Friday, December 31, 2010

How To Patent An Idea England

New Year's resolution: learn Inglés

I would like to take a look at this video .

This video is dedicated to all those who feel like idiots when they try to speak English.

is Zaryn Dentzel American, 25, founder of Tuenti (a popular English network with over 8 million users). "He makes mistakes

Zaryn Dentzel to speak English? Yes, several. Do you have an American accent? Yes, quite marked. Do they affect the mistakes he makes, or his accent, his message?

Absolutely not. The gist of his message is crystal clear. Zaryn even allowed the luxury of joking all the time with his audience in English.

Please note that unless your conference is on English grammar much nobody will notice your mistakes.

This is not to say that do not work on correcting your mistakes, and do not try to improve. I mean communication is not only to speak a language correctly , is, rather, to express what you have correctly inside.

When in you is clear, if you make mistakes or grammatical syntax and had a thick English accent, will manage to convey your message perfectly.

Remember that to achieve extraordinary accomplishments, you should also make an extraordinary effort.

Zaryn, you can like it or not, but what is clear is that he is a great example of what making an extraordinary effort.

For English language learners, special effort means spend some time each day for very busy and although you do not feel like it means falling and rising, means not giving up ever.

Your flagging energy? Come this way, we will push you. We also waging a battle every day.

"The hardest battle I have it every day myself." Napoléon.

also wanted to take advantage to thank all the readers for their loyalty, enthusiasm to our blog and the hundreds of messages sent to us encouraging us to continue.

also apologize for not being able to answer all emails and comments.

The 2010 has been an extraordinary year for the blog and EBPAI our academy. And in 2011 we hope to be even better. "What will you be too? So I hope.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Portable Drinking Fountains

Vinicius de Moraes

An evening of poetry and stories that bind us forever, will take place on Thursday 30 to eight in the evening at the Delfus the Bar ; Calle San Martín 587 - Miraflores .

Participate in reading Laura Rosales, Jorge Flores, Karina Valcárcel, Pierre Castro, Thalia Tumes, John Martínez, Sandra Enciso, Paredes and Diana Valdez Heli, under the name Malaletra draft publication are preparing for the year next.

After the recital there will be live music by bands invited. E ntrada is free. All are invited.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

What Cani Use As A Ramp In My C&c Cage

Surround yourself with English

I leave a guest post from Rafael Balaguer I hope you encourage and inspire. Thanks Rafael!

"It's hard to bring something new to the plethora of tips and approaches on how to learn a second language. Many good and can be read on this blog so I limit myself to add some additional resources and only a couple of thoughts born from my experience.

With fifty years and having studied in my whole school career with good English skills, my level but differed very little from one who only knows English is the official language spoken in the United Kingdom and the United States of America.

Solo, and affects the term, I only started learning English when English has become a passion, an object of desire.

is both possible and easy, surround the language, live immersed in the language even at home and this for the sake of technology.

Hardly a TDT and consequently have no access to popular radio Vaughan, much has been written in these "pages" on the need for "listening."

Today many people have DSL and if you're reading this because you are using one of the many resources available online.

try to add one more. It's easier than you may know the most popular Amazon store, bookstore encyclopedic offers a boundless our library of ebooks many of them free. If we add to this that has a free downloadable application for the PC and makes it identical to the IPAD reader (in this case, the Kindle) closed a nearly perfect circle.

We have the following instruments:

  • ebook reader (our PC screen, laptop, or netbook)
  • Free Ebooks in English (downloadable from the same application in 30 - 60 seconds.)
  • Dictionary Reader itself (also discharged only to press the right mouse button on a word)
case of Monica and after identifying in the text a known word and clarify its meaning with the help of the dictionary on the same page, before we go, we just have to change (using the tab) to the page HowJsay (previously we will open) to make sure about the correct pronunciation of it.

talking about technology, do not know if you have fallen into the account but you can select your GPS as the language English.

Leaving aside the technology, we realize the tourist vocation of our country and that many of our cities there are guided tours in which English is spoken, it is not necessary for you traveling to London and Amsterdam to find enthusiasts Sandeman guides or other agency can do it in Madrid or Barcelona.

I have contracted with my son a tour of three euros just over 2 hours of cycling in Madrid with English speaking guide, what you believe it?

Do you know that the Prado museum has audio guide in English?

