know why?

Because you can read between the lines has a much more important question that has not made its mail. That question is:

What do I have to find a job?

On other occasions I have tried this topic.

I've tried and I want to treat it because I found myself in that situation many years ago, and I wish that someone had removed the doubts and guided.

Unfortunately, it did not. Even with a Master in Comparative Law from the University of Miami "was unable to find work in Madrid in the eighties (almost the same as now.)

What went wrong then and what's wrong today?

What fails is the lack of connection between educational institutions in general, with the labor market. Here's more information.

The source of the problem is that many educational institutions can not adapt to the pace that the market demands. A clear example is the Internet opens new markets how many people are truly ready to take advantage of them? imagine that very little because few institutions offer such training, yet the potential is enormous. In

Today's post will give another twist to the problem of not finding work and trying to help Sandra and anyone who is in a similar situation. As I always say: what serves you English if you can not survive?

What happens when you finish studying?

As just walk into the jungle to study the labor competition for which the vast majority is not prepared, in addition to the reasons given above, because have not learned to:

  • Sell
seems even sin to speak of "sell." Right here in this blog is who forgives me for life while trying to sell English classes for Skype, give free information. Unfortunately, they realize more classes that band (without false modesty), more wealth is created, more jobs are generated and more likely is that the blog continues to exist for many years with this free information that everyone wants.

The very word "seller" or "commercial" is discredited, and yet we can not ignore the fact that all have to sell something to survive! not "fish" or "fruit" what we sell, but our own work.

speak properly
are called in English "or oral communication skills". Is very important to convey your message without knowing how to speak properly because you can hardly sell. In my opinion we should all follow, at some point in our training period, a course on public speaking, how to make presentations, introduce a new product or service, or simply "persuade."

Trivia: I'm not a big fan of American secondary education, but acknowledge that there is something they do extremely well in the schools of this country is to teach public speaking. To this day I remember the day that, 13 years, I had to make a presentation to my classmates in the Foote School. I attended. I think the issue was "languages \u200b\u200band dialects spoken in Africa and in the morning, before going to school, I had a stomach ache so strong that even arch-me stage fright produced. But since " what does not kill you makes you stronger " after this difficult experience and there was nothing, no one, that prevented me from speaking in public.

  • Spell
receive hundreds of emails a day, many of them with many spelling mistakes (in English). You may think it does not matter, but you are wrong. The writing reflects not only your level of education, but also your ability to communicate. And although it is not always true, a person who writes with spelling mistakes seem less intelligent than a person writing bug-free. I copy and paste excerpts from two emails that I received as examples. Compare and draw your own conclusions. Email

No. 1


Email # 2

am looking for a way to end my learning English. I think I have a good theoretical and only fail me to stay long (maybe 6 months ... maybe 1 year ...) in an English speaking country in order to be definitely bilingual.

Important note: I do not write well, I make some mistakes spelling and syntax, but I put so much effort into it more than one person volunteers to correct my writing. I think that's because my desire to beat is so strong that others give me a rope and pull on it.

Moral: not everyone has all the skills necessary to survive, but the will and perseverance are real miracles.
  • Read
When you finish your studies you are wanting to avoid having to read and nothing else, certainly most textbooks are boring us. Me also seemed to me, but since I have not stopped studying reading. Where do you think I get my ideas for writing posts? Do I "light up" at night while you sleep? No Leo, I read constantly all that rascal.

Precisely because a sentence from a book I read and it cost me 19.95 euros, a volunteer with our team now has a paid job that you like ( at least I think) and I am working on a fascinating project that will soon announce in this blog. Think with what other investment of less than 20 euros you can achieve extraordinary results?

course there are many Other factors have contributed to that goal, but "a phrase from a book of 19.95 euros" was the trigger. So when I go shopping I just spent looking rags (which also do), but I'm going head-to books. I especially like going to a great bookstore where you have the possibility to take the books and sit and read. If you are interested you take them, and if not put it back on the shelf. The books are, without doubt, what in English is called "food for thought", literally "food for thought" and are the best investment to inspire and grow as a person and professional.

