Sunday, November 28, 2010

What You Should Charge For Delivering Groceries

Prove your skills can, Could and Be Able

As I bring the "modal verbs" "can" (I can) and " could" (could, might, could) and structure "to Be Able to " (to be capable of), I tell my students two cases of Skype are all an example for me to excel.

The first one is called Marisa, is Colombian and lives in Dublin . After taking several years living in Madrid, had to move to Dublin for the work of her husband.

Upon arrival at Dublin, Marisa was aimed at a language school, but not finished to like. I was with many students in classes, people who came and went, at different levels. It was then decided to contact us for lessons via Skype. At the time, he switched to a better school and little by little, with patience and perseverance, began to say his first words.

Despite being a beginner and cost a lot of talk in English, which always surprised me Marisa is his ability to communicate with people. Communicates with gestures, with a constant smile and an incredible energy and desire to enjoy life. Not to talk about anything, he also pointed to a gym and began to make friends, both Irish and with foreigners. A few months in Dublin and had many acquaintances and some other trusted friend. He celebrated his birthday in a pub with many people no longer remember the exact number of people who attended, but I think I am right in saying that more than 50.

A great example to follow, I think most of us we had not dared to leave home for fear to mess up right?

The other example is A., a English doctor who has, more or less my age. A. has an upper intermediate level English, but has a hard time pronouncing. He had been one year teaching Skype me when I said "I'm going to Edinburgh, Scotland, 6 weeks to do an English course. I want to continue giving lessons via Skype and call you from there."

A. searched the Internet to a family and went alone Scotland, using their vacation days to get the batteries with English. Once there, talk on Skype. He told me that the family was fantátisca and the academy received about 5 hours of English per day, with very few students (given the time of the year to November). I asked who made the weekends. He said: "I'm going to listen a storyteller, or hear a talk to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, or visit a tourist attraction." How many have fear of being alone on weekends and more in a foreign country? Both

English learners have had the courage to "take the bull by the horns" ( to take the bull by horns STIs) and are, therefore, a great example to follow.

It takes courage to live, learn, fight and get what you want . Did you have? Yes you do not, here's what we give.

Yes, you CAN learn Inglés!

************* NOTICE: EBPAI The teacher, Emma Bonnington, is looking for a student to share an upper intermediate class from 15.30 to Skype 16.00 hours on Mondays or the day of the week. If you are interested please contact .

THANKS: I want to publicly my special thanks to the contributors in alphabetical order: Álvaro Carrasquel, Gustavo Gracia, Andrés Irribarra, Adrian M. and Roberto Reboredo who have helped me with the material of Unit 13.


previous classes can be found at this link. horizontal menu blog "free course"

  • Unit 13, Level 1 (Beginner - Low-intermediate) )
  • Unit 13, level 2 (Intermediate-Mid-intermediate)
  • Unit 13, level 3 (Upper Intermediate-Advanced)

  • **************
    Wear and bring
    (differences) Silvia Bernial
    Word formation , Andrew Irribarra
    How do you say "walk" in English ?, Mariela Starc

    Sunday, November 21, 2010

    Merida Yucatan Digital Copy

    The right attitude and the Present Perfect Continuous Future English

    few days ago I visited with my son a stationery close to our home to buy materials needed for school. My 12 year old son, who has come in several occasions to local, said before entering, "I hope we play a friendly seller. There are two (one man and one woman) who are very friendly, but a third is a heavy .

    I said, "Sure, the heavier the friendly staff and owners are" Note: Nothing against employees there are fantastic! But " the master's eye fattens the cattle."

    Once the paperwork, we attended a very nice man. Chatting with him told us that he and his wife were the owners of the franchise.

    What is the problem here? is an attitude problem. Yes, probably the employee is underpaid and does not like his work. But winning something with his attitude that scares customers?

    You? What attitude do you have with your English? Are you like misused? Or as the owner whose eye does fatten their livestock (your English)? Trying to take you in control of your life (including your English) or you let others decide (speak) for you?

    really hope that you as the owner and your English is increasingly chubby (full vocabulary, structures and fluidity).

    Remember that no matter how humble a task, the dignified when you do it right.

    Today I bring to the Present Perfect Continuous , yes, that time so difficult to distinguish the Present Perfect. But that does not matter, all this is just to give you some clear ideas in your head.

