Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dress Shops In Northern Ireland

Marita Troiano said the first crime novel by Isaac Goldemberg

By Marita Troiano

The detective novel is a narrative genre whose history we find, going far back in time in the traditional Hebrew tales recounted the wisdom of the prophet Daniel to find puzzles, and also in tragedy Greek Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles.

Closer to our days, these records are in the Gothic novel (also called horror) of the seventeenth century, whose flagship titles are Mathew Monk Lewis and Frankenstein of Mary Shelley .

In Spain, in the early eighteenth century is also credited close relatives of the detective novel, written about so-called Romances of handsome , Whose author was Francisco Esteban de Castro, and were referred to stories of robbers, outlaws and smugglers. These works enjoyed singular success, but caused such concern among the learned of that time, they do not disguise their eagerness to ban them.

But really, the detective novel as such, the cover Edgar Allan Poe in 1841 with the publication of The Murders in the Rue Morgue , a story which appeared for the first time a detective fiction: Augusto Dupin, and that was the inspiration for future works of Arthur Conan Doyle , Father of the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes.
Then come Chesterton novels of Simenon, Agatha Christie's among many outstanding practitioners of crime fiction, who managed to impose it as a new genre worthy of critical respect.

And I note the latter, since originally the detective genre was not well received in academic circles it categorized as a minor genre or sub literature since, scholars argued, crime - leitmotif of detective novels, "were a unsightly matter in which there was a moral or artistic. Capricious criterion was becoming outdated over the years, due to the unquestionable quality literary works written in this genre by great literary figures daily receiving the accolade of a countless legion of intelligent readers in the world.

At this point I must point out as practitioners of this genre in Latin America Jorge
Luis Borges and Adolfo Bioy Casares who under the pseudonym of H Bustos Domecq, published several collections of short stories, a Roberto Bolaño to Mempo Giardinelli -leading actions of the detective story, traditionally associated with urban areas, rural areas of Argentina, to Roberto Saviano and Ricardo Piglia among many of the artists who have established a long tradition of American detective novel.

A rich tradition tonight with the birth of the first detective novel written by our compatriot Isaac Goldemberg, and bearing the suggestive title of Remember the Scorpion.

A fascinating story, intense, fast-paced, whose reading leads us to places unknown and full of omens us as unusual events that occur during six days in the middle of a Lima-seventies.

to create a suitable scenario gripped suspense, a story that we uncompromisingly entire two shocking events - the axes of a compelling story, ": the crime of a Japanese crucified on one of the tables of a pool, and the strange death of an elderly Jew who appears in an old pension hanged. arises then the detective lieutenant accompanied Simon Weiss Kathon Kanashiro, two police investigations to look for keys that enable them to resolve the fatal events, which are connected with other characters encouraging story from different perspectives.

With the right psychological profile as well as to the proper characterization of the characters in their respective alternations within a world of emptiness, and the description almost film of the events that define this novel, Goldemberg healthy skepticism about the true we are ethical and moral dimension of the characters, allowing us to enter their parallel worlds created by their own rules and codes of behavior , its contradictions, a world that blends revenge and forgiveness, which confuses love and hate, and where the instincts will inevitably push the protagonists to unexpected destinations.

This remarkable realism to painstakingly describe the social aspects crime, implicitly denouncing corruption in the power and diffuse tacit challenge to the division between good and evil in thinking and actions of the protagonists, is what gives a greater brilliance of this novel, which author has managed to condense what everyday philosophical grounds in the early nineteenth century novels, and the best elements of the school of American detective fiction of the twentieth century, the so-called thriller because originally was published in the magazine Black Mask and also, of course, by the darkness environment that recreates in its pages.

The same darkness that illuminates the squalor of the urban landscape of some of Lima,
perhaps unknown to many, where the doors open beyond ominous secrets, mysteries and uncertainties, while at the corners , - seconded by Pinglo waltzes and boleros bartenders-torn, that characters face their mistakes, their obsessions, his weakness and his mistakes.

Remember the scorpion has been written with wit and full knowledge of our reality, not without a touch acid humor and making use of subtle seduction resources, but also with an impeccable realization stage, without intervals, conveys the stifling atmosphere and feelings of powerlessness and insecurity of its protagonists .

however sordid and dark matter, Isaac Goldemberg has postponed love that emerges, rises and mark the various levels of narration with tenderness and with that steam flushed a clandestine melodrama, derived from the disappointment of the fans to know that their feelings are always subject to the ironic paradoxes of fate.

To write a detective story requires a special set of skills that allow combining action, drama and suspense necessary underpinning the plot, skills Isaac Goldemberg shows displaying a diligent imagery, reasoning, precise and sensitive enough to define this book from its opening pages to those where he writes the fate of the protagonists, closing the account to solve mysteries, untying the knot of a plot kept us captive in permanent expectation. And by defining this climax, when we reveal the unpredictable and unexpected end, consolidates the most complex author of detective novels all faces, and truths that are worth, Isaac Goldemberg complies with unquestionable success.


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