  • recognize the importance
  • quality
Quality is a scarce, very scarce, no doubt because it is much easier to do something bad to get it right. It is therefore very few people are offered work, quality products or services, and when it does, usually succeeds because thanks to his efforts achievement. Who remembers this post on excellence?

quality examples I used to find and maintain employment: an approach aimed at solving problems (not create), able to speak by phone with clients, be polite, be punctual, a team player, knowing write well, know how to respect, work with the idea of \u200b\u200b"I win, you win.

  • Measuring our efforts to achieve concrete results
is not to say: "I'm sending resumes 1000" and see if I get a job. No. It is perhaps sending a few resumes, but places where you can get more audience and, consequently, better results.

How do you know this? Testing and measuring.

For example, look for two or three companies that I find interesting and hard work in drafting a two or three distinct letters accompany the curriculum. Then, I give them to friends and family read to see which is more attractive cards and notes. I can do the same with the curriculum: polish to take maximum possible brightness.

The truth is that the vast majority of job applicants not even think about the wording of the letter accompanying curriculum and how to stand out. Therefore, your resume is listed on the stack forever known as "the pile."

  • Use creative thinking
Darwin said: " is harder to see the problem solving .
One of the biggest differences between most of us and Larry Page and Sergey Bin (the founders of Google, also called "The Google Guys") is that before solving the problem of Internet searches were dedicated to identifying problems. Most of us try to answer questions, but not to make to try to solve problems. This is one of the keys to develop creative minds. You always think " where the real problem and how I can solve it? "

I have seen in the mail from Sandra that the problem is the question she made, but the question that no formula. To try to find an answer to the problem "how to find a job" I've been copying and pasting answers found on the Internet, no. I have read several books, blogs, web sites, I analyzed my situation and that of others, I have worked on finding practical solutions and have posted information about "my own creation" is born of the interaction of different sources of information I used .

might say: "No, I clearly see the problem as I do not know English." And it is true, but knowing that does not help you much to solve this problem because not knowing English is, in fact, a host of many other large and small problems that create the major problem of not knowing English. I list examples of large and small problems that create a big problem:

- Lack of motivation
- Lack of healthy ambition
- Lack of consistency
- Panic talking
- Ignorance or lack of academies or schools where learning about ; English
really - really do not know what your priorities.
- Inability to plan your time

Look now how if I endeavor to solve one or two of the problems above: consistency and motivation, I can solve the bigger problem: not knowing English.

  • Breaking down barriers and take concrete steps
Initiate action to bring down a barrier is awkward, sometimes very uncomfortable, for it is much easier to do nothing. Pongo

uncomfortable examples of actions aimed at breaking down barriers:

-Make a phone call to someone you know to ask to help you find employment.
-Attending a conference in your sector to meet people.
-Trying to sell something to practice your skills seller.
- Put a claim in a trade because you have been treated badly.
- Negotiate with your bank the fee waivers.
- get a discount.
- Getting up every day at 6am because you have no time to study English.

first thing you think is " if I'm not going to be what I'll try ." That's where I'm probably a little different, and when I say "no", I say "yes" when I close a door "I try to open a window" because I know that comfort can be very dangerous.

  • Know finish the job
This is what is called in English "the last mile." For example, at the time of writing this letter you will eventually get hired, read several books on writing, ask for help for someone with experience, working 3 days to prepare several versions "out of range" is the give to read your family and friends, but eventually send the letter to the wrong person. If that happens, all the great work you've done so far to send the letter tragically lost and the result is zero. So beware, do not leave any out undone.

Here's more information about "the last mile."

Now, back to Sandra, and those who are in a situation similar to hers- what Sandra would advise to get find work or who already have a job and wants to win more money with an extra job or be promoted ?

addition to taking into account and apply the points we have discussed above , councils would be given two extremely important to achieve extraordinary accomplishments.

1) You must put in place Buyer (in the case of seeking a job is the employer) and try to "sell" what they really want to buy. not that hard if you look at what you get when you buy something you want.

What I would like to obtain an ADSL service provider and telephone, for example?

- Not Sablee me.
- treat me as a person and not a number
- Do not deceive me not want to sell services or have not purchased.
- And, above all, quality service is because my job depends on it.
With these requests, I believe there is no reasonable provider currently on the market in Spain that offer. You see now that it is difficult to find quality and good price?

Now apply these requests to an employer (which will be our buyer.) What do you want your future employer about you?

