Sunday, November 14, 2010

Small Lump On Soft Pallet

When you speak your own language not you realize all the subtleties that hides, just talk. This is what happens to native English speakers. If you ask them when it is used "will" and what is the difference "going to" probably tell you they do not have the slightest idea . However, if they were to analyze each structure of the future come to the following conclusions:

Most common ways of talking about the future

Will: to speak of a future unplanned for decisions you make at the time or predictions.

Future unplanned

Example: They Probably will come here tomorrow. probably come tomorrow.

decisions taken at the time: I'm in a store looking clothes and suddenly decide to buy some shoes.

Example: I'll (contraction of will) buy Those Shoes. 'll buy those shoes.

Predictions: The sky is gray.

Example: It will rain. it rain.

Going to + infinitive: formula is my favorite. It is used for a planned future: I know exactly what I do in a few hours or tomorrow. Just like in English "I + infinitive of the verb."

Example: I left the house and my mother asked me: Where are you going? - I answer with "going to + infinitive of the verb" because I have it all figured out: "I'm going to buy to dress" I will buy a dress.

Present Continuous: remember: subject + verb to be in this + main verb ending in-ing. This tense is used to talk about a planned future too, but more than the last. So I say it is a time that can be used to say you have pointed out in your schedule (day, time, etc..) Can be translated in English to the present time.

Example: 'm Having lunch with Luis tomorrow. Tomorrow as Luis. (I have it planned in my calendar: date, time, address)

out! not use "foolishly" the "Present Tense" in English to speak of the future. This is a great temptation to speak English because often there to speak of the future, but in English, not usually done.

The present tense with future use is only possible in these cases: Hours

trains / planes / / public transport timetables:
- The train leaves at 5 o'clock. The train leaves at 5pm.

- The show starts this evening. The show begins this afternoon.

must not say, for example: I go to the doctor tomorrow. Tomorrow I go to doctor. must say I'm going to the doctor tomorrow.

I leave this video a charming English professor explains the uses of the future with a pleasant British accent. And do not miss Unit 11 which is about the future in English. Until next week!

*************** THANKS: I want to publicly my special thanks to the contributors in alphabetical order: My Adrián Roberto Reboredo I have helped with the material of Unit 11.


previous classes can be found at this link. horizontal menu the blog "free course"

  • Unit 11, Level 1 (Beginner - Low-intermediate) )
  • Unit 11, level 2 (Intermediate- Mid-intermediate)
  • Unit 11, level 3 (Upper Intermediate-Advanced)

  • ***********


    " how to say "occasionally" in English? Dan Darrow Across

    - Through (differences) , Andrew Irribarra


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