Open your eyes and not cost you see how some of our big cities and the coast there are many places where they can read signs in English, on Friday without going any further I could see how in the Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid explained in English, hours of access to the terrace and the possibilities of this as a privileged observatory of Madrid, interestingly, we found that the cartel did not exist in Castilian.

Finally, love what you do, be passionate for the adventure seekers use English for your internet searches, read English books, listen to English radio, watch movies in English and if you do not understand lean on subtitles, following the free course disciplínate This Blog, or course Sherton or any other that has periodicity. Talk alone or better still some exchange, enjoys opening doors that were closed a long time for you.

Rafael Balaguer

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

America's House Cleaning Product

need volunteers to write free English classes in video

We are looking for volunteers to receive free English classes to be recorded video.

The classes are taught Monica and other teachers (English or American).

If you are interested and want to participate, please carefully read the requirements:

1) seniors and students living in Madrid.
2) available in the mornings Monday through Friday one day a week at least.
Time: approximately 10 to 1pm.
3) Initially This requires having a low-intermediate level of English (if you do not know your level this test). Later we will want to lower levels and above.
4) must sign a document allowing us to record the class on video.
  • The beginning of the video recordings is scheduled for the second week of January 2011 .
  • Videos are recorded in a classroom set in Madrid (Salamanca district area).
  • The videos will be part of an online English course taught by an University online and in some cases, may be available on the internet (youtube, websites, etc.).

If you think you are eligible please fill out this form so we can contact you. Thank you!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Original Warrior Razer Head


Wedding Shower Cruise Rhyme

This Christmas Poem 23: cierrre year of "La Quinta Score Poetics" in the Ricardo Palma Miraflores CC

La Quinta Score Poetics makes his closing years with a multidisciplinary event, poetry, performances, music, and good news Give a book Christmas! What more could you want?. They will be available the books of the authors. December 23 7:00 pm at the Ricardo Palma AV CC Larco 770 Miraflores.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sealer For Ipod Touch Screen

The desire to improve and the fifth birthday of the blog

I am sure that within each person there is always something that leads him to try to improve.

From that desire I want to talk this week because someone asked me a few days ago, on my facebook page, if there were people who never managed to learn English.

the following thought: thought is a tremendously powerful tool. If you think that you will not be able to learn English, you can not do it and, conversely, if you think you itself and put all your effort into it , you will succeed. Therefore, it is so important not to ever fall on negative thoughts such as: to me I do not care, I have no talent, no good .

is true that some people have no talent and it costs them more than others, but the opposite is true, there are people with many physical and emotional handicaps that achieves feats incredible.

If you have doubts about your abilities look, please this video and read the messages it contains.

I know from experience that the reason we do not reach the goals we propose is not really lack of tools to achieve it, but that struggle involves many sacrifices, resignations and bad times. For those cases I quote Gandhi:

"The joy is in the fight, in the effort, the suffering which is the struggle and victory not."

and connecting with this idea makes a couple of days I realized that the 12th of December, this blog turned 5 years. If 5 years ago I would have thought only of victory, this blog would not exist. ***********

NOTE: free English course will take year-end holiday until Monday, January 10, 2011. But there will be occasional blog updated during the holidays, so do not miss them!


Phrasal verbs and preposional , Mariela Starc

Negative investment , Robert Reboredo

*************** THANKS
: Roberto Reboredo and I especially thank Álvaro Carrasquel, Gustavo García and Adrian M. for their help with the material of Unit 16.



previous classes can be found at this link. horizontal menu blog "free course"

  • Unit 16, Level 1 (Beginner - Low-intermediate) )
  • Unit 16, level 2 (Intermediate-Mid-intermediate)
  • Unit 16, level 3 (Upper Intermediate-Advanced)

  • Horus Art Ceramiche Tile

    Pearse Hutchinson: From " The soul that kissed the body "


    do not think humbly ask for forgiveness no cure
    enclosed in a narrow dark brown

    in grace
    built by a tormented.

    vent do not think you

    always boasting of empty beds

    or hide my shame not hurt
    under your feathers,
    you who never missed a seduction.

    But my neighbors, my gods,
    the power of the sun, the beings
    pain in me, that man
    hiding my broken mirror them
    yes, ask forgiveness.