    What matters most, I repeat again, is to listen and talk English daily. That is the way to go. Come! now to feed livestock and continuously monitored : learn, listen, review, memorize, repeat and sought such an exchange that will change your life. *************

    THANKS: I want to publicly my special thanks to the contributors in alphabetical order: Álvaro Carrasquel, Virginia and Robert Reboredo Gruart who helped me with Unit 12 material.


    previous classes can be found at this link. horizontal menu blog "free course"

  • Unit 12, Level 1 (Beginner - Low-intermediate) )
  • Unit 12, level 2 (Intermediate-Mid-intermediate)
  • Unit 12, level 3 (Upper Intermediate-Advanced)

  • News:

    The blog to learn English online create your own exercises!

    It's about time. There are many exercises on the Internet, but few focused specifically on the problems of English speakers. So start testing what you are given such short translations. Here our first year (on the Present Perfect Continuous). In the end, we give you a diploma.

    In-on (differences), Gareth Jones

    Tips for overcoming the Certificate of Proficiency , Monica

    Have not - Have not got- Do not have , Robert Reboredo

    Why it pays to Copy Other People's emails , Christopher Wright (Business Inglés by The Practice Office)

    Sunday, November 14, 2010

    Small Lump On Soft Pallet

    When you speak your own language not you realize all the subtleties that hides, just talk. This is what happens to native English speakers. If you ask them when it is used "will" and what is the difference "going to" probably tell you they do not have the slightest idea . However, if they were to analyze each structure of the future come to the following conclusions:

    Most common ways of talking about the future

    Will: to speak of a future unplanned for decisions you make at the time or predictions.

    Future unplanned

    Example: They Probably will come here tomorrow. probably come tomorrow.

    decisions taken at the time: I'm in a store looking clothes and suddenly decide to buy some shoes.

    Example: I'll (contraction of will) buy Those Shoes. 'll buy those shoes.

    Predictions: The sky is gray.

    Example: It will rain. it rain.

    Going to + infinitive: formula is my favorite. It is used for a planned future: I know exactly what I do in a few hours or tomorrow. Just like in English "I + infinitive of the verb."

    Example: I left the house and my mother asked me: Where are you going? - I answer with "going to + infinitive of the verb" because I have it all figured out: "I'm going to buy to dress" I will buy a dress.

    Present Continuous: remember: subject + verb to be in this + main verb ending in-ing. This tense is used to talk about a planned future too, but more than the last. So I say it is a time that can be used to say you have pointed out in your schedule (day, time, etc..) Can be translated in English to the present time.

    Example: 'm Having lunch with Luis tomorrow. Tomorrow as Luis. (I have it planned in my calendar: date, time, address)

    out! not use "foolishly" the "Present Tense" in English to speak of the future. This is a great temptation to speak English because often there to speak of the future, but in English, not usually done.

    The present tense with future use is only possible in these cases: Hours

    trains / planes / / public transport timetables:
    - The train leaves at 5 o'clock. The train leaves at 5pm.

    - The show starts this evening. The show begins this afternoon.

    must not say, for example: I go to the doctor tomorrow. Tomorrow I go to doctor. must say I'm going to the doctor tomorrow.

    I leave this video a charming English professor explains the uses of the future with a pleasant British accent. And do not miss Unit 11 which is about the future in English. Until next week!

    *************** THANKS: I want to publicly my special thanks to the contributors in alphabetical order: My Adrián Roberto Reboredo I have helped with the material of Unit 11.


    previous classes can be found at this link. horizontal menu the blog "free course"

  • Unit 11, Level 1 (Beginner - Low-intermediate) )
  • Unit 11, level 2 (Intermediate- Mid-intermediate)
  • Unit 11, level 3 (Upper Intermediate-Advanced)

  • ***********


    " how to say "occasionally" in English? Dan Darrow Across

    - Through (differences) , Andrew Irribarra

    Tuesday, November 9, 2010

    Dress Shops In Northern Ireland

    Marita Troiano said the first crime novel by Isaac Goldemberg

    By Marita Troiano

    The detective novel is a narrative genre whose history we find, going far back in time in the traditional Hebrew tales recounted the wisdom of the prophet Daniel to find puzzles, and also in tragedy Greek Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles.

    Closer to our days, these records are in the Gothic novel (also called horror) of the seventeenth century, whose flagship titles are Mathew Monk Lewis and Frankenstein of Mary Shelley .

