Today in Literature House celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the
release of "Edge", the first book of our great poet
, "At twenty, Luis Hernandez, who did not double that age, published
his first book. It was a short collection of short poems which he entitled the Shore (1961) and whose original text prefix of this pathetic François Mauriac question: Who am I, be formless ocean hero? Now, six years after his death, the singing and the light of his work, we feel the full weight of that anguished existential inquiry, at the time we reached the joyous certainty of achieving its own identity in the space created , for his poetic word "and Javier Sologuren writes in the preface to his complete poetic work (1983). On Tuesday, January 25 marks fifty years since the appearance of Shore, a book that Released 1961 Luis Hernandez, cult writer of the letters in Peru. This book of poems was the first publication of the author and appeared under the imprint flagship "branch florida", directed by poet Javier Sologuren.
Luis Hernandez (1941 - 1977) studied at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, and then at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Along with his medical profession, Hernandez began to write poetry and was one of the most prominent representatives of the so-called Generation 60. He was among the first to incorporate humor and quotations metatextual in Peruvian poetry. Owner of a singular work, Hernandez is also one of those responsible for the incorporation of Peruvian poetry of astronomy and science in general.
To commemorate the half century of the publication of Edge, the Peruvian Literature House has prepared a tribute where outstanding representatives of the music and lyrics accompany us read the texts that make up this book and telling us how poetry Luis Hernandez has influenced his art. Musicians Rafo
Ráez and Piero Montaldo, and writers: Milagros Martinez
Luis Hernandez (1941 - 1977) studied at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, and then at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Along with his medical profession, Hernandez began to write poetry and was one of the most prominent representatives of the so-called Generation 60. He was among the first to incorporate humor and quotations metatextual in Peruvian poetry. Owner of a singular work, Hernandez is also one of those responsible for the incorporation of Peruvian poetry of astronomy and science in general.
To commemorate the half century of the publication of Edge, the Peruvian Literature House has prepared a tribute where outstanding representatives of the music and lyrics accompany us read the texts that make up this book and telling us how poetry Luis Hernandez has influenced his art. Musicians Rafo
Ráez and Piero Montaldo, and writers: Milagros Martinez
Gabriel Jiménez Josefina Rimachi and join us in this tribute.
The meeting is Tuesday January 25 in the auditorium of the Caslit (Jr. Ancash 207,
The meeting is Tuesday January 25 in the auditorium of the Caslit (Jr. Ancash 207,
Historic Centre of Lima), at 6:30 pm Admission is free.
Weed planter
Who am I, being no way that the ocean gnaws
? Francois Mauriac
- Above
where they can never see it,
your signal,
gardener weeds - and come after you.
above your signal.
Heaven for a moment the heart of the soul
believed us. Faded
sad is your flight,
attempt, effort
loved flourished ...
Where you once wanted to call
face, heart, light and silence,
yours will be, will not be ours, and
lost your life.
We relived the same
yesterday and tomorrow. The water rises
already covering
day and hours;
me and only the sea is clear and
me and just left
sea, sad, dull.
west sun,
lost your beauty,
hidden and not
found your destination. Only
will be, forever infinite
in decline, huge
your silence.
you will be in
only dead roses, songs
submerged in the sea red
still in your life, your sky
Although nothing had been to sea with my joy,
never felt the sound of the waves,
foam on the shore. Now
love beaches
is too far away.
fleeting breath of sand, sea
flows from the bottom without finding
. Closed
5, numb
channel all that and still wanted
undone, undone closed
life smile
westward west sun, which does not return
light cover off it and not experienced, so clean
memories. Legions of unstable paths
the sea and close together
We already know the end,
is still immense failure,
dead already closed smile.
and 6
Water cut the bottom line
at sea I thought when I read
like and sounded like the sea:
can not sit,
banks are wet, wet
and rotten wood.
For now they have reached the sea and the bow
trails at night
on blue waves and I can not take them.
can not sit.
live arena even as the street lights.
Among the shade I
Juan Ramón Jiménez
soft water are lost in the bank.
- You may live;
wet air and dry the sand ....
- The wind brings
fleeting and saline drops.
came the sea before,
serene without being seen,
my love for him now
forget to heaven.
sang before
Water infiltrated in the sand;
today, looking up to her by the sea
not satisfied.
Yesterday we saw the waves coming up perfect
our feet today disrupts
our bodies the break,
sea is very bitter,
have drunk the water in one day,
walked its banks.
The last wave
clean and blue
has gone so near me I can feel
I turn my face up ...
down at the bottom of the pit stone and salt, Orionids
stars sink into night.
and 4
I covered in more
the void between stars and star
believing mine;
more night and I'm dying
just as before.
Come outside, rain, wet
face, the suit. We
jump puddles,
and watch the sky fill us
eyes water and contentment.
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