    * In Dublin 1927, was born this great poet. Thanks to Jorge Giraldo for the discovery and Victor Ruiz for the coordinates. Keep posting.

    Wednesday, December 15, 2010

    Sydney University Lodge

    Zela Bar: Last Friday of letters

    addition of video projection "Body carved verbs, and John Uzziel Jair Martínez.

    Cgr-3 Cougar Golf Clubs

    A poem of" chimeric Thrombosis, Mirtha Nunez Cave book to be presented tomorrow night in Albaz

    ERED * H

    Another is
    That blood that devours me
    that tempts me,
    pervasive violent babble

    Without ark
    without claws,
    without cannula

    dim picture in the mist
    exotic fissures

    outside the body,
    into the swing of his walk

    And again,
    provident deposits

    In spite of the sheets bellows

    is another
    a phalanx viscous
    of wet debris,
    that perhaps fall

    And they hold the fear lonely troubled meat

    is another blood
    mine in torrid union elusive
    gathering shadows and areas
    and longevity in the body hair

    In microscopic

    is another
    blood linked to meat
    which is my
    at dawn
    one in the morning
    that moves back and forth in migration

    aground then silence,
    moving in the fragrance that transcends
    in the blink of
    bones emerged

    And yes, falls,
    perhaps not
    As a rattle that never dies.

    Mirtha Nunez Cave (Arequipa, 1971) has studied Law and Literature and Linguistics at the Universidad Nacional San Agustin de Arequipa. He has served as a cultural journalist for several years in print media of Arequipa. He has published his poems in various magazines such as Styx, Mosca academic Turtle horses, Enemy rumor. Reflection has published the slim volume vitreous, and the earth poems milk (AQP Books, 2006) and chimeric thrombosis (Lustra, 2010).

    Monday, December 13, 2010

    Tear Stain Dog Remover

    Albaz poetry: presentation of "chimeric Thrombosis, recital poetry and music

    On Thursday December 16th at seven pm in Albaz, pisco bar / cultural center (Calle Berlin 172, Miraflores), is hosting a celebration of poetry.
    be presented first, the poems "chimeric Thrombosis" Mirtha Nunez Cueva ( Arequipa, 1971) , published under the imprint Lustra Editores. Fernando Rivera discussed the book, Paul Guillén and Victor Ruiz Velazco.
    Then comes a poetry reading with Sonia Luz Carrillo, Nora Alarcón, Maoli Mao, and Da Indira lia Anampa Espino.
    Finally, there will be music: a tribute to The Beatles , by Angelo Arteaga / Orange Cat.
    Admission is free.

    Sunday, December 12, 2010

    Funbrain Annual Revenue

    The importance of reviewing

    always amazes me how many people you choose to receive English lessons via Skype willing to spend what is and is then unable to review learning, even 30 minutes a week.

    I'll say it clear: even if you get 5 hours of classes a week with a teacher and speak those 5 hours, not make progress if you do not feel a moment and review learning .

    are more effective 2 hours of classes with one teacher and another 2 or 4 to study on your own, with hours to 4 hours with a teacher and no time to study.

    course helps the teacher is essential, but remember that 50% of success depends on you (and as you know more English, more up to you) your ability to review the vocabulary of English listening many hours, make the time to assimilate the information. If not, does not work. I've seen too many instances of this: thousands of euros thrown overboard because the student is not, or will not find the time to review.

    The brain works well, does not assimilate the information until the reviews because it that during the class says, goes in one ear and out the other. Not assimilated, not stay and as a result in the next class started again with the same, the same words, the same subject. There are always exceptions, people no need to review "but I always speak here of majorities, not exceptional people who do not need any help.

    Fortunately, we also have examples of students who do the opposite. People with one or two hours of classes a week, progressing very well. Why? Very simple: go over the vocabulary of the chat, make statements, it is chips, hear and read the texts of the duties, says the new words and so in the next class is well prepared. Are these students less engaged than those who can not study? Usually not only better manage their time. Reading this

    Guide to Happiness Harvard find meaningful data on what makes some students are better than others. Highlight, then the most important guide to learning English applicable:

