Monday, January 24, 2011

Where To Buy Sigma Makeup Toronto

Gösta Agren

l E Black Sun blog headed by our friend the poet Paul Guillén published texts of Finnish poet Gosta Agren (Nykarleby 1936), seamlessly translated by the Peruvian writer Renato Sandoval Bacigalupo (1957). Through these poems appear to us two figures essential twentieth-century thought: Ludwig Wittgenstein and Martin Heidegger in an intense series of ideas and images that only poetry can reveal. ;

Martin Heidegger

Solo, as a pagan chief
and officiating
examining each word as discussed
a detail in the shadows under
all, but the words were
being words. Neither in the speeches
the dictator heard the howl of a jackal.
The race was a biological message of something unknown
had not profaned
violence history
high mission, a clumsy people Dance under the lonely

masters of words. No doubt
and therefore did
deep as a child.
Everything was huge like a saga
way to the conference, which was the only

a heart without limits or face.

Ludwig Wittgenstein

always turns inward and destroys.
He knew it, but his desperation

used as a method. The chaos must be sorted, even

at the cost of failure. Everything, even a failure

may be something else! Philosopher

paid the same price as Rimbaud,
he wrote his last poem
first, then the other,
line after line.

Click to continue reading.


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