daily supplement of Babelia The Country published today unpublished Juan Ramón Jiménez, following the publication of the book Arte Menor (Ediciones Linteo), which includes the first stage of the production of the English Nobel Prize. Before the poems, is a detailed text, "JRJ's Dream", written by the poet José Manuel Caballero Bonald.
The periodic appearance of unpublished texts by Juan Ramón Jiménez has now become a peculiar habit that somehow favors the overall assessment of contemporary English poetry. Nothing more in line with the insatiable, passionate poet's creative will that count consecutively increased its "Work." It is what comes to endorse again this less Art (Ediciones Linteo), prepared and edited by José Antonio Expósito Hernández with timely critical solvency. The book can be seen in unprecedented purity, at least it was never published as such independent volume, and it brings together 142 short poems, of which 43 are now published for the first time, so the issue becomes a manifesto range scoop. No doubt this new poetic flow increased juanramoniano confirms once again the familiar: the dedication sacral, that stubborn, excited, endless creative work that made it possible to continue adding new contributions-still-somewhat less than overwhelming the registration of poems ranging from Rhymes (1902) to Area (1954 ), it being refereed were neglected, as the author- Ninfeas and violet Souls (1900). Within this labyrinthine network of rivers and streams that often overwhelm researchers juanramoniana poetry, this edition also claims why gratitude. They are truly deserving efforts undertaken by the half dozen Expert Juan Ramón Jiménez, including José Antonio Expósito Hernández occupies a prominent place, to normalize extraordinary poetic corpus, always subject to order and reorder new approaches consecutively subjected to partial or general. "What a struggle in me between the complete and perfect!". It is also noteworthy that as a poet who said, with singular aesthetic education, that "writing poetry is to learn to reach not write it," greed is dedicated to inclusive development as a systematic overbearing of his "work."
Art minor dated in 1909, is located chronologically in the initial scope of the poetry of Juan Ramón Jiménez, where it emphasizes a clear lineage popular lyricism, as broken down some anonymous Andalusian songs, native in his best moments of true modernism romantic seductions still contaminated. Within the same nutrients appearing sentimental, for example, green leaves (1906) or spring Ballads (1907), Art less extends an identical rhetorical strategy, but also announces that occasionally poetic design will be essential that increasing their reflective power from Diary of a Newlywed Poet (1916). Halfway between the traditional mint song and pure internalizing nature, less Art is integrated into one of the canonical phase of the poetry of Juan Ramon, who also was in all probability, the most markedly affected the manners neopopularismo of 27, in particular those of Lorca and Alberti. Along with songs of simple descriptive tone, do not miss what might be glimpses, even Profiles uncertain that awareness of penetration at all regulating the most visionary poetry of Juan Ramón route. Was still far from what the law is masterly: the subordination of logical thinking to intuition illuminating. In any case, the most abundant here are the common compositions of popular air, so light at times I doubt the author would have spared the scrutiny of a few years later. There is always the suspicion that the word "the" wild draft "- which one reason or another remained unpublished is that the author did not want to see them published.
José Antonio Expósito Hernández, experienced specialist in the work juanramoniana, has ventured into those who could best documentary records show that this book reached the perfect condition. And indeed, the structure of the present version of Art less rigorously matches its author anticipated, according to the draft dusted now. The setting of texts and detailed list of variants and appendices of documents, albums and notes, significantly enriched the edition, which maintains the five sections that divided itself Juan Ramón the book and appear in different anthologies, namely: 1: ditty, 2: fielder sentimental, 3: Fifth string 4: Music in the shadow and 5: The placid corner. understand that the most complete edition of this book published before the comment now is that of Francisco Garfias (unpublished books of poetry, 1, Aguilar, 1964). I collated the two editions and the differences are notable, not only for the general management of the texts, some of dubious membership to lower- Art but by the number of poems included in the gaffs are just 59, that is, 83 less, with the unpublished, data collected by Expósito Hernández.