    In Spain, in the early eighteenth century is also credited close relatives of the detective novel, written about so-called Romances of handsome , Whose author was Francisco Esteban de Castro, and were referred to stories of robbers, outlaws and smugglers. These works enjoyed singular success, but caused such concern among the learned of that time, they do not disguise their eagerness to ban them.

    But really, the detective novel as such, the cover Edgar Allan Poe in 1841 with the publication of The Murders in the Rue Morgue , a story which appeared for the first time a detective fiction: Augusto Dupin, and that was the inspiration for future works of Arthur Conan Doyle , Father of the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes.
    Then come Chesterton novels of Simenon, Agatha Christie's among many outstanding practitioners of crime fiction, who managed to impose it as a new genre worthy of critical respect.

    And I note the latter, since originally the detective genre was not well received in academic circles it categorized as a minor genre or sub literature since, scholars argued, crime - leitmotif of detective novels, "were a unsightly matter in which there was a moral or artistic. Capricious criterion was becoming outdated over the years, due to the unquestionable quality literary works written in this genre by great literary figures daily receiving the accolade of a countless legion of intelligent readers in the world.

    At this point I must point out as practitioners of this genre in Latin America Jorge
    Luis Borges and Adolfo Bioy Casares who under the pseudonym of H Bustos Domecq, published several collections of short stories, a Roberto Bolaño to Mempo Giardinelli -leading actions of the detective story, traditionally associated with urban areas, rural areas of Argentina, to Roberto Saviano and Ricardo Piglia among many of the artists who have established a long tradition of American detective novel.

    A rich tradition tonight with the birth of the first detective novel written by our compatriot Isaac Goldemberg, and bearing the suggestive title of Remember the Scorpion.

    A fascinating story, intense, fast-paced, whose reading leads us to places unknown and full of omens us as unusual events that occur during six days in the middle of a Lima-seventies.

    to create a suitable scenario gripped suspense, a story that we uncompromisingly entire two shocking events - the axes of a compelling story, ": the crime of a Japanese crucified on one of the tables of a pool, and the strange death of an elderly Jew who appears in an old pension hanged. arises then the detective lieutenant accompanied Simon Weiss Kathon Kanashiro, two police investigations to look for keys that enable them to resolve the fatal events, which are connected with other characters encouraging story from different perspectives.

    With the right psychological profile as well as to the proper characterization of the characters in their respective alternations within a world of emptiness, and the description almost film of the events that define this novel, Goldemberg healthy skepticism about the true we are ethical and moral dimension of the characters, allowing us to enter their parallel worlds created by their own rules and codes of behavior , its contradictions, a world that blends revenge and forgiveness, which confuses love and hate, and where the instincts will inevitably push the protagonists to unexpected destinations.

    This remarkable realism to painstakingly describe the social aspects crime, implicitly denouncing corruption in the power and diffuse tacit challenge to the division between good and evil in thinking and actions of the protagonists, is what gives a greater brilliance of this novel, which author has managed to condense what everyday philosophical grounds in the early nineteenth century novels, and the best elements of the school of American detective fiction of the twentieth century, the so-called thriller because originally was published in the magazine Black Mask and also, of course, by the darkness environment that recreates in its pages.

    The same darkness that illuminates the squalor of the urban landscape of some of Lima,
    perhaps unknown to many, where the doors open beyond ominous secrets, mysteries and uncertainties, while at the corners , - seconded by Pinglo waltzes and boleros bartenders-torn, that characters face their mistakes, their obsessions, his weakness and his mistakes.

    Remember the scorpion has been written with wit and full knowledge of our reality, not without a touch acid humor and making use of subtle seduction resources, but also with an impeccable realization stage, without intervals, conveys the stifling atmosphere and feelings of powerlessness and insecurity of its protagonists .

    however sordid and dark matter, Isaac Goldemberg has postponed love that emerges, rises and mark the various levels of narration with tenderness and with that steam flushed a clandestine melodrama, derived from the disappointment of the fans to know that their feelings are always subject to the ironic paradoxes of fate.

    To write a detective story requires a special set of skills that allow combining action, drama and suspense necessary underpinning the plot, skills Isaac Goldemberg shows displaying a diligent imagery, reasoning, precise and sensitive enough to define this book from its opening pages to those where he writes the fate of the protagonists, closing the account to solve mysteries, untying the knot of a plot kept us captive in permanent expectation. And by defining this climax, when we reveal the unpredictable and unexpected end, consolidates the most complex author of detective novels all faces, and truths that are worth, Isaac Goldemberg complies with unquestionable success.