    • Manage your time well. I recall that not long ago, an acquaintance told me What luck! you have time to go to the gym, I do not (he said it while I was watching television tranquilantemente). Not a problem or may not have time, rather it is to properly manage time available, what to do and what not to do at all times. The guide says that outperform students who are aware of the use of your time and do not study just before the test. Here is more information to find time to study English.
    • The guide says "write, write, write." This recommendation tailored to the learning of English would be " listen, listen, listen" and then "write, write, write ." So you're doing ear and aprendiéndote the vocabulary at the same time. Assimilated much better information when writing. Try
    • group study. Nothing motivates more than being with other people doing it because you have a common goal. Verbs can ask you, the new vocabulary, clarify doubts, to say aloud issues. My Facebook page also has that intention, to make people help each other.
    • Have fun. It talks about a time of leisure, extracurricular activities. I would add: you have a good time learning English. Whenever you see a chance to talk, talk and then laugh at your mistakes. Given
    the importance of review, this week the free course reviewed at all levels. What do not you reviewing? More (in English) on how to study for high school students. **********


    anyone interested in trying this program to enhance memory and tell us how it goes? Please, if you have tested, write and tell us your experience. Thank you very much.

  • The tildes English , Andrew Irribarra
  • The subject can you skip?, Virginia Gruart
  • Effective emailing, Christopher Wright
  • email Top three phrases That Work, by Christopher Wright

  • ** ************* THANK
    : Roberto Reboredo and I especially thank Gustavo García, Virginia Gruart and Alberto Lamela for her help with the material of Unit 15.



    previous classes can be found at this link. horizontal menu blog "free course"

  • Unit 15, Level 1 (Beginner - Low-intermediate) )
  • Unit 15, level 2 (Intermediate-Mid-intermediate)
  • Unit 15, level 3 (Upper Intermediate-Advanced)

  • Saturday, December 11, 2010

    Is There A Cheap Replacement For Grecian Formula

    "Keeper of the Cliffs" of Joe Montesinos poems, presented the December 13 Today

    We are now about to end in 2010, but fortunately the poetry is made to the test of time: the poems are appearing and taking his word and truth to the world. In Lima , recent weeks have been generous in book presentations and readings. It shows that the poetic movement is experiencing a period of great intensity and dynamism.

    The curious-at least that's my impression, is that many of the books that have appeared and still appear quite bring personal proposals, real tones and an honest work with words, their core materials.

    In this direction, Joe Montesinos Illesca (Lima - Peru, 1980 Guardian presents Cliffs, poems written between the years 1999/2008 worked in various cities. The presentation will be on Monday December 13th, at seven night, Raul Porras Barrenechea the Institute de la Calle Colina 398, Miraflores (height of the block 52 of Av. Arequipa). On this occasion I get the honor of sharing the table presentation and discuss the book with the poet Paul Guillén and literary critic Carlos Morales Falcon. Everyone is invited to this evening of poetry and friendship. Montesinos

    Illesca studied design and graphic arts, as well as some paint and Literature at the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. Currently studying the discipline of psychology. Poems and stories published in some print and digital magazines. He collaborates with Kaleidoscope magazine. His poetry appears in Other Villains, an example in poetry and narrative. He runs the independent label Birds Ear Wires through which publishes magazines Cuervo Illuminated, raucous and Argonauts.

    Then a small sample of his poetry.

    BRANCHES (Fragment)

    A noir, E blanc, I rouge, U vert, O bleu: Voyelles. Rimbaud

    Sometimes I think that these words written
    the return of a sad drunk
    are not mine nor me, nor for the tree
    sleeping at my side, but I realize
    at times
    that I who write,
    because in the mirror I see my eyes,
    after cigarette smoke, with shelter

    nuclear explosions and orphaned children with outstretched hands.
    In the air are these words
    swatting flies. MUSICAL

    Orbita my tongue around the cactus, I put the skin
    my shadow, I cover eclipse
    landscapes of fields, stumbling
    in his hat and leaves a beautiful whistling skull.

    Sound like a carpet spread in the wind:

    The guitar purrs
    climb the mountains chords on tiptoe, feral cats squirm
    a woman with leopard
    color becomes dust,
    crawling on my knees, there
    drum on his lap, knives, flame, stirred by it.

    A gentle revenge
    and we'll play naked on the turntable.

    Junín, 2008

    * Photo 1 of Joe Montesinos was taken by Laura Rosales.