reading, or rereading, this book takes us back to a section of the poetry of Juan Ramón which perhaps could be a bit faded by the powerful intellectual rig fully determined " ethics-aesthetics "of Animal background, desired and desiring God and On the other side, which contains Space one of the great poems of European literature medioseculares. None of this should be restricted, however, the pleasure of reuniting with some songs and romances which articulates a model of heightened lyrical delicacy, spontaneous nudity, connected with the "idealism Krausist" referred to Expósito Hernández shrewdly in his' Introduction 'and Juan Ramon himself was soon to become extinct. In these compositions "low art" is very clever verses, very subtle, only one, two or three syllables, although sometimes be enlarged to eneasílabo or pentameter, a peculiarity that, as the poet finds in the note heads the book "I do not think that break with sudden onset fugitive and choppy rhythm of a tune." I think even improve it.
Juan Ramón Jiménez was developed lyrics Art lower their return to Moguer, 1905, after the hyperesthesia partly overcome after passing through two separate Bordeaux and Madrid sanatoriums. Was then 25, 26. The return those native scenarios that never cease to stay in his memory in the poet encourages a taste for rural identifications. It is the expressive world, although other echoes, which is anchored in Pastoral (1905), in magic and suffering Poems (1908), and is also the manifestation of a sensitivity, at times plaintive, melancholy records overpopulated vague, gardens and shadow, moon and sources . The poet's experience focuses so absorbed in the daily count of Moguer privacy, relying on a strong link with the ebb of popular song.
think more significant than the fact that less Arts is dedicated "A permanent memory of Don Luis de Gongora y Argote, the only ethical and aesthetic of our past, lord and master of the Pierides." In the dates on which this book was written first eight or nine years of the twentieth century's greatest poems of Góngora still remained reviled by literary critics to use, Menéndez Pelayo erected on the most virulent derided the "angel of darkness ". Juan Ramon is expected in this regard to the rehabilitation of the author of Solitudes promoted by Damaso Alonso and seconded by the other poets of 27. That twenty years before the rescue to rule the author of minor art reaffirming his devotion to Góngora, is certainly an episode certainly revealing. Involves at least one more evidence of the persistent assimilates tion of advanced aesthetic conveyed to Juan Ramón Jiménez continuum of his poetry.
romantic seduction
the weak Wailing
To no avail / My legs!
What rose gold / lead me?
The sky is blue, / and err
private essences / Mavera! Roads
gold / away,
no rivers, with ships / that dream, there
green birds / flying, there
breezes music / and silk ... There
and all, / come
worlds, all / are coming!
... Or roses or meat / no stars ...
To no avail / my legs!
Moon in the day, / feather silk /
breast goddess / queen's hand!
Oh, white moon!, / That turquoise / clear sky, / sleep, dream,
that after the wind / sun, waiting for / the breeze mauve / wakes you
-silence vague / purple fresh / unlocking the twilight / on the land-
Luna dreamily, / princess of sorrow, / almost light / almost undone;
Oh, My Love! / Blind lily /
moon without light / nymph traveler ...
popular lineage Poems
Thinking unhealthy Leo woman Putz.
Legs round / white snake, / beneath the silk / gray skirt! I
enroscáis, / raw and tender, /
in cold fever / unhealthy wave.
You are a round / lots of anxieties, / sirens green / pale blood.
Oh, cold legs, / beef and water / thighs / marine algae-filled ...!
legs lake / white snake / under the silk / gray skirt!
serene waters / of pure blue /
in the charm / the full moon!
Fine Diamonds / On the diffuse /
suffering garden! / Breezes worlds!
Jazmines pale, / that the dark /
wind, you dream / your night!
Beaches unnamed / travel confused / by scarlet roses, / between Petunia! Rhythms
silk / boils unique /
raptures ... / Wet eyes ... Quiet
... silence ... / Only musician / lo perfumed / or wandering ...
eternal waves / pure blue, /
in nostalgia / the full moon!
Art minor. Juan Ramón Jiménez. Critical edition, introduction and notes by José Antonio Expósito Hernández. Linteo editions. Ourense, 2011. 372 pages. 25 euros.
Literature. Poetry. Art Minor. Juan Ramón Jiménez .
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