    Blogspo Level E Vocab

    Moon River: new poetry written by women

    The sample presentation of poetry written by women Moon River, will take place on Saturday 13 November, at six afternoon in the House of Literature Peruana (Jr.Ancash 207, ex Station Homeless).

    have the participation of poets Karina Valcárcel, Sinthia Street, Sandra Enciso, Erika Nolasco, Laura Rosales, Ana Vera , Thalía Tumes, Karla Ferré, Vanessa Polo Carla Astoquilca , Estefany Yaringaño , Erika Meier Cavalié and Francoise. Special guest will be poet Nora Alarcón. All are invited. Admission is free.


    Sunday, November 7, 2010

    How Do I Un-fan Something On Facebook:

    Unraveling the "Present Perfect"

    The "Present Perfect" a tense should be very easy to learn and use, but and often students have difficulty understanding when and how to use.

    order to understand how it is used, we can say that is similar to perfect tense in English.

    For example, if I say in English:

    - I seen bluebird.
    in English would be: - I Have seen a blue bird. - I -> is the verb "have" in English and English is "have".

    Yes, "have" the same word we use to say "have."

    - seen -> is the past participle of "seeing" in English and English is "seen" (see, saw, seen).

    far unclear.

    But if I try to explain when you use the "Present Perfect" then the problems start because the explanation is usually: "is used for actions who started the past and have an impact on this "

    What? You say you do.

    To be able to understand when exactly you use the Present Perfect, we need to clarify something about the way we talk in English.

    Initially we think that there is an equivalence between the present perfect (I have eaten / seen / etc.) and the Present Perfect (I have eaten / seen, etc..), but nope, there are a few nuances to mention .

    The equivalence is not so easy to understand why not all English-speaking world uses the present perfect in the same way.

    In some parts of northern Spain and in Latin America is often preferred to use the past tense instead of the Present Perfect to talk about a past that is connected with this.

    For example:

    is said: Did you work today? (Work is the past tense of "work") and do not say: Have you worked today? (Past Perfect).

    therefore difficult to understand the equivalence between the Present Perfect and Present Perfect. Curiously, something similar happens with the British and American English. In British English

    greatest use of Present Perfect to talk about recent past actions: I Have Worked today (I worked today) and American English is used more "Past Tense" (I work today). Another important nuance

    aimed at those who do use the Present Perfect in English to discuss the recent past: In the central and southern Spain, the Present Perfect can be used to discuss the past weekend, for example-something that no is possible with the Present Perfect .

    In English, we say: What have you done last weekend? We say: What did you do last weekend? In contrast, in English we can say, "What have you done this weekend?

    So what about when we use it?

    Just remember that it is a time used when we talk about an action that has occurred very recently: this morning, this morning , today, today recently recently.

    Note: However, you can not use the word "ago" (does). For example: 5 minutes ago. In this case, we use the Past Tense. I did it 5 minutes ago. I did 5 minutes ago.

    addition, the Present Perfect is used to talk:

    - With "just" (finish), "already" (and-when something is done sooner than expected) and "yet" (ya-to question and deny)

    - From what you've done (or not done) throughout life. In this case usually appears with " ever (ever) or " never " (never).

    - English When we use the structure: ago. 2 years ago I live here. Wear . I have 2 years living here. I Have Lived here for two years.

    All lessons of Unit 10 of the free course English Present Perfect are dedicated to not miss out! This is a very important tense.

    Here you can see a video in which I explain the difficulties of the Present Perfect for English speakers.

    Remember The most important of all, it is not learned the rules of grammar, but practicing the Present Perfect used correctly. Come to study! *************

    THANKS: I want to publicly my special thanks to the contributors in alphabetical order: My Adrián Roberto Reboredo who have helped me with the material of Unit 10.

    UNIT 10 Present Perfect. WH-QUESTIONS

    previous classes can be found at this link. horizontal menu blog "free course"

  • Unit 10, Level 1 (Beginner - Low-intermediate) )
  • Unit 10, level 2 (Intermediate-Mid-intermediate)
  • Unit 10, level 3 (Upper Intermediate-Advanced)

  • News:

  • List of false friends, Emma Bonnington
  • weak and strong vocals of Gareth Jones
  • Evaluate, Assess, Appraise (differences), Mariela Starc