    Friday, December 10, 2010

    How To Get Sponsored By Tech Deck

    presents "owned" (2005-2010), fourth collection of poems by Victor Coral

    Today, eight in the evening in the Bar Zela (Plaza San Martín - Lima Center) must be submitted had (2005-2010) , fourth escritior poems of Victor Coral, director of the popular blog Light Limbo. Pancorvo and Gino José Roldán says the magazine, which has Parachutes by state publishers. Here we present a text book.


    "return to childhood home. The only wall left standing is a wet spot blackish, fungal. Sometimes seems spot larger than the same wall. last more that wall, but the spot will move forward, to cover everything.

    Should I say something about our times?, Should I ask another question here? "

    Wednesday, December 8, 2010

    I-catcher Console – *** Monitor

    Beyond love, is love

    do not know if that phrase: behind every man is a great woman is still valid, or whether it will remain at these times each day in a hurry. But, what I am perfectly safe, which will remain in effect the possibility of the couple as a genuine creative synthesis.

    After releasing as many, some short tears, when Mario Vargas Llosa, in his Nobel Prize speech was a moving tribute to his wife Patricia, came to my mind some vivid images, thanks to literature and his boundless and complex territories.

    saw the poet Alfred Tennyson in the Isle of Wight, England, bright and full of the presence of his wife Emily Sellwood, recalls the Argentine writer Ernesto Sabato and his wife Matilde Kusminsky Richter, who accompanied him by swamps and meadows, towns and moors, always with the dignity of wonder, the continuing discovery of the human essence.

    Sabato says that when her mother had lost the lucidity and was on the verge of death, recovered only for a moment of joy in his eyes to offer a smile brimming with the beloved Matilde. Then, the writer learned that there are things that prevail beyond this world, but especially beyond reason; Sabato discovered the miracle, he found love. Kabbalists say that many women come to this world, not to correct past behavior but to support men in their dark journey of redemption. Believe that, as Mario Vargas Llosa believe in, and Patricia, both winners of the Nobel Prize for Literature 2010.

    Sunday, December 5, 2010

    Fingerboardsinvitation For Birthday Party

    Would, that "modal verb" so difficult to pronounce

    I Would Never give up. I never give up.

    Is it hard to pronounce "would" ? If so, now practicing! Here is a post to help you do it.

    The "modal verb" is very easy to use as parole, or to make requests and invitations. But the issue is complicated when we use it as imperfect:

    - She Would work Every Day When She Lived in Australia.
    - She worked every day when I lived in Australia .

    Or to say "would rather " - would prefer.

    - I Would Rather Than study work.
    - would rather study than work.

    O to indicate a wish:
    - I Wish I Would shut up.
    - wish to be quiet.

    We have not talked much about "would" in this blog. Here are a few posts for learning you "would" top-down and bottom up. Would

    (generic) Would
    uses of would-like
    Would like

    Would Would sooner with future use

    Are you already thinking about Christmas vacation? Or the summer if you're in Latin America? If so, I'm glad, but do me a favor: do not forget a single day to listen and try to speak English. Only then get master.

    never give up! *********


    The blog to learn English and academia will EBPAI in a television interview News Four weekend! still do not know when, but we will inform you promptly.
    How has this happened? Just because they found us online. It's simple: either an acquaintance or a plug, or a contact.

    This weekend I went out in news in this report Four on Dubbing. course what I said was much longer.

    ******** THANKS: I want to publicly my special thanks to the contributors in alphabetical order: Álvaro Carrasquel, Gustavo García, Alberto Lamela who have helped us with the material of Unit 14. I want to thank in a way leading to Roberto Reboredo that starting this week is taking care of writing the contents of the free English course. Does a great job, as you can see.


    previous classes can be found at this link. horizontal menu blog "free course"

  • Unit 14, Level 1 (Beginner - Low-intermediate) )
  • Unit 14, level 2 (Intermediate-Mid-intermediate)
  • Unit 14, level 3 (Upper Intermediate-Advanced)

  • Sunday, November 28, 2010

    What You Should Charge For Delivering Groceries

    Prove your skills can, Could and Be Able

    As I bring the "modal verbs" "can" (I can) and " could" (could, might, could) and structure "to Be Able to " (to be capable of), I tell my students two cases of Skype are all an example for me to excel.

    The first one is called Marisa, is Colombian and lives in Dublin . After taking several years living in Madrid, had to move to Dublin for the work of her husband.