- For you to give a quality service.
- Do not be fooled.
- respect the company and the service or product you sell.
- not to charge a lot. Although this petition is the most common, in many cases, you can invest if you're willing to give much more than it gives the majority (which in general is rather low).

Flaw common is not to think about what you want a future employer of a worker (eg, when applying for a job you've even bothered to find out what the company is involved, which is evident not only when writing your letter, and but in the interview.)
The other common error is to think that what I want is equal to what the employer wants. No sir, because what you want, for logic is to "win as much as possible doing as little as possible."

2) You have to take small, concrete steps towards breaking down barriers always . Many people have many ideas, but when it comes time to act not does absolutely nothing. What I usually do is complain, but if you ask them what have you done today, yesterday, last week to knock down any obstacle that is preventing you find employment or earn a little extra money or get that promotion? The honest answer is "nothing." I know because I spent several years going from company to company (multinational many of them) to teach English and the vast majority of my students complained incessantly of the company, their pay and their bosses, but at the same time, the only thing that I aspired was to hear them. Concrete actions to overcome the situation frustrated them: none.

is also very important that you consider that virtually no isolated act gives a unique result; are, however, these small steps, consistent and on track of them get big goals. Consider, for example, in this blog what is it that attracts you? A post I wrote on a Monday morning? Maybe, but chances are you're reading this post because there are plenty of other information at any given time has helped you. Therefore

systematically introduces me when people blog or webs related to English with a couple of pieces of content they want me to promote, they usually say: " please come back when you have content that teach" . Two are no posts, no matter how good they are because people want information and original material, not any text you can find on the internet endlessly repeated. I

examples of concrete steps what I would like Sandra, and those in similar situations, did well to sign up to learn English:

- Get an updated list of companies which are interested in working with names and places you have to write.

- Study 10 of these companies carefully at what they do? How many employees use? What was the turnover last year?

- Put on paper what she thinks the company could offer and that they would be interested in purchasing.

- Rewrite your resume and cover letter or email of support to fit what the target company may need. Try the phrases that work and those without.

- Ask your friends and family to give opinions on your letter and resume. If there is anything better improve immediately!

- Prepare a video on Youtube showing some ability that can serve the company you want to hire us and send the link to the letter or email. out! Like a poorly written letter, this video can be a double edged sword if you do well, so practice a lot before recording the final video and always ask the honest opinion of those around you.

Note: to our school recently hired a teacher EBPAI native did just that: from England sent us a video speaking in English and English and gave instruction explaining how and what knowledge had. The recruitment was almost instantaneous why? Because we paved the way to demonstrate their skills live, the inforrmación we wanted it to us without being provided or that we had to ask.

- Invest in your education because it will always be a good investment . If a course costs 1,000 euros you can, perhaps, seem expensive but if after a few months are already working, you'll be paying off handsomely. So did I when I did the TEFL

Not so when buying a car, for example, which is much more expensive than almost any course on the market. As soon as you take the dealer has lost 30% of its value and yet how many people have to buy a car without even knowing if they will be able to pay off?

- when you get to the door in his face, insist know are also retiring at the right time.

Now, after reading this post Could you answer the question of "if they serve the Cambridge exams to find work? Overcoming

Cambridge exam - such as FCE, is just one small problem that hides a host of other small and big problems; the most important is knowing how to face the job market when you finish studying.

And you, reader reviews tell me something specific you've done in recent weeks to find employment, earn more money or get a promotion . I want action and results! that may help others in your situation and not excuses.

I put an example of practical response that has left us a reader, Miriam, in a previous post:

"My motivation is to achieve a management position. And I'm a few steps!

Note: Your blog was of great help to pass my comprehensive review of English at the University (required for graduation). 90 credits it with a scale of 100 "

Do you still do not say:" I would, "" may, "" will "? Miriam says," I a few steps "



THANKS: Roberto Reboredo and I especially thank for their help with the material of Unit 21 to Andrés Iribarren, Alberto and Adrian M. Lamela


previous classes can be found at this link. horizontal menu blog free course. "

  • Unit 21, Level 1 (Beginner - Low-intermediate) )
  • Unit 21, level 2 (Intermediate-Mid-intermediate)
  • Unit 21, level 3 (Upper Intermediate-Advanced)

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