always amazes me how many people you choose to receive English lessons via Skype willing to spend what is and is then unable to review learning, even 30 minutes a week.
I'll say it clear: even if you get 5 hours of classes a week with a teacher and speak those 5 hours, not make progress if you do not feel a moment and review learning .
are more effective 2 hours of classes with one teacher and another 2 or 4 to study on your own, with hours to 4 hours with a teacher and no time to study.
course helps the teacher is essential, but remember that 50% of success depends on you (and as you know more English, more up to you) your ability to review the vocabulary of English listening many hours, make the time to assimilate the information. If not, does not work. I've seen too many instances of this: thousands of euros thrown overboard because the student is not, or will not find the time to review.
The brain works well, does not assimilate the information until the reviews because it that during the class says, goes in one ear and out the other. Not assimilated, not stay and as a result in the next class started again with the same, the same words, the same subject. There are always exceptions, people no need to review "but I always speak here of majorities, not exceptional people who do not need any help.
Fortunately, we also have examples of students who do the opposite. People with one or two hours of classes a week, progressing very well. Why? Very simple: go over the vocabulary of the chat, make statements, it is chips, hear and read the texts of the duties, says the new words and so in the next class is well prepared. Are these students less engaged than those who can not study? Usually not only better manage their time. Reading this
Guide to Happiness Harvard find meaningful data on what makes some students are better than others. Highlight, then the most important guide to learning English applicable:
- Manage your time well. I recall that not long ago, an acquaintance told me What luck! you have time to go to the gym, I do not (he said it while I was watching television tranquilantemente). Not a problem or may not have time, rather it is to properly manage time available, what to do and what not to do at all times. The guide says that outperform students who are aware of the use of your time and do not study just before the test. Here is more information to find time to study English.
- The guide says "write, write, write." This recommendation tailored to the learning of English would be " listen, listen, listen" and then "write, write, write ." So you're doing ear and aprendiéndote the vocabulary at the same time. Assimilated much better information when writing. Try
- group study. Nothing motivates more than being with other people doing it because you have a common goal. Verbs can ask you, the new vocabulary, clarify doubts, to say aloud issues. My Facebook page also has that intention, to make people help each other.
- Have fun. It talks about a time of leisure, extracurricular activities. I would add: you have a good time learning English. Whenever you see a chance to talk, talk and then laugh at your mistakes. Given
anyone interested in trying this program to enhance memory and tell us how it goes? Please, if you have tested, write and tell us your experience. Thank you very much.
** ************* THANK
: Roberto Reboredo and I especially thank Gustavo García, Virginia Gruart and Alberto Lamela for her help with the material of Unit 15.
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