    Upon arrival at Dublin, Marisa was aimed at a language school, but not finished to like. I was with many students in classes, people who came and went, at different levels. It was then decided to contact us for lessons via Skype. At the time, he switched to a better school and little by little, with patience and perseverance, began to say his first words.

    Despite being a beginner and cost a lot of talk in English, which always surprised me Marisa is his ability to communicate with people. Communicates with gestures, with a constant smile and an incredible energy and desire to enjoy life. Not to talk about anything, he also pointed to a gym and began to make friends, both Irish and with foreigners. A few months in Dublin and had many acquaintances and some other trusted friend. He celebrated his birthday in a pub with many people no longer remember the exact number of people who attended, but I think I am right in saying that more than 50.

    A great example to follow, I think most of us we had not dared to leave home for fear to mess up right?

    The other example is A., a English doctor who has, more or less my age. A. has an upper intermediate level English, but has a hard time pronouncing. He had been one year teaching Skype me when I said "I'm going to Edinburgh, Scotland, 6 weeks to do an English course. I want to continue giving lessons via Skype and call you from there."

    A. searched the Internet to a family and went alone Scotland, using their vacation days to get the batteries with English. Once there, talk on Skype. He told me that the family was fantátisca and the academy received about 5 hours of English per day, with very few students (given the time of the year to November). I asked who made the weekends. He said: "I'm going to listen a storyteller, or hear a talk to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, or visit a tourist attraction." How many have fear of being alone on weekends and more in a foreign country? Both

    English learners have had the courage to "take the bull by the horns" ( to take the bull by horns STIs) and are, therefore, a great example to follow.

    It takes courage to live, learn, fight and get what you want . Did you have? Yes you do not, here's what we give.

    Yes, you CAN learn Inglés!

    ************* NOTICE: EBPAI The teacher, Emma Bonnington, is looking for a student to share an upper intermediate class from 15.30 to Skype 16.00 hours on Mondays or the day of the week. If you are interested please contact .

    THANKS: I want to publicly my special thanks to the contributors in alphabetical order: Álvaro Carrasquel, Gustavo Gracia, Andrés Irribarra, Adrian M. and Roberto Reboredo who have helped me with the material of Unit 13.


    previous classes can be found at this link. horizontal menu blog "free course"

  • Unit 13, Level 1 (Beginner - Low-intermediate) )
  • Unit 13, level 2 (Intermediate-Mid-intermediate)
  • Unit 13, level 3 (Upper Intermediate-Advanced)

  • **************
    Wear and bring
    (differences) Silvia Bernial
    Word formation , Andrew Irribarra
    How do you say "walk" in English ?, Mariela Starc

    Sunday, November 21, 2010

    Merida Yucatan Digital Copy

    The right attitude and the Present Perfect Continuous Future English

    few days ago I visited with my son a stationery close to our home to buy materials needed for school. My 12 year old son, who has come in several occasions to local, said before entering, "I hope we play a friendly seller. There are two (one man and one woman) who are very friendly, but a third is a heavy .

    I said, "Sure, the heavier the friendly staff and owners are" Note: Nothing against employees there are fantastic! But " the master's eye fattens the cattle."

    Once the paperwork, we attended a very nice man. Chatting with him told us that he and his wife were the owners of the franchise.

    What is the problem here? is an attitude problem. Yes, probably the employee is underpaid and does not like his work. But winning something with his attitude that scares customers?

    You? What attitude do you have with your English? Are you like misused? Or as the owner whose eye does fatten their livestock (your English)? Trying to take you in control of your life (including your English) or you let others decide (speak) for you?

    really hope that you as the owner and your English is increasingly chubby (full vocabulary, structures and fluidity).

    Remember that no matter how humble a task, the dignified when you do it right.

    Today I bring to the Present Perfect Continuous , yes, that time so difficult to distinguish the Present Perfect. But that does not matter, all this is just to give you some clear ideas in your head.

    What matters most, I repeat again, is to listen and talk English daily. That is the way to go. Come! now to feed livestock and continuously monitored : learn, listen, review, memorize, repeat and sought such an exchange that will change your life. *************

    THANKS: I want to publicly my special thanks to the contributors in alphabetical order: Álvaro Carrasquel, Virginia and Robert Reboredo Gruart who helped me with Unit 12 material.


    previous classes can be found at this link. horizontal menu blog "free course"

  • Unit 12, Level 1 (Beginner - Low-intermediate) )
  • Unit 12, level 2 (Intermediate-Mid-intermediate)
  • Unit 12, level 3 (Upper Intermediate-Advanced)

  • News:

    The blog to learn English online create your own exercises!

