Friday, December 31, 2010

How To Patent An Idea England

New Year's resolution: learn Inglés

I would like to take a look at this video .

This video is dedicated to all those who feel like idiots when they try to speak English.

is Zaryn Dentzel American, 25, founder of Tuenti (a popular English network with over 8 million users). "He makes mistakes

Zaryn Dentzel to speak English? Yes, several. Do you have an American accent? Yes, quite marked. Do they affect the mistakes he makes, or his accent, his message?

Absolutely not. The gist of his message is crystal clear. Zaryn even allowed the luxury of joking all the time with his audience in English.

Please note that unless your conference is on English grammar much nobody will notice your mistakes.

This is not to say that do not work on correcting your mistakes, and do not try to improve. I mean communication is not only to speak a language correctly , is, rather, to express what you have correctly inside.

When in you is clear, if you make mistakes or grammatical syntax and had a thick English accent, will manage to convey your message perfectly.

Remember that to achieve extraordinary accomplishments, you should also make an extraordinary effort.

Zaryn, you can like it or not, but what is clear is that he is a great example of what making an extraordinary effort.

For English language learners, special effort means spend some time each day for very busy and although you do not feel like it means falling and rising, means not giving up ever.

Your flagging energy? Come this way, we will push you. We also waging a battle every day.

"The hardest battle I have it every day myself." Napoléon.

also wanted to take advantage to thank all the readers for their loyalty, enthusiasm to our blog and the hundreds of messages sent to us encouraging us to continue.

also apologize for not being able to answer all emails and comments.

The 2010 has been an extraordinary year for the blog and EBPAI our academy. And in 2011 we hope to be even better. "What will you be too? So I hope.


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