    It's about time. There are many exercises on the Internet, but few focused specifically on the problems of English speakers. So start testing what you are given such short translations. Here our first year (on the Present Perfect Continuous). In the end, we give you a diploma.

    In-on (differences), Gareth Jones

    Tips for overcoming the Certificate of Proficiency , Monica

    Have not - Have not got- Do not have , Robert Reboredo

    Why it pays to Copy Other People's emails , Christopher Wright (Business Inglés by The Practice Office)

    Sunday, November 14, 2010

    Small Lump On Soft Pallet

    When you speak your own language not you realize all the subtleties that hides, just talk. This is what happens to native English speakers. If you ask them when it is used "will" and what is the difference "going to" probably tell you they do not have the slightest idea . However, if they were to analyze each structure of the future come to the following conclusions:

    Most common ways of talking about the future

    Will: to speak of a future unplanned for decisions you make at the time or predictions.

    Future unplanned

    Example: They Probably will come here tomorrow. probably come tomorrow.

    decisions taken at the time: I'm in a store looking clothes and suddenly decide to buy some shoes.

    Example: I'll (contraction of will) buy Those Shoes. 'll buy those shoes.

    Predictions: The sky is gray.

    Example: It will rain. it rain.

    Going to + infinitive: formula is my favorite. It is used for a planned future: I know exactly what I do in a few hours or tomorrow. Just like in English "I + infinitive of the verb."

    Example: I left the house and my mother asked me: Where are you going? - I answer with "going to + infinitive of the verb" because I have it all figured out: "I'm going to buy to dress" I will buy a dress.

    Present Continuous: remember: subject + verb to be in this + main verb ending in-ing. This tense is used to talk about a planned future too, but more than the last. So I say it is a time that can be used to say you have pointed out in your schedule (day, time, etc..) Can be translated in English to the present time.

    Example: 'm Having lunch with Luis tomorrow. Tomorrow as Luis. (I have it planned in my calendar: date, time, address)

    out! not use "foolishly" the "Present Tense" in English to speak of the future. This is a great temptation to speak English because often there to speak of the future, but in English, not usually done.

    The present tense with future use is only possible in these cases: Hours

    trains / planes / / public transport timetables:
    - The train leaves at 5 o'clock. The train leaves at 5pm.

    - The show starts this evening. The show begins this afternoon.

    must not say, for example: I go to the doctor tomorrow. Tomorrow I go to doctor. must say I'm going to the doctor tomorrow.

    I leave this video a charming English professor explains the uses of the future with a pleasant British accent. And do not miss Unit 11 which is about the future in English. Until next week!

    *************** THANKS: I want to publicly my special thanks to the contributors in alphabetical order: My Adrián Roberto Reboredo I have helped with the material of Unit 11.


    previous classes can be found at this link. horizontal menu the blog "free course"

  • Unit 11, Level 1 (Beginner - Low-intermediate) )
  • Unit 11, level 2 (Intermediate- Mid-intermediate)
  • Unit 11, level 3 (Upper Intermediate-Advanced)

  • ***********


    " how to say "occasionally" in English? Dan Darrow Across

    - Through (differences) , Andrew Irribarra

    Tuesday, November 9, 2010

    Dress Shops In Northern Ireland

    Marita Troiano said the first crime novel by Isaac Goldemberg

    By Marita Troiano

    The detective novel is a narrative genre whose history we find, going far back in time in the traditional Hebrew tales recounted the wisdom of the prophet Daniel to find puzzles, and also in tragedy Greek Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles.

    Closer to our days, these records are in the Gothic novel (also called horror) of the seventeenth century, whose flagship titles are Mathew Monk Lewis and Frankenstein of Mary Shelley .

    In Spain, in the early eighteenth century is also credited close relatives of the detective novel, written about so-called Romances of handsome , Whose author was Francisco Esteban de Castro, and were referred to stories of robbers, outlaws and smugglers. These works enjoyed singular success, but caused such concern among the learned of that time, they do not disguise their eagerness to ban them.

    But really, the detective novel as such, the cover Edgar Allan Poe in 1841 with the publication of The Murders in the Rue Morgue , a story which appeared for the first time a detective fiction: Augusto Dupin, and that was the inspiration for future works of Arthur Conan Doyle , Father of the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes.
    Then come Chesterton novels of Simenon, Agatha Christie's among many outstanding practitioners of crime fiction, who managed to impose it as a new genre worthy of critical respect.

    And I note the latter, since originally the detective genre was not well received in academic circles it categorized as a minor genre or sub literature since, scholars argued, crime - leitmotif of detective novels, "were a unsightly matter in which there was a moral or artistic. Capricious criterion was becoming outdated over the years, due to the unquestionable quality literary works written in this genre by great literary figures daily receiving the accolade of a countless legion of intelligent readers in the world.

    At this point I must point out as practitioners of this genre in Latin America Jorge
    Luis Borges and Adolfo Bioy Casares who under the pseudonym of H Bustos Domecq, published several collections of short stories, a Roberto Bolaño to Mempo Giardinelli -leading actions of the detective story, traditionally associated with urban areas, rural areas of Argentina, to Roberto Saviano and Ricardo Piglia among many of the artists who have established a long tradition of American detective novel.

    A rich tradition tonight with the birth of the first detective novel written by our compatriot Isaac Goldemberg, and bearing the suggestive title of Remember the Scorpion.

    A fascinating story, intense, fast-paced, whose reading leads us to places unknown and full of omens us as unusual events that occur during six days in the middle of a Lima-seventies.

    to create a suitable scenario gripped suspense, a story that we uncompromisingly entire two shocking events - the axes of a compelling story, ": the crime of a Japanese crucified on one of the tables of a pool, and the strange death of an elderly Jew who appears in an old pension hanged. arises then the detective lieutenant accompanied Simon Weiss Kathon Kanashiro, two police investigations to look for keys that enable them to resolve the fatal events, which are connected with other characters encouraging story from different perspectives.

    With the right psychological profile as well as to the proper characterization of the characters in their respective alternations within a world of emptiness, and the description almost film of the events that define this novel, Goldemberg healthy skepticism about the true we are ethical and moral dimension of the characters, allowing us to enter their parallel worlds created by their own rules and codes of behavior , its contradictions, a world that blends revenge and forgiveness, which confuses love and hate, and where the instincts will inevitably push the protagonists to unexpected destinations.

    This remarkable realism to painstakingly describe the social aspects crime, implicitly denouncing corruption in the power and diffuse tacit challenge to the division between good and evil in thinking and actions of the protagonists, is what gives a greater brilliance of this novel, which author has managed to condense what everyday philosophical grounds in the early nineteenth century novels, and the best elements of the school of American detective fiction of the twentieth century, the so-called thriller because originally was published in the magazine Black Mask and also, of course, by the darkness environment that recreates in its pages.

    The same darkness that illuminates the squalor of the urban landscape of some of Lima,
    perhaps unknown to many, where the doors open beyond ominous secrets, mysteries and uncertainties, while at the corners , - seconded by Pinglo waltzes and boleros bartenders-torn, that characters face their mistakes, their obsessions, his weakness and his mistakes.

    Remember the scorpion has been written with wit and full knowledge of our reality, not without a touch acid humor and making use of subtle seduction resources, but also with an impeccable realization stage, without intervals, conveys the stifling atmosphere and feelings of powerlessness and insecurity of its protagonists .

    however sordid and dark matter, Isaac Goldemberg has postponed love that emerges, rises and mark the various levels of narration with tenderness and with that steam flushed a clandestine melodrama, derived from the disappointment of the fans to know that their feelings are always subject to the ironic paradoxes of fate.

    To write a detective story requires a special set of skills that allow combining action, drama and suspense necessary underpinning the plot, skills Isaac Goldemberg shows displaying a diligent imagery, reasoning, precise and sensitive enough to define this book from its opening pages to those where he writes the fate of the protagonists, closing the account to solve mysteries, untying the knot of a plot kept us captive in permanent expectation. And by defining this climax, when we reveal the unpredictable and unexpected end, consolidates the most complex author of detective novels all faces, and truths that are worth, Isaac Goldemberg complies with unquestionable success.